Omega’s Pretend Mate by Lacey Daize

Chapter 8 - Christian


Ihefted a box under my arm and strode to where Gabe held open the door for me.

“We could have gotten movers,” he said, eyeballing my full car.

I laughed and leaned in to kiss his cheek. “It’s not all that much. I’ve got my clothes, books and a few other personal items. But there’s no reason to bring stuff that we don’t need.”

Gabe looked at my car again and sighed. “Let me open the garage, and get you added to the home system.”

I chuckled and looked around. “Take your time. The more neighbors who see, the better. Let them know you’re off the market.”

He smiled and stood on his toes to kiss my jaw. “Are you going all possessive alpha on me?”

I grinned. “Maybe.”

Gabe blushed. “Do you need a hand?”

I set the box down and settled my hands on his upper arms. “It’s not fair for me to refuse your offer of movers, then expect you to help. I’ve got this. There really isn’t that much. Besides, there’s something much more important for you to do.”

“What’s that?” he asked, head cocked slightly to one side.

“Go make yourself beautiful. We’ve got dinner reservations. I’m going to get my things inside, then take a shower myself.”

He stared, then nodded. “Ok.”

“Suit and tie,” I said. “Make everybody turn to see just how gorgeous you are.”

He swallowed, and I followed the movement of his Adam’s apple. I wanted to lean in and kiss it; listen to the sounds he’d make as I explored his body with my mouth.

Down boy, I ordered my cock, which had threatened to perk up at the thought.

I’d had a hard time holding back ever since he’d asked me for more contact in private. That bit of distance had been the only thing keeping my fantasies from running rampant.

Moving in was probably the stupidest thing I could do, but I was doing this for him.

I picked up the box again and carried it into one of the guest rooms.

To think that it was the smaller of the rooms, and was still significantly larger than the master bedroom in my apartment.

I made a mental note of how the housekeeper kept things so that I could replicate it.

Gabe and I had decided that since she only came in a couple times a week, the best thing to do was fake it. It wasn’t a big ask, make the bed and and periodically wash the sheets before she came. Keep my clothes in his room, and hope that it would be enough to look as if I really spent my nights with him.

I wished I was going to be sleeping with him. I wanted to fall asleep with the gorgeous man in my arms, his body pressed close to mine.

I took a deep breath. This was going to be a year of delicious torture.

I opened one of the empty bureau drawers then reached into my pocket. I opened the small box and nodded. The ring was simple and elegant, just like Gabe. Three colors of metal in a simple braid design. His family would probably want to see something far more expensive, but something in me said that this was more his style.

I was sure that he’d guessed what was coming, but part of me still hoped that it would be a surprise that night. Even if it was all for show, I still wanted to leave him with happy memories.

I put the box in the drawer and closed it, then returned to my car for more of my things.


The valet eyed my car, but dutifully took the key and a tip as I settled my hand at Gabe’s back.

La Cravate Noire was the most exclusive restaurant in Harris Cove, and with good reason. It was considered a destination for the rich and foodies alike; one of the top restaurants in the US, with a prestigious two-star rating.

Reservations were months out at even the slowest times of the year, and I’d only been able to get one so soon at all because I’d become friends with the owner and head chef after representing him in a personal injury case.

Still, it had taken a fair bit of luck too. There was always a waiting list for cancellations, but the one for the chef’s table had to have his prior approval before a name could be added, which meant that I’d managed to be first in line when another table cancelled several weeks prior.

Gabe’s pink lips parted in shock as the maître d' led us through the restaurant, and to the table off to one side of the pass. Though within sight of the dining room, it was obvious that the table was special.

“This is the chef’s table,” Gabe whispered as he took a seat. “How? Not even my aunt could get this table when she came to visit just after I’d moved in, and she has a way of making things happen.”

I chuckled as I took the seat next to him. “A special favor.”

He swallowed, and once again I was drawn to the movement. “Are you sure? I mean…”

I took his hand and looked into his eyes. “Just enjoy yourself tonight. Ok?”

He nodded. “I’ve never actually eaten here. It always seemed like a waste of a reservation for just me.”

I smiled. “I’ve only been once, as a guest of the chef. But I can promise that you will not be disappointed.”

“Christian! So good to see you again!”

I stood to exchange cheek-kisses with the chef. “You as well Louis.”

“You should come in more often,” he said, his accent thick. “I can always find a spot for you.”

I chuckled. “I’d hate to abuse our friendship like that. You have a waiting list for your waiting list. Besides, your talents are for special occasions.”

“Ah, you’re too kind.” Louis turned to Gabe. “And who is this vision with you tonight?”

I smiled. “Louis, this is my omega, Gabe. Gabe, this is Louis, founder and executive chef.”

Louis extended a hand. “A pleasure monsieur. It is wonderful to see Christian settle down with such a handsome man as yourself. He’s quite the lucky alpha.”

Gabe blushed and accepted the handshake. “I’m the lucky one.”

Louis laughed. “As long as each of you feels you are the lucky one, then a blessed life you shall lead, for you will understand how to treasure each other.”

I smiled at Gabe. “Words of wisdom.”

Louis patted my back. “Have a seat my friend. Jean will be here with the wine momentarily, and I need to check on your first course.”

“Of course.”

I returned to my seat, and caught Gabe staring at me. “What’s up?”

He shook his head. “I take it this is why you asked me all those questions about food preferences last week?”



“Well, I should know those things for when I cook, right?”

He blinked. “I guess I hadn’t thought about it.”

I reached over and took his hand. “I know you have a chef, and that’ll make life easier when we both get busy with cases. But I’ve been cooking since I was a kid and had to get snacks ready for my brothers after school because both mom and papa were manning the store. I don’t see myself giving up cooking just because there’s somebody else doing it.”

Gabe looked down at the table.

“What’s wrong?”

“I must be a pretty lousy omega. I don’t even know how to cook.”

I squeezed his hand. “Plenty of people can’t cook Gabe. It’s nothing to feel ashamed about.”

“Aren’t omegas supposed to be the ones who cook though?”

I shrugged. “I was never raised like that. Sure papa made a mean spaghetti, and mom considered the grill her domain. But they both took turns in the kitchen. Cooking wasn’t a matter of gender, but one of who was at home and available to cook.”

“I can’t help like that though.”

“Sure you can.”

Gabe looked up at me. “What do you mean?”

I shrugged. “So you can’t cook. Whatever. You’ve hired somebody this whole time for that. It’s still covered. That’s what matters. And if it really bothers you, I can teach you how to cook.”

“You’d do that?”

“Of course.”

He smiled and leaned against me. “Thank you.”

I kissed his hair. “Never be ashamed of who you are, and what you know. Ok? We all have different life experiences.”

He nodded, then the sommelier appeared with two glasses and a bottle of wine.

I steered the conversation to lighter topics, having learned that while my omega enjoyed the perks of his money, he didn’t like to talk about it. But he was always happy to gush about whatever book he’d read last, or the storyline of some video game he’d started playing.

Louis thrilled us with each course, and I noticed plenty of eyes on us as we received special attention all night.

The more people who saw us, the better. In a place like this it was possible that people with connections to Gabe’s family were present, and word of a memorable proposal would be ideal to reach their ears. But even without that, I was sure that a proposal at the chef’s table in such an exclusive restaurant would go quite a ways in proving to his family that I was worthy of him.

Louis brought out two dessert plates with a flourish, while the sommelier followed with two glasses of champagne.

It was time.

I slid from my seat, knelt next to Gabe, and pulled the ring box from my pocket.

“Gabe, for years I only knew you as a young and capable attorney at work. During that time I admired you from afar, but always felt that I wasn’t worthy of a man such as you.”

The hush in the restaurant told me that all eyes had turned to us. I took a deep breath.

“I felt like the luckiest alpha in the world when you let me take you to dinner for that first date, and every time I’m with you I have to fight the urge to pinch myself in disbelief. I know it may be fast, but I already can’t imagine my life without you in it.”

I paused, smiling as I saw tears at the edges of Gabe’s eyes.

“Gabe Everest, will you make me the happiest man alive by becoming my husband and mate?”

Gabe wiped his eyes, then launched himself at me.

I caught him in my arms and held him close as he nodded into my neck.

“Of course I will!” he said.

I nuzzled the side of his face until I could kiss him, and like every other time our lips touched, he melted into it. Then I helped him back onto his seat and slid the ring onto his finger.

“Well, what did he say?” asked a voice on the other side of the dining room. “We couldn’t hear.”

Laughter rang through the restaurant as Gabe stood and showed off the gleaming ring.

“I said yes!” he declared.

The dining room erupted in applause, and I stood to kiss him again.

A twinge of guilt curled through me. All these people were so excited to see the proposal, and it was all for show. They were only the first of the people we’d be lying to.

My family would be devastated at the eventual divorce.

But I couldn’t bring myself to put an end to it. The more I was around Gabe the more determined I was to see him happy, even if it hurt me and everybody else in the end.

I loved him, and would give up everything for him.