Perfect Kiss by Lacey Black



Next Summer.

“Are you ready?” I ask Trace, who’s chomping at the bit to get outside and help Malcolm. He’s been in the backyard for the last thirty minutes, preparing for their father/son camping and fishing adventure.

It’s the first annual event, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce and Everything But Beer, where teams of fathers and sons get to camp and fish along the lake. There are prizes set in several different categories and is taking place over Father’s Day weekend. Ever since Trace heard about it, he’s been talking about this weekend.

Of course, now he has a little more flexibility to do the things he loves, since the water runs through our backyard. Trace and I moved in with Malcolm at the beginning of the year. It was the easiest adjustment, considering Trace and Malcolm were together almost every waking moment prior to him officially giving my son a bedroom in his home. And to be honest, it worked out great. We made a few scheduling adjustments to my work and the evenings I clean, Malcolm is home with Trace.

The only night we weren’t able to adjust is Mondays, but that’s okay. My mom and Alexandra, Malcolm’s mom, take turns coming to the house to hang with Trace while I clean City Hall and Malcolm has his meetings. He hangs around until I’m finished, and then we go home together.

We’ve been very fortunate not to have to deal with Jessa much. Once Malcolm went to her house to retrieve his phone, he found all sorts of information on it. She used it to email Tate with the MC Scoop. She also had drafted a break-up text message to me but hadn’t sent it yet. Why she didn’t cover her tracks better is beyond me, but whatever. Malcolm used his position as a lawyer to politely convince her to get a retraction printed to try to repair the damage. Since, she’s been hanging out in a neighboring town, rumored to be dating a man preparing to run for Congress.

Greg is still very much involved in his son’s life too. He was actually here last weekend, along with his fiancée, Angelica, and her daughter, Molly. They come every month and stay at the apartment above the laundromat. We’ve gotten to know them over the course of the last year, having dinner together occasionally at the local restaurants, and inviting them to our home to celebrate major events like birthdays.

It’s not always easy, but we make it work.

For Trace.

“I’m ready!” Trace hollers as he flies down the stairs and heads for the door.

“Wait right there, mister. Did you finish picking up all those Matchbox cars?” He nods. “Did you make sure your dirty clothes are put in the hamper and not strewn all over the floor?” He nods again. “You made your bed?” Nod. “And you’re ready to have fun fishing and camping with Malcolm?”

“Yes!” he proclaims, so anxious to get out the door he’s practically vibrating where he stands.

“Give me a hug and then go. Malcolm’s ready to pitch the tent.”

Trace throws his arms around me and mumbles, “Love you.”

“I love you too,” I reply, running my hand through his hair. “Go ahead.”

He bolts out the door, leaving me standing in the kitchen, watching. I’m under explicit instructions not to come outside for anything. It’s a boys’ weekend, and since I’m a girl, I’m not allowed. Little does he know, after dinner, I plan on grabbing the new book my sister recommended, a glass of wine, and am hitting the hot tub for a little relaxation.

I stand there, one hip propped against the doorframe, and watch my two favorite people work together. They erect the tent, and Malcolm shows Trace how to build a fire in the pit. Once they have what they need set, they move to the dock to cast their first line. My heart is overflowing as they laugh. Malcolm is so patient and kind to my son, I have a hard time remembering he’s real.

And he’s ours.

I never expected to meet a man like Malcolm Wright, let alone fall in love with him. Now, I can’t imagine my life without him. The way he loves my son, as if he were his own, yet shares him so easily with my ex, says a lot about the man he is.

The one I love.

* * *


The moment Trace falls asleep, I sneak out of the tent and go in search of Lenora. I heard her slip out of the house a bit ago and fire up the jets in the hot tub. All I can picture is her there, probably with wine and a book, and water cascading off her gorgeous curves.

I make sure the zipper is closed so no bugs get in and head for the place I know I’ll find the woman I love. As I round the corner of the pergola, I find pay dirt. There she is. The most beautiful woman in the world, and she’s all mine. I toe off my shoes and unbutton my shorts. I slip my T-shirt over my head before rounding the corner and coming into view.

“Enjoying a relaxing evening?” I ask stepping over the side of the tub.

Leni grins, her eyes zeroing in on my crotch, or specifically, to where my boxer briefs stretch tautly over my erection. “You’re breaking the rules, you know. No girls during boys’ weekend.”

I head straight for her, taking the seat beside her and pulling her into my arms. “I missed you,” I tell her, nuzzling my nose against her neck before I place a kiss on that delicate skin.

“I missed you too.” She sets her book down on the side of the tub and throws her arms around my neck. “Having fun?”

“The best. I love spending time with him,” I say, catching a whiff of the lotion on her skin.

“He loves hanging out with you too. It’s the highlight of his day.”

I reach over and take a small drink of her wine, needing something to do with my hand. “No, the highlight of his day is being with you. You’re his mama, and he loves you more than anyone.”

“Except when I make him clean his room,” she replies, taking the glass and sipping the sweet white liquid inside.

“Even then. You’ll always be his number one,” I state, reaching for her left hand and running my thumb over the empty ring finger. My heart thunders in my chest as I prepare to do the one thing I’ve thought about doing since she moved in. Hell, since I met her. I knew we’d get to this place in life, one where we vow to love and cherish each other until death do us part.

The ring I bought her is on my own pinky finger, the delicate pear-shaped diamond turned to face my palm so she doesn’t see it right away. I place my hand on her arm, making sure the diamond gently grazes her skin, and slide my hand up. She must feel the scrape and glances down in confusion. Slowly, I flip over my hand and show her what was rubbing against her arm. Her gasp fills my heart with excitement as I slip the ring off my own finger and hold it up between us.

“Leni, I didn’t realize how shallow and unfulfilling my life truly was until I met you and Trace. Now, I don’t want to imagine a day, a moment without you both in it. You make me a better man just by being you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, help you raise your son, and maybe give him a few brothers and sisters.”

I shift myself and reach for her hand, ready to slip the ring on it the moment she agrees. “Lenora Abbott, will you marry me?”

She smiles from ear to ear and nods. “Yes. I’d love to marry you.”

I let out a whoop, slide the ring onto her finger, and pull her onto my lap. My mouth finds hers eagerly in a kiss that sets my blood on fire. “I love you, Lenora Abbott Wright.”

She grins and bites down on her plump bottom lip. “Who says I’m taking your name? Maybe I want you to take mine?”

My hands slide to her ass and squeeze, my hips rocking upward, seeking the friction her body creates. “Whatever you want, baby. I’d gladly take your last name as long as it means we’re married.”

Leni rests her head on my shoulder and sighs. “I’ll take your last name. There’s no other name I’d rather have than yours.”

“Soon. I want you to have it soon.”

“Here. Let’s get married in the backyard.”

“Deal.” I hold her close and just breathe her in. “Trace is gonna be pissed.”

She sits up and meets my gaze. “Why?”

“He helped me pick out the ring, and then I didn’t even let him help me give it to you.”

Leni grins softly and returns her cheek to my shoulder. “I suppose we could do it again tomorrow so he’s a part of it.”

“Naw, that’s okay. Now that the ring is on your finger, I don’t even want to see you take it off. I’ll just tell him I was so excited to spend the rest of my life with you and him, I couldn’t wait to put it on your finger. He’ll understand.”

We sit there for several minutes with me toying with the sparkler she now adorns. “Do you know what sucks?” she asks, catching me off guard.


“The fact we just got engaged, and we can’t even go upstairs and celebrate because it’s boys’ weekend and I’m a girl.”

I run my hand over her curves. “My favorite girl,” I correct, kissing the back of her neck. “You know, I do have room in my sleeping bag for two.”

“Really? But won’t you get in trouble in the morning?”

“Oh, definitely,” I reply with a laugh, “but it’ll be worth his wrath.”

And it was.

When Trace woke up the next morning and found his mom sleeping in the tent beside me, I took him outside so we could make her breakfast over the fire. Then, I told him I asked her to marry me, and she said yes. Trace cried, throwing his arm around my neck and telling me he loved me.

It was the start of something new.

The rest of our lives.

Who’d have thought it began with her bursting into my office bathroom. Well, that and the night at Pony Up. The one with the perfect kiss.

She changed my life, that’s for sure.

And I can’t wait to see what’s in store for us for the rest of it.