Breaking Her Bad by Michelle Mankin







Helping Claire get dressed, I felt nothing but awe. As she put on her shirt, I made a lame joke about my favorite band being better than hers. But inside, I was feeling anything but lame. I was feeling like she was it.

It was too soon. She was too good for me, but there it was. The feeling was undeniable. Just like she was.

Had my dad known at the very beginning that it was my mom for him? Or had it been Addy?

I didn’t know. He’d never shared any of that. Relationships weren’t my area of expertise. I knew dealing and business. I knew how to take care of my uncle. But I didn’t know shit about romance or love.

“Hey.” I put my hand on Claire’s shoulder.

Seated on the lounger, she glanced up at me through her thick lashes. Just that, her incredible soft brown eyes meeting mine, did messed-up things to me.

“Finish tying your shoes. I’m just gonna check on Missy.” I stroked my knuckles across Claire’s cheek, marveling at her beauty, the softness of her skin, and that I somehow had the go-ahead to touch her. “Meet you over there when you’re ready.”


She ducked her head, and I made myself move away when all I really wanted was to stay and have her again.

Rounding the corner, I drew up short as the door flew open. I dove my hand in my pocket, reaching for my blade, but it was only Missy.

“No,” she said to someone over her shoulder as she stepped onto the roof. Agitated, she shook her head, and her long black hair flew like a cape around her shoulders.

“Yeah, babe.” Chad followed, right on her heels. “It’s happening.”

“It’s not happening.” Spinning on her wicked-tall leopard-spotted ankle boots, she narrowly avoided knocking me down as she faced him. “I’m busy this afternoon.”

His hazel eyes narrowed on her. “Busy doing what?”

She hooked a thumb over her shoulder at me. “Hanging with Kyle and Claire at Addy’s.”

“Then I’ll come hang with you there.” He pressed his lips into a determined line.

I’d seen them go around like this many times since prom last year. I didn’t know what exactly had happened, but I knew Chad didn’t want to be just friends.

Missy propped her hands on her hips. “Not sure Addy’s gonna go for a bunch of underage kids hanging at her bar.”

“I don’t think she’ll mind.” Claire came up behind me and slid her arms around my waist. When my cock reacted immediately but the rest of me tensed, Claire loosened her hold. “Is this not okay?”

“It’s better than okay.” Capturing one of her hands, I gave Chad a firm look. “You can’t tell anyone about Claire and me.”

“You serious about her?” He didn’t acknowledge the implied threat, just glanced down at our joined hands.

“Yeah.” I nodded. “But I’ve got enemies, man. She does too. You know how it is, right?”

“I have an idea.” He glanced at Missy, then back to me. “I won’t say a word. Ask Missy. I know how to keep a confidence.”

“He does. He’s trustworthy, though he’s also as stubborn as he is tall.” Missy’s gaze was on Chad, and her voice had dropped an octave.

“Good deal,” I said, trying not to grin at Missy’s sass. “We’ve all gotta get back to class separately before the bell rings. The roof is a good spot for Claire and me to meet. I don’t want others to notice and catch on to it being our place.”

“Hear ya.” Missy nodded. “Come on, Claire bear. Your man has spoken.”

“Okay.” Claire released my hand and moved toward her friend.

I was encouraged that she didn’t protest the relationship. She was my woman. But I wanted to be sure, even though we were secret to everyone at school, that she got how it was.

Catching her, I turned her around and dove my hands into her hair. Kissing her, I bent her backward over my arm and went deep with my tongue. When I was done, she blinked at me slowly, giving me that dazed you-rocked-my-world look.

Done for now.

“That’s to make things clear,” I said pointedly to her.

“What things?” she asked.

“You’re my woman. Even when I can’t be around, I’ll have eyes I can trust on you. You feel me?”

Her lips curving, she nodded, then she threw her arms around my neck and kissed me. Deeply. Crushing her amazing tits to my chest, she sucked hard on my tongue. When she released me, it was my turn to blink slowly at her.

Without a doubt, Claire rocked my world too.