Omega’s Pretend Mate by Lacey Daize

Chapter 13 - Gabe

The string quartet played softly on a corner of the patio, while the rest of us dined under a mix of fairy lights and torches.

The most important thing, however, was the man next to me, and knowing how he really felt.

My alpha loved me as much as I loved him. There would be no planned divorce. Instead I’d be able to spend the rest of my life with him.

He glanced over and caught me staring. He smiled and leaned in for a kiss, which I happily granted.

Christian took my hand under the table and ran his thumb back and forth across the back. “I love you.”

I sniffled, tears threatening to fall again. “I love you too.”

Mama took the free seat we’d set aside for visiting during dinner. “I wanted to apologize Gabe. I never realized how you felt.”

I shook my head. “It’s the way you were raised.”

“Still, the world has changed, and we didn’t change with it.”

I smiled. “I know you were just doing what you thought was best for me.”

“But it wasn’t, and I’m sorry it took so long to see it.”

I released Christian’s hand and leaned over to hug her. “It’s ok mama. I know you acted out of love.”

She wiped away a tear. “We’re going to be better. I promise.”

“I know.”

She smiled. “Evelyn is going to be apoplectic that she missed this dinner,” she turned to Christian. “How did you ever get La Cravate Noire to cater?”

Christian chuckled. “I became friends with the executive chef after I represented him in a case. He offered after I proposed in his restaurant.”

Mama laughed. “Well, this food is incredible.”

I looked at my alpha and smiled.

“We’ll have to reserve a table before we come to visit next time,” mama continued.

I nodded. “It’s worth it.”

There was an awkward moment, then I decided that I needed to ask. “What’s going to happen to Ivy and aunt Evelyn?”

Mama sighed. “We don’t know. Your grandfather is not in a very forgiving mood about their antics right now, especially since you told us everything you heard that night. They’re not going to be cut off, but there will be repercussions. At minimum, Ivy will likely not be placed in charge of her own trust for a while. Evelyn might be removed as trustee for everybody else. We just don’t know yet.”

“How’s grandfather holding up? This has to have stressed him.”

Mama patted my hand. “He’s ok for now. Your father and I will make sure that he stays that way.”

“Thanks mama.”

She stood, leaned in and kissed my forehead. “Don’t spend too much time worrying, ok? You’re going to be on your honeymoon, and that’s when you need to connect with your new husband.”

I nodded as Christian took my hand again. “We will.”


We were alone in my house, my parents and grandparents having decided to head to a hotel rather than stay another night with us.

The next morning Christian and I would be on a plane headed to Bali for our honeymoon, but I didn’t want to wait for him to bond and breed me.

“All the doors and windows are closed and locked,” Christian said, stepping into the bedroom.

I strode to him, and sighed contentedly as he opened his arms for me.

“Do you wanna go to sleep?” he asked, dragging his lips across my hair. “We’ve got an early morning.”

I shook my head.

“What do you want to do?”

I took a deep breath, still not quite convinced that this was real, then ground my erection against his leg. I pulled him in for a kiss.

“Make me your omega,” I breathed. “Mark me, alpha, knot me and fill me so that your seed takes root.”

There was a sharp intake of breath, and for one terrifying second I worried that he’d refuse, then he grabbed my ass and pulled my hips flush against his, where his cock was hard against me.

I moaned, slick easing from me, as he plunged his tongue into my mouth.

We lingered, tasting each other, finally relishing in the warmth of the other’s embrace. Then Christian stepped back, trailing his hands down the front of my suit.

“It was like a dream when I saw you walk down the aisle,” he murmured, unbuttoning the jacket. “Even when I thought it was just for a year, I knew I was a lucky alpha.”

A soft whoomp as the jacket slid off my arms and onto the floor.

“Then it was a nightmare,” he continued, loosening my tie. “For a moment, I thought that even that year would be taken from me, that I was no longer needed now that you had everything.”

“I still wanted you,” I whispered.

He kissed me softly, then dragged the tie through my collar before working on the buttons. “When you accepted my proposal for real, it was like I was lifted on wings of pure joy. I wouldn’t have to give you up.”

He slid my shirt off my shoulders, where it fell and joined my coat and tie on the floor. Then he leaned in and kissed across my collarbone. “I can’t wait to have you in my arms every morning, to fall asleep at night with you nestled beside me, and for me to prove every day that I’m the alpha you deserve.”

I pulled him up and into another kiss. “I’m the lucky one, alpha-mine.”

I attacked his clothes, scrambling to remove them as quickly as possible without damage. I needed to feel his skin against mine.

“I’d decided to cherish every moment with you,” I said, feeling his strong muscles under the fabric.

His jacket joined the pile of fabric at our feet. “I knew I’d never find another alpha as perfect for me as you, and I felt doubly selfish in both you helping me, and in keeping you to myself for that year. But the thought of stopping things hurt.”

I tugged his tie free. “I wanted more, so much more, but I already felt that I’d been asking too much, and that after what I’d asked of you, that I didn’t deserve it.”

“You didn’t ask anything that I wouldn’t have willingly given,” he replied, brushing his lips across my cheek. “I’ve been enthralled with you since the beginning.”

My hands trailed down his chest, opening buttons along the way. “When you proposed that second time, part of me wondered if I was dreaming. How was it possible for me to get everything I wanted? But there you were, and once again I was selfish.”

I ran my hands back up the strip of bare skin to push his shirt off, then my eyes met his. “I’m going to continue to be selfish, alpha-mine. I’m going to take every touch, every kiss, and ask for more, because it will never be enough.”

“Then I’ll have to give you more,” he growled, pulling us together again, finally skin-to-skin. Then he ducked his head and plunged his tongue into my mouth again.

I moaned as his warm hands roamed my back, then grabbed my ass and tugged me so that our erections were tight against each other again.

He maneuvered us towards the bed without breaking the kiss, until the back of my legs hit the mattress.

I scrambled back, and he made quick work of my pants, pulling them off and tossing them with the rest of our clothes. Finally he pushed his own pants down and off, freeing his gorgeous cock, before crawling across the bed to me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, dragging him down, and he came willingly, his weight pushing me into the mattress.

Christian Jeffries was my husband and alpha, and even if it was going to last the rest of my life, I was still going to enjoy every second with him.

He shifted, dragging one hand down my side, and I knew what was coming. I spread my legs, giving him easy access to where I needed him most.

He chuckled against my lips, taking my cock in hand and giving it several long strokes, making me tremble with need before his fingers finally danced down my balls and between my legs, where they started to circle my entrance.

“Are you sure you want my seed tonight?”

I nodded, breathless as he pressed one digit inside. “Make me round, alpha.”

He growled, sending a shiver through me. “I can’t wait to see how gorgeous you are with my baby inside you.”

I grabbed his cock, stroking it while his fingers worked me open, tongues tangled between our mouths.

Christian broke off the kiss and shifted, settling between my spread legs. He pressed my knees towards my chest, and the feel of his bare cock entering me took my breath away.

How was it that much better without the condom?

He pushed in slowly, rocking a little deeper each thrust, until he was fully sheathed within, making me feel fuller than I could imagine.

He leaned in and kissed me for several seconds while we adjusted. Then he rolled his hips, and I let out a deep moan.

I wrapped my legs around him, holding him there as he started thrusting with long, deep strokes that left me shaking as he bottomed out each time.

“You’re the smartest, most beautiful omega I know,” he murmured between kisses. “I still can’t believe you’re my husband.”

I whimpered as he changed his angle, hitting my sweet spot with each thrust.

“That’s it Gabe,” he growled. “Let me give you the pleasure you deserve.”

I clawed at his back, needing more, harder, faster. I needed him to flood me with his seed, and I thrust against him as much as I could to let him know that.

My alpha took the hint, speeding up and pounding into me, punching a moan of pleasure from me every time his cock hit deep.

Then he shifted enough to wrap one hand around my dick, stroking it to the same pace as his thrusts. It was enough to send me over the edge, and I came shouting his name.

Christian fucked me through the first orgasm, then drove himself deep and stilled with a roar as his cock pulsed inside me.

I shook with the sensation of his seed filling me.

We kissed for several quiet moments as we came down from the high. He pulled out, and for one terrifying second I worried that he wasn’t going to bond me. Then he flipped me onto my stomach and pushed right back in, filling me in a single smooth thrust.

“Don’t hold back, omega-mine,” he growled as he started fucking me hard and fast. “I’m not going to last long.”

As if I’d last any longer with that perfect cock taking me apart from the inside.

I cried out as his cock brushed my overstimulated sweet spot, and he made sure to hit it again and again.

My whole body shook with mounting pleasure as my alpha drove me towards a second orgasm.

He leaned in and nosed at the spot that would soon bear his mark. That was all it took. I wanted it too much.

“Alpha!” I screamed as I came.

Christian growled in my ear, fucking me through another orgasm. Then he drove himself deep, his knot locking us together at the same time he sank his teeth into my neck.

I screamed as bliss exploded through me.

The first thing I noticed when I returned to my senses was a satisfied growl in my ear, then the feel of my alpha’s cock pulsing inside me.

I was his, and nothing would ever change that.

He released his bite and kissed around the mark.

“It’s gorgeous on you,” he growled.

I smiled and hummed happily, completely exhausted after the day and the mind-blowing sex we’d just had.

He chuckled and carefully maneuvered us onto our sides, where I could enjoy the feeling of his knot inside me until it went down.

Christian settled his hand on my stomach, and I shivered. Unprotected bonding sex almost always resulted in pregnancy. It was likely that the seed that would become our first child was already inside me, just waiting to take root.

“I love you, Gabe Jeffries.”

I hummed softly. I loved hearing him call me that. “I love you too, Christian Jeffries.”

He kissed my shoulder. “We should sleep. We’ve still got an early flight.”

I yawned and nodded. “Yes, alpha.”

He dragged his teeth over my ear. “Sleep for now, anyway. I think I’ll be waking you up for more soon enough.”

I moaned. “God, yes.”

He chuckled. “Glad we’re on the same page.”

I smiled and settled in for what sleep I could manage. I had the feeling we’d both be exhausted in the morning, but it would be worth it.



I took a deep breath to force my mind from the Braxton Hicks contractions that had been bothering me for a couple hours. They were stronger than normal, but I only had to get through one more trial, then I’d be on paternity leave.

Luckily it was likely to be a short day. Both parties had agreed to a bench trial, and the judge was the no-nonsense kind of man who had struck down a lot of tangential evidence. It had been pretty much agreed upon that the defendant was at fault, but we hadn’t been able to reconcile on damages for a settlement.

I presented the opening statements for the plaintiff, then went over the allowed evidence for our side. Finally I sat with a relieved sigh as the defendant’s attorney stood to present their case.

He was almost done with his opening statement when a new pain hit.

No, no baby, no. You’re not due for another two-and-a-half weeks. Everybody is coming to see you: mama and father, Christian’s parents, grandfather is even feeling good enough that he and grandmama are going to come. They all had plans to be here for your big day.

I winced at another contraction, and knew that two weeks was out of the question. Instead I’d be heading to the hospital that afternoon. I just had to hope that I could get through the trial.

Can you hold on just a couple more hours for papa to be done?

As if in reply, I felt a wetness soak through my pants.

I took a deep breath.

“Your honor?” I asked.

“What is it Mr. Jeffries?” he snapped. “Opposing counsel allowed you to present your opening statement without interruption.”

“My apologies, but I’m afraid I will need to ask for a continuance sir.”

“And why is that? We’re only a couple hours away from concluding this trial.”

“I know your honor, but this is an emergency. My water just broke.”

He choked on air. “Well… I see…” He turned to the defendant’s attorney. “Objection to a continuance?”

The man shook his head, not even conferring with his client. “None sir.”

“Continuance granted,” the judge declared. “We’ll reconvene in one month. The court will send a date once confirmed.”

“Yes, sir,” I said.

I apologized to my client, then called Christian as I waddled from the courtroom.

“How’d your trial go?” he asked.

“Continuance. My water broke.”

“I’ll be right there,” he declared. Then I hung up my phone.

“Mr. Jeffries?”

I turned to see the bailiff standing beside me. “Yes?”

“I’ve been asked to escort you outside so that your mate can pick you up from the curb.”

I could have cried with relief as he offered an arm.

We made it down the steps of the courthouse as Christian pulled up, and let my assistant from the firm, Jordan, out of the car.

I handed Jordan my car keys. “I’m on the second floor of the parking complex. Space twenty-five.”

He nodded. “I’ll get your car back to the office.”

“Thank you.”

He nodded. “Go have that baby.”

Christian helped me into the car as Jordan headed off to the parking garage.

I winced as another contraction ripped through me. “Hurry, please. This baby isn’t waiting.”

He nodded, flipped on the emergency blinkers, then headed in the direction of the hospital.

We made the trip from the courthouse to the hospital in record time, and I was glad that we’d finished pre-registration the week before as it allowed the nurses to take me right back when they realized how fast my labor was progressing.

I’d barely managed to change out of my suit and into a hospital gown when one of the nurses took a look and called for a doctor.

“What about my epidural?” I asked.

She chuckled. “Oh hon, it’s far too late for that. This baby is coming, now.”

Christian moved beside me and took my hand.

“He’s not ready,” I cried. “He still has two weeks.”

Christian squeezed my hand. “He’ll be fine. Two weeks isn’t bad. He just couldn’t wait to meet his amazing papa.”

“Are you sure?”


“I hear we have somebody in a hurry to be born,” the doctor joked as he walked in.

“So impatient he’s two weeks early,” Chistian said as the doctor washed his hands.

The doctor laughed and pulled on a pair of gloves. “Well that happens. Nothing to worry about. Now let’s take a look.”

Christian helped my feet into the stirrups as the doctor used his foot to pull over a stool. Then he lifted my gown.

“Oh yeah, you’ve got an impatient one all right. I’m going to need you to push on your next contraction.”

“Already?” I asked.


I was on the verge of arguing that this was far faster than the birthing coach had mentioned, insisting that first-time births usually took hours. Then the contraction hit.

“Push Gabe,” the doctor said.

I bore down, a scream ripping from my throat.

“Ok, relax,” the doctor said as the contraction ended. “Give it a moment.”

“You’re doing great,” Christian said, leaning over the bed to kiss my forehead.

“I hate you,” I cried.

He chuckled. “I know you do honey. Let’s get our baby out then you can file for divorce.”

I started sobbing. “No! No divorce!”

He kissed me again. “I like that plan even better.”

“Here it comes,” the doctor said. “One big push.”

I screamed, then another voice wailed in displeasure as my pain eased.

“He’s got a good set of lungs,” the doctor laughed, “and all his fingers and toes.”

I collapsed back onto the bed.

“I love it when all I have to do is play catch,” the doctor joked.

I glanced down to see him handing my baby to a nurse, who brought him over and placed him on my chest.

I started sobbing as soon as my baby settled against me and stopped crying.

Christian kissed my forehead again. “Look what you did. He’s perfect, omega-mine.”

I reached out in amazement to brush my fingers over my baby’s smushed cheeks, then I started crying again when I noticed he had the same dark blond hair as Christian.

“Are you ok?” Christian asked.

“He-he has your hair, and he's perfect, and I love you,” I wailed.

Christian leaned in and nuzzled my cheek. “I love you too, Gabe, and him. I love you both, and I’m so glad you’re in my life.”

“It’s time to cut the cord, dad,” the doctor announced cheerily.

“Mind if I go finalize the eviction so the doctor can clear out his things?” Christian asked.

I half-laughed, half-cried as I nodded. “Get to it.”

I watched my mate for a moment, then a small sound pulled my focus back to the baby on my chest.

He was there, proof of our love.

“What’s his name?” a nurse asked as Christian reappeared beside me.

I glanced at my alpha and smiled, then turned back to her. “Bryan.”

“Hello there Bryan,” she said softly, then turned back to me. “Is it ok if I take him to weigh and measure?”

I nodded, and allowed her to take him aside.

“Thank you,” I said, looking up at Christian.

“For what?” he asked.

“For everything. For being a friend when I needed one, and for agreeing to help when I thought I was going to lose my house. But more than anything, thank you for loving me, and for being my mate, and for giving me such a perfect baby.”

He chuckled. “You don’t have to thank me for any of that my love, because we did it together. And we’ll keep doing things together for the rest of our lives.”

I nodded as tears welled in my eyes again. He was right. We had the rest of our lives to look forward to.


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