Breaking Her Bad by Michelle Mankin







We came out of the bathroom together. I took Claire’s hand, leading her across the darkened hallway. In the low glow of safety lighting, Claire’s cheeks were becomingly pink.

As soon as we stepped back into our room, she glanced at Bob’s bed. His lamp was on. He was wearing his headphones, his laptop going, but his eyes were closed. He was softly snoring. Claire’s distraction, a YouTube video about birds conducted by a North Cascade National Park ranger, had kept Bob from noting my condition, but it couldn’t keep him awake after his long shift at the bar.

“Obviously, he didn’t get a good look at you,” Claire whispered.

She bit down on her plump bottom lip, and I wanted to ravish her pretty mouth, ravish her. But I needed to recuperate, and she needed to rest. What she needed, I would provide. So rest, it was.

I gestured to the bed. “Climb in bed, babe.”

While she complied, I went to Bob. I turned off his laptop and removed his headphones, setting them on his nightstand. After switching off his lamp, I bent and kissed the top of Bob’s bristly head like I did every night after I came in.

But this night was unlike any other. I could sleep when I wanted, where I wanted, and with who I wanted. I turned around to find Claire watching me, her eyes a little misty.

“You’re awesome with him.”

I shrugged. “He’s awesome.”

“He is great. Come to bed with me.” She scooted backward and made room for me, drawing back the blanket and sheet. “I’ll bet you’re exhausted.”

“I am.” But I was also weirdly jazzed, which I knew was leftover adrenaline from everything that had happened.

Climbing in, I stretched out and lay on my back, an arm crooked behind my head.

“This is nice.” Pressing against my side, she draped her slender arm across my chest.

I’m hers.I wrapped my arm around her delicate shoulder, bringing her closer. She’s mine.

“Better than nice,” I said softly.

This was everything. I was with the woman who meant everything to me. The future, our future, was stretched out limitless before us with no shore in sight, like the view of Lake Washington from her treehouse.

One day, I would give Claire a treehouse like that. I would give her the world if I could, but for tonight, I’d be content to hold her.

Straightening the arm I’d crooked behind my head, I reached over and switched off the lamp. “Good night, babe.” I kissed the top of Claire’s golden head.

“Good night, Kyle.”

Snuggling closer, she pressed her lush lips to my skin.

Warmth spread outward from that spot on my chest. It also spread inwardly, her warmth and light overcoming my darkness.

“What are you thinking?” she asked.

“How do you know I’m thinking?” I asked, amused.

“Just a guess.”

A right one.

If I didn’t share, she’d only determinedly keep digging, tunneling under my defenses like she had since that first night. But she didn’t need to tunnel under anymore. She was already inside. She not only had the keys to my heart . . . she ruled it.

“I was thinking about you,” I whispered. “About right now. How perfect this feels. How I always wanted to hold you like this.”

“It feels right to me too.” She stroked her fingers lightly across my skin, and my cock lengthened. “Maybe I can get my mom to let me sleep over again.”

“Maybe.” But I doubted it, and her mentioning her mom cooled my ardor.

“Definitely doing this again,” Claire said determinedly.

Her warm breath spilling over my skin made my cock pulse anew.

“I don’t doubt you.” I smoothed my hand down her slender back. “Anything you set your mind to, you can achieve.”

“I believe in you too, Kyle.”

My lips curved. “Right. So, believe in my ability to get you to sleep. I don’t want you falling asleep in class tomorrow.”


She stopped stroking and laid her soft cheek against my chest. I pressed my palm deeper into the curve at the small of her back and stared at the ceiling.

“You still awake?” she asked after less than ten seconds.”

“Babe. Go. To. Sleep.”

“I was thinking about the band,” she said, though I hadn’t asked. “Our gig Tuesday night.”

“Ah.” I’d considered that too. The band was part of our future. I could focus all my energy on Claire and that now. “I can play, if that’s what you’re worried about. My fingers are fine. And I’ll just wear shades if my eyes are still swollen.”

“Good plan.” She yawned. “Missy can find you some cool ones at the consignment shop.”

“Mine are cool.”

She snorted. “Not cool enough for Missy.”

Claire lifted her head and peered at me in the darkness. I could see her; my eyes had adjusted to the low light conditions. The security monitor provided some illumination, and a soft glow seeped under the door from the hallway, but Claire shone the brightest. She always had, and I suspected she always would.

My girl was no bird trapped in a gilded cage. She was an avenging angel marching into the viper’s den tonight, demanding my release.

“Whatever Missy wants. “But more importantly, whatever you need, I’ll provide,” I said, remembering her summation of my character to her mother.

Claire hummed happily as she laid her head on my chest. “Us together.”

“Fucking right, babe,” I said determinedly. “You and me. Our band. We’re gonna take the world by storm.”

I felt the curve of her smile against my skin.

“I love you, Kyle.”

“I love you too, Claire,” I whispered.

She relaxed in my hold. Moments later, her breaths slowed, evening out.

I stayed awake long after she went to sleep. Not because I was worried, but because I was certain of her. Of us. I needed to plan, not for a dead end, but for a future.

Our future.