Summer Time Sweets by Alexa Riley

Chapter 1


Ilean up against the door to my father’s office, staring at his secretary. I’ve become close to her over the years since we spend a lot of time together. Mostly during times like this, when I’m waiting outside his office to get a moment with him.

She’s given me advice in a motherly way, and I know she views me as more than just her boss’s daughter. In fact, I’m pretty sure she and my dad are in love. Neither of them has said a word to me, and I don’t ask. But they must have finally given in to their attraction because my dad doesn't seem as grumpy. Though I think July might have been the one to have made him grumpy to begin with. I hope they stop hiding their love soon. Though who knows if they are hiding it from me or the rest of the world. Maybe both.

“How’s the mood in there?” I point to the door, and she laughs. She can read him better than anyone.

“He seemed in pretty good spirits. Why? Are you going to mess that up?” She gives me a teasing smile.

I worry my bottom lip between my teeth. Maybe. I don’t want to, but I know we are going to disagree—something that seems to be happening a lot lately. He says I’ve started to rebel, but I don’t see it that way. I see it as making my own choices about what I want to do with my life.

If it were up to him he would plan my entire life, but come tomorrow I’ll be eighteen and the choices will be all mine. Sort of. I’ll still be the president's daughter, just like I have been since I was eleven. Life completely changed the day he was elected. It was a lot to take in, but it would have been that way for anyone. But now after two terms, his presidency is coming to an end.

I shrug at July, but she looks at me with sympathy. “It’s only a few more months,” she reminds me. “Then you’ll be off to college.”

“I don’t want to.” It’s hard to keep the anger I’m feeling out of my voice. I’m being unreasonable and I know it. I don’t want to go to college for two reasons. For one, college was never something I longed for, even though I do extremely well in school. And two, I’ll never really know if the Ivy League colleges are begging to have me because of my dad or because of my own hard work. I shouldn’t care why they want me, because I don’t want them.

I want a different life than the one my dad wants for me. It’s been hard trying to get him to understand I’m not his little girl anymore. He might have had dreams of politics for himself, but all I ever wanted was a house full of kids and a husband who was home every night for dinner. I don’t want someone too busy for me. I want the house with the white picket fence, not the White House.

I’ve got my own future mapped out in my mind, and the only thing I can see is Washington. But it’s not the one my dad wants me to go after. If I leave the White House, then I won’t see him again. From what I know about him he’s the lead agent in my dad's security detail. In every fantasy I have, he’s the shining star. And he might also be the reason I’m waiting outside my dad’s office.

“Who’s he in with?” I ask July, praying she says his name.

She smiles brightly at me and I have a suspicion she’s on to me. I feel my cheeks burn. Who am I kidding, it’s not like I’m stealthy enough to hide my crush on him. She notices everything. Though he doesn’t even know I exist. He’s polite when he greets me, but nothing more. No matter how hard I try and engage him, he always has that same straight face. I have no idea why I find it so sexy, but everything about him is.

He’s nothing like the boys I went to high school with. Everyone was so proper and stuck up. Everyone was considered well bred, and it only made me yearn for a simple life free from that. I wanted the life I grew up with as a young girl living in Tennessee. Before my dad became governor and then began his race for president.

I try to imagine where Washington lives and if he has a girlfriend. My stomach rolls at the idea. He doesn’t wear a ring on his finger, but I guess he could still be married. I think July would have told me if he were. The first time I saw him I was fifteen and he walked into my dad’s office. I was leaving at the same time and I passed right by him. My knees become weak when he turned his dark green eyes on me.

I reach up and sweep my chestnut-brown bangs away from my face. Maybe I should have taken a little longer to get ready this morning. I had a feeling he might be here today, so I rushed to make sure I didn’t miss him. I’ve noticed when he does stop by it’s always early. He hasn't been here in over a week and my heart was starting to ache with his absence. How can I miss someone I’ve never even really talked to?

“Mr. Washington is in there with him,” she tells me, making my heart flutter. I’m going to get to see him and I don’t care if I have to stay out here all day just to catch a small glimpse.

“What do you know about him?” I finally ask the question I’ve never been brave enough to. I don’t want to show my attraction to him, but I’m past the point where I can stand it. I have to know. It’s been so long since I’ve seen him that I’ve been driven to the edge of control. I lean against the door and brace myself for what she’s going to say.

“He’s a little too old for you, Honor.” She raises an eyebrow at me. I have to bite my tongue to remind her of the age difference between her and my dad, but I know she’s only trying to protect me. “But,” she continues, “I know he’s a former Marine. He’s not active as far as I can recall, but you never know for sure around here.”

I begin to agree with her, but the door I’m leaning against opens up at the same time and I let out a scream as I start to fall into the Oval Office. I close my eyes tight and brace for the impact, but instead I fall into strong arms. I’m pulled close to a wide chest, and I open my eyes to see the deep green I dream about staring back at me. They hold me in a trance and I wonder what he sees when he looks at me.

Over the past few years I’ve changed. It’s hard not to when you live in the spotlight. I’ve transformed from the awkward gangly kid into a woman. The news and blogs are not kind and always have something to say about how I look. Recently it’s all about how much weight I’ve gained, and some of the comments are about how my boobs have gotten too big. As if I have control over that. My hormones took off and I developed nearly overnight. I’m still getting used to this new body that is drawing more attention than ever. Does Washington see it too, or does he still see me as a kid?

“Hi,” I chirp louder than I mean to.

He grunts as he pulls me into him and my breath catches. The air around us is charged, and I swear I feel something spark between us. But he only holds me to him for a brief second before he puts me on my feet and steps away. He mumbles something I don’t catch, and I notice his breathing is heavy. He looks pissed as he creates distance between us, and I can’t help but feel foolish for falling on him.

“You all right?” My dad steps over, and I think he’s talking to me, but his eyes are on Washington. I glance back to Washington and see why he’s asking. The white button-up shirt under his black suit has a blooming red spot on it and is beginning to spread across the material.

“Oh my god.” I move closer to him as he untucks his shirt to reveal a white bandage that’s soaked through. “What happened?” I ask as worry builds in my stomach.

No one answers me, and I look up at Washington who is completely stoic.

“That’s classified, Honor,” Washington finally says. I don’t think he’s ever called me by my real name before. “I think I just pulled a stitch when I caught you. It’s fine. I’ve had worse.” He tries to reassure me, but now I’m wracked with guilt.

“Why don't you go see Dr. Morgan and I’ll meet up with you when you’re done. Then we can go,” My dad says to Washington.

Washington nods at him then gives me one more glance before he leaves. My eyes follow him as walks away, and I want so badly to go with him.

“I’ll leave you two to it.” July nods before closing the door and leaving me alone with my dad.

“He’ll be fine.” Dad wraps an arm around me, bringing me to his side as he kisses the top of my head. “Let’s have a quick bite before I need to leave.”

“How long will you be gone? You’re going to miss my birthday aren’t you.” He starts to busy himself shoving some stuff from his desk into his briefcase, but I can see guilt wash over his face.

“It’s fine, really. I know you’re busy.” Do I miss having my dad around more? Yeah, but I understand. The only thing that has bugged me is the control he tries to have over my life. I often wonder if he worries because he’s the president or because he’s overcompensating for being a single parent.

“Things will be different soon,” he tries to reassure me. “Maybe you should pick a school in Tennessee instead. When I finish with my final term, that’s where we’ll be based.”

“Really?” I ask, surprised. Not that I want to go to college at all still, but that’s a change of pace from what he’s been pushing until now.

“I want to go home when this is over.” He comes back around his desk, wraps his arm around my shoulder again and leads me out of his office. I watch him and July share a look as we make our way past her desk. I hate that they feel they need to hide. I’m even a little hurt my dad hasn't told me on his own. It might be hard for him to open up to me, so I try not to let it sting.

“I thought maybe you’d go somewhere bigger. Like New York or something,” I admit as we walk down the long hallway.

“I did too. I wanted to be close to wherever you picked a college but…” He trails off.

“July?” I finally ask, peeking up at him. He doesn't respond, and when we come to the kitchens he guides me to a seat.

“Clear the room,” he orders, and everyone leaves quickly. He starts pulling stuff out of the refrigerator to make our lunch.

“You know about July?” he asks me.

She’s the only woman I’ve ever known him to show interest in besides my mom. I can see why he likes her. She’s sweet but also direct when she needs to be. She’s good at handling my dad and it seems like she’s doing it in more ways than one.

“I figured.” I shrug. “I just want whatever makes you happy,” I add. He looks up at me, knowing what I mean. I made my choices in life and he can make his.

“She’s pregnant,” he says, dropping a bomb.

I stare at him, shocked, unsure how I should feel. I’m not upset, just taken by surprise.

“And how do you feel about this.?” I ask, needing to hear how he’s handling it.

He puts down a plate of food in front of me, but I ignore it.

“I’m excited,” he admits, taking a seat next to me. “I’m in love with her.” It’s sweet the way his voice drops as he says it. He really is.

“Did you love Mom?” The question pops out of my mouth, and I hate it because timing isn't my strong point.

I’ve always wondered but never asked. I don't think they were in love. My mother was cold whereas my dad would rain down affection on me. When I look back on the memories of the three of us, they didn't seem like they fit. I didn’t notice it until I was older. She never showed affection, not even to me. I still feel guilty for not missing her like I should. It’s sad, but there isn’t anything about her to miss.

“No,” he admits, and I nod in understanding. I still wonder how they ended up together.

“You deserve happiness and I’d love a brother or sister.”

He smiles at me, and I can see the hope in his eyes. “It might get crazy when everyone finds out that we’re together and she’s pregnant.”

“It’s not like you’re running for re-election,” I laugh. It doesn't really matter. Soon we’ll be out of here and hopefully the tired look on my dad’s face will stay behind, too.

“No, but I am trying to shield July. And trying to make her love me back.”

“Do something for her then. Take her away from everything and go be a couple for a while. I’ll hold down the fort,” I tease, making him laugh.

I nudge him with my shoulder. If he wants her to fall in love with him, I’m sure she will. Not only is my dad sweet but everyone calls him the hottest president ever. To me he’s just Dad.

“I love July, too. She’s sweet,” I offer.

“I knew you’d be okay with this.”

“Because I love you.” I watch a touch of tension leave his body.

“I love you, too, sweetheart.”

We both go back to eating and I decide to not bring up the college thing today. Last time we fought about it and he’s about to leave for at least twenty-four hours. I don’t want us parting on bad terms.

A knock sounds on the door before an agent steps through. “Mr. President?”

My dad stands. “I’m coming.”

“I’ll move the birthday party,” I tell him as he gives me a big hug.

“Good, I don’t want to miss it.” I watch him leave and feel somewhat better. I can’t believe July is pregnant. Now the two of them can stop hiding.

I finish eating and put my plate in the sink before I leave the kitchen. I wanted so badly to ask my dad what had happened to Washington. But when someone says something’s classified I've learned to drop it. No matter how nosy I want to be. Still, I wonder if I can get something from July. I want to congratulate her on the baby and let her know I’m happy for them. But I wonder if she knows he was going to tell me.

“Freedom is on the move,” I hear from behind me. I glance over my shoulder to see Agent Sweet following me, and I give him a smile. Sweet has been with me from the beginning and is my favorite agent on my detail. He reminds me of a sweet old man, but he’s probably the same age as my dad.

Everyone on my detail calls me Freedom. It’s my code name. All the presidents and their families have code names while in the White House and this is mine. Agent Sweet might know what happened to Washington. I’ll have to press him if July doesn’t cave.

When I walk around the corner I pause when I see Washington standing next to July’s desk. They’re talking in low whispers and she’s shaking her head, not liking whatever it is that he’s saying.

“I thought you were supposed to be with my dad,” I blurt out. A rush of jealousy surges forward. They both jerk their heads up at the sound of my voice.

“Ms. Kennedy is going with him instead of me.” Washington answers for the both of them. His eyes lock with mine and my breath hitches. His dark green eyes hold me in place as he looks me up and down. Then he glances behind me and his face becomes all business. “Agent Sweet, please take Ms. Kennedy to the president. I’ll stay with Freedom.”

I didn't know Washington could boss agents around, but Agent Sweet nods and steps away.

“I’ll see you later, Honor,” July says as she grabs her bag and comes around to give me a hug. I guess my dad liked my reaction to them being together, or he just wants her by his side. Either way, I like that he’s asking her to come along.

“Have fun.” I kiss her on the cheek.

“Thank you,” she says, beaming at me. She looks so happy as she walks away.

I don’t have to turn around to know that Washington is staring at me. I can feel his eyes on my back and I slowly turn to face him.

There’s so much power radiating from him as his big body stands ready. I wonder if it’s something he’s been trained to do or if he naturally takes up the whole room. Every emotion I feel shows on my face, but he stands like a statue. Yet somehow I can feel the room pulse just for him.

“I’m really sorry I pulled one of your stitches,” I say nervously. I feel exposed as his eyes rake over my body. Can he not feel the electricity snap around us?

The white dress shirt and suit jacket are gone, and now he’s wearing a plain black T-shirt stretched tight across his broad chest. He looks powerful and intimidating, yet all I want to do is rub up against his body like a kitten. He carries an aura that warns people not to fuck with him. But like a moth to a flame, it just makes me want him even more. His dark hair and dark green eyes are the highlights in my fantasies. His hard jaw and the rough angles of his face might make people think he isn’t handsome, but I’ve never wanted a man more.

He’s the monster in my closet that I should be afraid of. But all I want to do is open the door and join him inside.

“It’s fine,” he says, his gravelly voice breaking the silence. “Like I said, I’ve had worse.”

“Does it hurt?” I take a step towards him, wanting to touch him. My fingers ache for it and I glance over my shoulder thinking we’re pretty much alone.

“I’ll escort you back to your room.”

I want to tell him I don’t need an escort, but he probably knows it and is just being polite. At least if he walks me I’ll get to spend more time with him. So I do as he says, wanting to steal any moment I can with him. I move down the hallway at a slow pace but feel him close to me. Much closer than Agent Sweet walks.

“July told me you’re a Marine,” I finally say. I want to hear him talk.

“I’m a former Marine. We don’t retire.”

He’s moved during our walk and is now striding alongside me. He’s so much bigger when he’s so close.

“So you’re the agent that bosses all the other ones around?” I give him a teasing smile.

“As of a few moments ago, yes. And while the president is gone.”

“No more Agent Sweet?”

“Is that a problem?” he asks, cutting his eyes to me.

I shake my head. His tone is reprimanding and for a second I wonder why he has to be a jerk for no reason.

“Agent Sweet is with going to be on July’s detail while she and the president are away. I’ve been asked to stay with you.”

“You look thrilled about it.”

I try to make it sound like a joke to ease some of the tension I see in him. Any other emotion besides grumpy would be nice. He doesn't respond or try to deny it. He just keeps walking. I sigh, wondering if I should let this crush go. Maybe going away to college isn't such a bad idea. Unless he’s going to be on my detail then, too.

“This is only until my dad gets back, right?”

He doesn’t answer again and he’s so much colder than usual. Is he angry with me? Maybe his stomach is more painful than he’s letting on. Or maybe I’m annoying him and he’s not happy that he has to babysit.

“Whatever,” I mumble as he opens the doors leading to my private living area. I’m surprised when he steps inside with me and closes the door behind him.

“What are you doing?” I snap, and suddenly I’m the one who’s angry.

I’m tired of having all these feelings for someone who isn’t going to give me the common courtesy of answering my questions. And I’m pissed off that I can’t control my body’s reaction to him no matter how hard I try. Now he’s invading my personal space and I don’t appreciate his looming presence in my room.

“Are you going to be a problem?” His voice is so low I almost don’t hear him.

“What is that supposed to mean? Have I ever been a problem?” I have no clue what he’s talking about. I never cause anyone in this place a moment of worry. In fact, I try to keep my head down so that I’m left alone. When I’m asked to do something, I do it, no matter how much I hate being locked up in this place. I’ll never again be free to do what I want, but I understood that at a young age. For him to stand here and ask me if I’m going to be a problem pisses me off. It makes me straighten my spine as anger rises. I put my hands on my hips and his eyes move down my body. I’ve never had another agent glare at me the way he is right now, and though I’m mad, heat pools in the lower half of my body. I’m ashamed at how much I like his eyes on me.

“The president has said you’ve been defiant lately. That I should keep a close watch because you might be trying to rebel.” He walks farther into the room, closing some of the space between us.

My body freezes and some of my steam evaporates as he takes a step towards me. My instincts tell me to step back, but then I recall something on the Discovery channel about turning your back on an animal. Is that what he is?

He’s so much bigger than me, and from the look in his eyes, he’s starving.

I stand there unmoving as the muscles in his chest flex with his slow movements. If we were in the woods I’d be the prey and he’d be the panther lurking in the tree. The thought frightens me, but god help me, it makes my legs weak with need.

“Is it a boy that’s the problem?” His question catches me completely off-guard.

I’ve never talked about dating to anyone, let alone my dad. Why would Washington think that’s why I’d be rebelling? I’ve been asked out before, but who really wants to go on a date with a girl who has to bring the Secret Service as a chaperone with them? Still, I don’t want to sound like a pathetic girl who can’t get a date. I have no idea why I’m trying to make him jealous, because there’s no possible way he would be. But I can’t keep from insinuating that it might be a possibility. Just to see his reaction.

“That’s none of your business. Besides, I turn eighteen tomorrow, so it’s not like you can stop me.” I try to keep eye contact with him, but his stare is too intense.

I decide that’s the moment for me to turn and walk away from him, but he doesn’t let me. He reaches out and grabs my arm, forcing me to face him. This is the first time he’s ever touched me, and my heart is pounding in my chest. Then I gasp as he pulls me even closer, my body now flush with his, not an inch of space between us. I have to crane my neck back to look up into his dark green eyes that are full of possession yet clouded with reluctance.

“The best thing you can do right now is stay away from them,” he says as he licks his lips. “Maybe even me, too.”

I’m shocked into silence as he leans in just a bit closer. His voice is meant to be threatening, but it sends a shiver of desire down my body and I shudder against him.

“And I know exactly how old you are. I’ve been counting the days.”

He releases me quickly like I’ve burned him. I stand there stunned, wondering what got into him. He’s never talked to me like that. No one has.

“Stay put,” he commands as he points to the floor.

Then he stomps out of the room and slams the door behind him. All I can do is stand there with my body on fire and my panties shamefully wet. All he had to do was put his hands on me and my body began to ready itself for him.

I grit my teeth as angry tears sting my eyes. For one second I thought he might just kiss me, but instead he scolded me like a child and left me here all alone. I give myself one second of self-pity, then I force all of my emotions to harden.

He thinks he can tell me what to do? I’ll show him what rebelling looks like.