Say You’re Mine by Alexa Riley

Chapter Six


“Let’s get you some food,” I suggest, and her scowl softens long enough to nod. I want to tell her she’s once again like a kitten because she’s irritated when she’s hungry. I somehow don’t think that would go over well. “As long as you stay with me, you’re safe.”

“Why does that sound like a warning?”

“Because the family you lived with had a reason for taking you, Iris. They stole you, and they won’t be pleased when they find out I’ve taken you. I have no doubt they’ll come after you, and when they do, they won’t be as gentle as I’ve been.”

“I don’t think I’m hungry anymore.” She wraps an arm around her stomach, but I reach out and take her hand.

“You’ll need something, then you can sleep.”

She doesn’t protest as I take her out of the sleep car and through the train. It’s not made for people my size, and I’m constantly having to duck between doorways and where the trains connect. Once we get to the front, there is an empty table next to a window.

“Sit here.” I point and hold her steady through the rocking path until she’s seated.

There’s an attendant that comes by and gives us a menu with a few items on it. There are hot sandwiches and snacks, so I order everything. Iris looks at me with wide eyes, and I shrug as the attendant leaves.

“I’m hungry.”

“Yeah, I gathered that.” She straightens her silverware in front of her and moves the fork to the other side. Then she adjusts her waterglass and places the napkin in her lap.

“It’s a train, not a formal dinner.”

Her cheeks heat as she rolls her eyes. “Just because it’s not fancy doesn’t mean we can’t be civilized.” She reaches over and does the same to my place setting.

I find myself grinning as I watch her little hands move around the table, making it into a production. It’s cute. Fuck, when was the last time I used that word even inside my head?

“Do you like to be civilized?” I tease as I take a drink of my water.

“I don’t know, it was the way I was brought up.” She lets out a quick breath and looks at me like she’s making a confession. “I never understood all the pomp and circumstance of all those etiquette classes I was forced to take. If I’m honest with myself it was always more for my mother than anything. I wanted her to be proud of me, and it seemed that one way to do it was to excel at it.”

“Let’s pretend you can do whatever the fuck you want,” I say, and her eyes snap to mine. Leaning forward, I push her fork so that it’s crooked. “Let’s say that right now you can make the choice. What would that choice look like?”

The corner of her mouth turns up, and I see the hint of a dimple that is so like her birth mother’s. There’s also a mischievous twinkle in her eyes that has the hair on the back of my neck standing up. Why do I enjoy her defiance when all I want her to do is obey?

The food comes, and it takes three of the kitchen staff to deliver it all to our small table. We’re overflowing with plates, so the idea that she was trying to remain proper is laughable. I might actually laugh if I remembered how.

“Screw it,” she says to herself as she digs into one of the sandwiches.

I watch as she eats like she’s never been allowed treats before. It makes me wonder what life was like for her with the Adairs. Did they never allow a casual meal or for their daughter to get messy? It takes three napkins for her to wipe the sauce from the poutine off of her mouth, and somehow it’s adorable. I push another plate towards her, one that’s filled with chocolate cake and cream. She hesitates for only a second before she takes the spoon I used, and then scoops up a bite with it. Watching Iris close her eyes and moan at the taste of the cake shouldn't make me hard. But somehow seeing her mouth where mine was, and the pleasure she’s experiencing is enough to make me lose focus.

Looking out the window, I see beyond the trees in the distance and remind myself that this is a job. One that is paying me to deliver this woman to Bronson and Freida Dian in Germany. It should take me two more days to get her there, but already I’m wondering if I can delay it any longer. Maybe I could take a longer course for safety, just to be sure.

There’s a part of me that whispers that the excuse is complete bullshit, but I ignore it.

“Did you get enough to eat?” I ask when she leans back and places her hand over her stomach.

“Yeah, I’m stuffed. I didn’t realize how hungry I was.”

“Let’s go back to the room.” I pull out some bills and leave a stack of cash for the staff. It’s not only for their service but for their silence as well.

Most of the people working the train have been paid under the table, so they turn the other way when questioned. This ensures that no one saw us eating here together.

I take Iris’s hand in mine to help steady her, and also because I like holding on to her. She’s so small it would be easy for her to trip and fall over, and I’m strong and steady. She can use me to anchor her, and I like the way that feels.

She pushes the button to open the door to our small room and then she looks back at me with wide eyes.

“We have a bed?”

“They probably made it up while we were at dinner. Use the bathroom if you need to. I had clothes left in there for you to sleep in.”

We go into the cramped space, and I see they’ve turned down the benches into one full-size bed. It would be hard for me to sleep on this alone, but it will be impossible for both of us to sleep on it together. But we’ll have to, because there’s literally nowhere else for me to sleep. There’s not even enough room for me to sit on the floor.

While Iris is in the bathroom, I pull off my shirt and boots. I plan on sleeping in my underwear, but I’ll wait and undress when the lights are off. I’ve already put her through enough today, and I don’t want to deal with her hysterics at seeing me in my boxer briefs.

Turning around when I hear the bathroom door open, I see her standing there in a pale pink nightgown. “Fuck.”

“It’s, um, not exactly the right size.” She tugs at the hem, but all it does is pull the top down to show off her ample cleavage.

To make matters worse, it’s see-through, and I can make out the exact size and shape of her nipples. I hold my boots in front of my cock so she can’t see it swelling in front of her.

“It’s fine, it’s just for one night.” I try to look away, but I can’t as she brushes past me. I feel every soft curve as she moves to the other side and stands in front of the bed.

When she bends over to climb on it, I have to bite my bottom lip to keep a moan from leaving me. It clings to her round ass, and bent over like this, I can see a little peek of her pussy. I blink and turn around to give her some privacy, but it’s too late. I’ve already seen her sweet little crease, and I’m hard as stone.

“I’m going to take a shower,” I say before I step into the little bathroom and yank the door closed.

In this tight space, there’s no room for me, but goddamn it, I can’t go back out there this fucking hard. I turn on the shower spray as I take off the rest of my clothes and step under it. There’s body wash built into the shower, and I hit the button and get a handful.

My fist goes straight for my thick cock that’s jutting out in front of me so far it’s hitting the shower wall. I grab my length and squeeze it hard as I try not to think about her pussy lips peeking out under her nightgown. But it’s no use, because that’s the only thing I want to imagine right now. Moving behind her and pushing that little nightgown out of the way. Sliding my wet tip in her tiny folds and making her bounce on my dick until I cum.

I paint the shower wall in a matter of seconds and suck in a deep breath at how fast I got off. It’s embarrassing that I couldn’t last more than a few pumps, but in my defense, I had excellent spanking material.

By the time I make it out of the shower, the lights are off, and she’s curled under the blankets. Thankfully she’s on the far side of the bed, leaving me a small space to climb in. I pull on clean boxer briefs and then climb on the bed with her. It’s creaky, and I’m hoping the frame can hold my weight. It wouldn’t be the first bed I broke.

When I’m finally stretched out, I turn on my side and give up on trying to keep space between us when it won’t be possible. Curling behind her, I rest my hand on her hip and lean in close to her ear.

“Whatever happens, I’ll keep you safe,” I vow and then close my eyes.

She doesn’t respond, but I do feel her relax against me as she drifts off to sleep. It’s a long time later, when she’s snoring lightly, that I finally allow myself a few hours to drift off too.

The part I didn’t anticipate was waking up with her on top of me.