Perfect Kiss by Lacey Black


What an absolutely amazing project to work on! First off, THANK YOU to my friend CA Harms for inviting to write in the Mason Creek world. It was so fun, and I’ve met some incredible authors along the way.

Thank you to all the authors in this joined world for making it a fun experience! Plotting residents, businesses, and character interaction was a huge part of what made this project so neat. I truly enjoyed working with each and every one of you and hope our paths cross again very soon!

My editing team – Kara Hildebrand, Sandra Shipman, Joanne Thompson, and Karen Hrdlicka. Thank you!!

The book team - Cover Designer, Opium House – Sarah Paige; Graphics Designer, Gel with Tempting Illustrations; Formatting, Brenda with Formatting Done Wright; and Promotions by Give Me Books and HEA PR. You are all the best of the best!

Kaylee Ryan, Holly Collins, Lacey’s Ladies, and my ARC team, you are always right by my side, and I appreciate your help and guidance SO much!

To my husband and kids, thank you for not getting too mad when I lock myself in a room to write. It’s not always easy, but we make it work!

To all the bloggers and readers, thank you, thank you, thank you. I hope you enjoy this story as much as I loved writing it.