Summer Time Sweets by Alexa Riley



Five years later

“How are you not used to this by now?” I take my eyes off the two agents to glance over at Henry. It still feels odd to call him that sometimes after calling him Mr. President for so long.

“They look at her,” I growl. One thing I sure don’t miss about the White House is having people watch you all the fucking time, but whenever Henry is around, so are his agents. For the most part. Today he was only picking Emma up, not staying so he hadn't made plans that would leave his agents a little bit away so now I was making sure they weren’t checking out my woman. No, my jealousy hasn’t lessened over the years.

“That’s their job. To watch.” I hear the laughter in his voice but ignore it. I glance back out at the field where my wife and little girl are picking flowers. Our house is always filled with the flowers they pick. “I put you on her detail that day for a reason.”

I look back over to Henry, not sure what he’s talking about. “I’d always planned to, just not so soon. But that day, something came up and, well, I figured we could get on with the show.”

It takes me a minute and then it hits me. “Honor shows everything on her face. That first day she saw you I knew she was done for. I knew I was no longer the main man in her life.” He lets out a long sigh.

Then he smiles. “I always wanted to make her happy, so I dug, made sure we spent more time with each other, and it didn't take me long to get on board with the idea of her and you.”

I bark out a small laugh.

“Who better to give her that all-American dream than a real hero, one I know would keep her and whatever grandbabies she gave me safe.” He leans forward in his chair. I’ve had a lot of moments of pride in my life after missions, but right now, this one is the best one I’ve ever had.

“I knew you were a mean son of a bitch that first day I met you, but when your eyes landed on her they’d go soft.”

My throat feels tight. “Thank you,” I tell him. After having my own little girl, I can see how hard it would be to give that trust to another man. He gave that to me. He gave me her. Not that Honor could really be given to me. We all know that woman owns every part of me. I’d follow her anywhere.

“Emma. Come on. Grandma is making cookies,” Henry yells out to her.

Emma squeals with delight. I watch as Honor leans down and kisses her before Emma takes off on a dead run for us. She throws herself at her grandpa, who catches her, her dark wavy hair like her mama’s bouncing all around her. “With chocolate chips?” she asks him.

“Of course,” he tells her, making her squeal again like she never gets chocolate or something. I lean in and give my girl a kiss of my own.

“Get your men out of my house,” I tell Henry, who only smiles as he turns to leave. I give his agents a death glare as they follow him out.

“Fuckers,” I mutter, then turn to head out to my wife. My breath catches when I see her, her dress and hair blowing in the wind, the sun setting behind her. God, she looks perfect. She turns a little, showing off her very pregnant belly. After we had Emma we wanted to wait a little while to enjoy our first before we had another. Now our son is ready to come any time now.

“You scare those agents off?” She shoots me a smile. I ignore her, walking right up to her and kissing her. Long and deep. Every time my mouth takes hers my body relaxes. When I pull back she’s breathing heavily, her cheeks rosy.

“We have the whole night. You can be as loud as you want,” I tell her.

“You’re the loud one,” she sasses back. I want to pull her to the ground and have her right here to show her who’s the loud one, but she’s had enough sun today.

“Come. I made you dinner for a change.”

“Really?” She shoots me a smirk. “Because I already made yours.”

She laughs as I scoop her up into my arms carrying her inside. I sit her down on the kitchen counter. I pull her sundress over her head and toss it away. “Lean back, sweet pea. I’m starving.”

She licks her lips and leans back. I drop to my knees, sliding her panties down her legs. I grip her thighs in a possessive hold as I take one long lick of her. She moans my name, making me smile against her pussy.

“Washington, please,” she calls out, wanting more. And I give her more, licking and sucking, giving my wife all the pleasure her little body can handle.

Who knew the American dream could taste so good.


Labor of Love

by Alexa Riley

Lucy is at the end of her rope, and the only thing she knows to do is run away. The only problem is when she gets behind the wheel she has no clue what to do. After an accident wipes out her memory she finds herself saved by someone unexpected.

Orlando is just trying to live a quiet life alone and away from the world. Until one day she comes into his life and turns it upside down. He’s never lied like this before, but he can’t let her slip away.

Warning:This Labor Day, get to work flipping pages! It’s an over-the-top amnesia romance with all the gooey stuff from Alexa Riley that you adore!