Perfect Kiss by Lacey Black

Chapter 17


When she opens her door, it’s like I’m struck by lightning. She’s standing there in blue jean capris, a high-neck navy blue sleeveless shirt, and cute wedge sandals. Her hair is down and straight and her makeup subtle, yet flawless. She’s simply the most stunning woman I’ve ever seen.

And tonight, she’s all mine.

“Wow, you look amazing,” I say, stepping forward and brushing a kiss across her lips.

Leni rolls her eyes dramatically, even though she smiles at the compliment. “Well, thank you.”

“Ready to go?” I ask, noticing she’s carrying a duffle bag too. When we talked last night, we both agreed she’d join me after dinner back at my place. There was a lot of assumptions made with no definite decisions. I don’t want her to feel pressured into taking our relationship to the next level, so seeing her with a bag is a little exciting. It means she’s planning on staying with me tonight.

She makes sure her door is locked and follows me to my car. I place her bag in the back seat and open the passenger door for her. Once she’s inside, I move to the driver’s side and hop in beside her, instantly reaching for her hand as soon as the car is started.

As I pull out, I ask, “Are you okay with a steak and seafood joint? There’s this great place in Billings, and I know it’s a drive, but the food is worth it.”

“That sounds good. I haven’t been to a restaurant that doesn’t feature chicken fingers and mac and cheese in forever,” she replies with a chuckle.

I automatically smile myself, recalling how much macaroni and cheese Trace put away earlier in the week when I was at their place. “Good. You’ll love this joint. My grandparents and parents go a lot for special occasions. Their bacon wrapped filet is to die for.”

Her stomach rumbles, causing a slight blush to tinge her cheeks. “Sorry, I haven’t eaten much today.”

“No? Busy day?”

She groans. “Yes. I had a cleaning job rescheduled from yesterday to today, so my mom came by the apartment and watched Trace. Then, I wasn’t back five minutes when my phone rang. There was a drainage issue with one of the washing machines downstairs, which resulted in a whole drum load of water spilling all over the floor. I had to call the plumber to help, and I’m so grateful he was right next door. He had it fixed in no time.”

“That’s good,” I reply, picking up speed as we head to Billings.

The drive takes about an hour, but it’s a comfortable trip. We chat about everything, from her work and the business below her apartment to the biggest obstacles yet to come as mayor. I actually find talking to Leni easier than I’ve ever experienced, but to be honest, there wasn’t a lot of talking on previous dates.

I didn’t want to talk.

Now, all I want to do is listen to the sound of her voice as she tells me about the products she uses for cleaning.

When we arrive at the restaurant, I pull into the valet parking and lead her to the doorway. I can smell the delicious aromas as we approach the hostess stand, where a man in a suit is waiting. “Good evening, sir. Do you have a reservation?”

“We do, under Wright.”

“Ahh, yes, table for two. Right this way,” he says, leading us through the restaurant and toward a small, intimate table along the outer wall. “Your waiter will be with you shortly.”

I hold out Leni’s chair and wait for her to take a seat before sitting in the one across from her. She holds up the menu in front of her and starts browsing the dinner options. “Oh man, I’m not sure which one I want.”

I don’t even bother with the menu. I was here about three months ago with my dad and grandpa and already know what I’m having. It’s what I always get. “Might I make a suggestion?” She meets my gaze and nods. “Go with the surf and turf. You get your option of a lobster tail or grilled shrimp skewer; both are to die for. Add the bacon to the filet. You won’t be sorry.”

Leni closes her menu and sets it aside. “That sounds amazing. I’ll do that.”

When our waiter arrives, we each order one drink and a glass of water, and I add the fried green beans for an appetizer. I find myself reaching for her hand and holding it every chance we get. Even after our drinks and the starter arrives, I constantly reach over and graze her skin with my thumb. I can’t seem to stop myself.

When our entrees arrive, I smile as her face lights up and her mouth practically waters. “Holy shit, this looks amazing,” she whispers the moment the waiter leaves.

“Wait until you try it.”

Leni cuts into her steak and takes her first bite, “Oh my God,” she groans, slowly chewing as the flavors explode in her mouth.

Only after she’s swallowed her first bite do I cut into mine, savoring the amazing taste of the prime beef. “Try this,” I say, digging into my lobster tail with the small fork and holding it up for her to take a bite. When her lips wrap around my fork, I almost let my own groan fly, fantasizing about her lips around something else of mine.

“Delicious,” she murmurs, slipping a shrimp off her skewer and holding it up.

I lean forward, maintaining eye contact, as I bite the piece of seafood off her fork and slowly chew. The way she licks her lips as she watches me swallow has my cock jumping to full attention like a good soldier. Who knew eating dinner with her would be better than foreplay? All I can think about now is getting her home and having dessert.

We don’t say much as we eat, but we don’t need to. The sexual tension is so thick, I’m sure everyone around us can feel it. It’s practically a living, breathing entity in the room, surrounding and encompassing us with each passing second.

Once we’re finished and the waiter returns to collect our plates, he offers us dessert. When I notice her eyes lighting up as the chocolate cake is mentioned, I ask for two pieces to go and hand over my credit card. As soon as my name is scribbled on the slip of paper, I stand and reach for her hand, anxious to get her alone. Home. Naked.

All of the above.

As quickly as possible.

Leni doesn’t speak as we wait for my car, one hand nestled in mine, while the other is resting on my forearm. Usually I enjoy amenities like valet parking, but all I can think about now is how I should have parked my own damn car. Then I could kiss her without being on display of others in the nearby vicinity.

Finally, my car arrives, and I practically throw the money, including a healthy tip, at the driver. Leni slips into the passenger seat, careful not to upend the bag of cake, and we’re off just moments later. The first stoplight we hit, I reach for her and pull her toward me. Our lips meet in a frenzy, eager and desperate for more. Her sweet little tongue sliding against mine is almost my undoing, and the only thing that keeps me from throwing the car in park and taking her right here in the middle of the roadway is the horn blaring behind me.

I glance up, realizing the light is green, and press my foot a little too firmly on the pedal. We dart through the intersection as I try to adjust my jeans to relieve some of the discomfort. “I can’t believe I almost mauled you during a red light.”

She chuckles this seductive little sound that makes my dick so damn hard. “Well, in your defense, I might have been doing just as much mauling.”

I shake my head as she sets her hand on my thigh. “No, I think you need to keep your hands to yourself, Lenora. If you touch me, I might not be able to control myself. You turn me into an animal,” I state through gritted teeth as her fingers slide ever so closely to where my hard cock sits.

“As much as I really can’t wait to see that side of you, I do suppose we should hold off just a bit until we’re closer to your place. And your bed.”

The groan falling from my mouth is painful. I’m so turned on it’s painful. Everything is painful, except being with her.

That’s pretty fucking amazing.

“You’re quite the temptress, Lenora Abbott,” I reply, threading my fingers with hers. “I think I’ll hold your hand because I don’t trust you not to do things you shouldn’t do while I’m driving.”

I glance over to see a wide smile spread across her lips. “Probably a good call.”

* * *

By the time I pull into my driveway and straight into my garage, I’m so on edge I can barely think. I practically jump from the vehicle, not even bothering to take the keys with me. Instead, I head for the passenger door.

To Leni.

The moment she steps out, I pounce. My lips meet hers in a flurry of desire, as I press her back against the door. She goes up on her tiptoes, even in those crazy wedge shoes, and gives as good as she gets. Her hands grasp at my shirt, tugging me closer. My own hands are everywhere too. Her hair, her neck, her back, her hips. I want to touch her all over, and frankly, I’m a little overwhelmed on where to start.

Ripping my mouth from hers, I suck in a deep breath of air. “I’m not mauling you in my garage, Lenora.”

“Then we should go inside, yeah?”

God, this woman is going to kill me.

Just as we practically tumble through the doorway between the garage and mudroom, her cell phone rings. Like a cold glass of water thrown over us, we both sober quickly as she digs out her device. “Shit, it’s my sister’s number,” she says, drawing the phone to her ear. “Hello?” There’s slight panic in her voice.

I step back, giving her space to take her call. Plus, the little bit of distance is probably good for me too. I’m able to breathe and try to get myself under control a little better.

“Of course it’s okay. You didn’t interrupt anything. Put him on.”

I almost snort at her statement but hold back barely.

“Hi, buddy. I’ve missed you too.” She listens for a few seconds before adding, “I’m glad you’re having fun with the girls and Aunt Laken.” She chuckles. “Yes, and Uncle Grayson too.”

I walk to the back sliding glass door and look out at the water. Even though the sun has set and night has fallen, the moon is bright enough to reflect off the calm water stretching across the back of my property. I notice the solar lights around the jacuzzi are on, giving it an inviting welcome.

“Sorry about that,” she says behind me, slipping her arm around my back and snuggling into my side. “Trace wanted to say goodnight. Oh, and he wanted me to make sure to tell you goodnight too.”

I smile. “He’s a great kid, Leni.”

“He is,” she agrees, gazing out over the view from my door.

“I apologize for my behavior earlier. I can’t seem to help myself when you’re near,” I tell her, turning sideways and pulling her against my chest.

“In case you missed it, I wasn’t complaining.”

“Yeah, but you deserve more than to be taken against the side of a car,” I reply, sheepishly. “It was probably a good thing to put the brakes on for a minute.”

She looks up at me, a glint of something mischievous in her hazel eyes. “I have an idea. How about we head out to the hot tub, and you can tell me all of your reasons for needing to apply the brakes.”

I groan, my dick thinking this is the best idea. “You, water, bathing suit. I’m not so sure that’s a good idea. I’m barely hanging on here, Lenora,” I state, reaching down while my fingers glide across the top of her ass.

“Hhmmm, you might have a point. You do seem a little…tense,” she replies, flexing her hips forward and connecting with me.

“You’re evil.”

“Maybe,” she sings, stepping back and heading through the kitchen. “Maybe not. I guess you’re just going to have to put on your swim trunks and find out.”

She struts away, her hips swinging and her ass so enticing in those pants. Leni heads for the garage and returns a few moments later with the cake and her bag. She places the cake on the counter and continues to move in the direction of the stairs.

Just as she starts to head up, she stops and glances over her shoulder. “I hope you don’t mind if I use your bedroom to change into my suit.”

Then, she disappears, leaving me with a massive erection and an even bigger desire to see what happens next.