The Mixtape by Brittainy C. Cherry



Firstly, I would like to thank you, the reader, for taking the time to meet Emery and Oliver. Their story was a labor of love, and it means the world to me that you’ve given this story a chance. Without you all, these characters never would’ve come to life. Your support never goes unnoticed.

Up next are my extremely talented and kind editors from Montlake, Alison and Holly. Without your patience, support, and brilliant ideas, this story would still be unfinished. From our emails to our phone calls, thank you for helping me take these characters to the next level. Your creativity and allowance for me to explore have been a gift. Working with you both has been such an honor. Thank you.

Thank you to my amazing agent, Flavia, who held my hand the whole way and talked plot with me day in and day out. You’ve always been in my corner, and I am lucky to have you by my side.

To my family and friends who understand that sometimes I disappear for a while to finish a book, or I randomly start talking to my characters at dinners out—thanks for not calling me weird. And thanks for allowing me to still go out to dinner with you, even if I’m not always there mentally. You give me the space to be creative, and I hope you know I’ll always give you that same love and respect back.

Thank you to Amazon Publishing for taking a chance on me. From the editing team, to the PR group, to the cover designers—I am so grateful.

And once again, we are going to end this the same way we began. Thank you, readers. Your love and support keep me going. Thank you for stamping my heart. You are my favorite songs on my mixtape.
