Summer Time Sweets by Alexa Riley

Chapter 5


Ilead her down the stairs, her hand locked tight in mine. What the fuck was I thinking? She looked so frightened sitting there in my bed, so when she asked if I was her husband I’d said yes thinking it might put her more at ease.

Lie,my subconscious says. I push it away. I know I’m enjoying her thinking I’m her husband too much. When she’d asked and I confirmed, she took it so easily. She smiled at me and looked to me for everything. Even when she was scared she jumped right on me.

She didn’t notice my scars or ask about them. I’d actually forgotten about them until I stepped into the bathroom and caught a glimpse of myself.

“What would you like to eat?” I ask her as we enter the kitchen. I lead her over to the island and put her in the chair.

“I’m not sure. Don’t you know what I like?” she asks as her eyes dart around the kitchen, taking it all in. I do the same. The place could use an update. Everything is dark wood and it feels rich and warm. I remember my mom redoing the place when I was young, so I’m sure by modern standards it’s outdated. It’s something I’ve never given thought to before. Until now. I want her to like it here.

“It needs a modern touch. You can change anything you want.” It rolls right off my tongue, catching me off-guard, but I realize it’s the truth. She could change anything she wanted, but she isn't really my wife. When she finds out about my lie she’ll leave me. Leave this life and go back to where it is she came from.

My body tenses. Not just at the thought of her leaving me, but at where she’d be going back to. I know she doesn't want to go back. She’d been running. I tell myself this makes what I’m doing okay. I’m protecting her. Maybe she’ll never remember and she’ll stay here forever. Or maybe I could make her like it here so much she’ll never want to leave once she does remember. Then I won’t be alone anymore. I’ll have her.

“I was just thinking we must be rich,” she laughs, and it’s then I see a deep dimple show in her cheek.

“Something like that.” I shake my head and smile at her. I walk over to the fridge and see what Marta has. She always stocks the fridge with things that are easy to throw together when I pull myself away from my desk.

“How about some soup? Nice and easy on your stomach.” She nods. I grab the container of chicken soup and work on heating it up. When I turn, I see she is watching me.

“So, what is it I do?” she asks me, resting her elbows on the counter. She seems so light and happy, completely at ease with what is happening.

My brain freezes. I have no idea what she does. Maybe she’s in college. That would be the best bet, but I don’t want her worrying about having to be somewhere right now.

“Nothing. We planned on starting a family.” Fucking hell, why does this shit keep coming out of my mouth? Why am I digging myself deeper into this? Her cheeks turn pink and her plump lips form a perfect O shape. “Or like I said, this place needs an update,” I rush to say, trying to change the subject because my cock is all too aware of what something like that would mean.

Her, under me. Bare to my cock while I fill her with my cum. My cock—hard since she crashed into my life—leaks cum. The need I have for her pounds down on me even harder.

“I’m not sure how to decorate.” She looks around the room again, unaware of what she’s doing to me, a man who is always in control of everything. Everything in order and always a plan. Now I’m winging it.

“You can hire someone to help. You just pick things you like. Make it ours.” Her face brightens and she seems to like the idea. Good.

“And what is it that you do?”

“Since I retired from the Rangers I manage stocks and investments. All that can be done from home in my office, where I spend most of my time. To be honest I’m a trust fund kid and I’ve done very well with my investments. My dad taught me well. Other than that, I work out,” I tell her as I pull the soup from the stove and pour it into a bowl. I grab a spoon and put it in front of her. “Careful. It’s hot.”

She picks up the spoon. “Thank you.” She blows on it before taking a sip. I go back to the fridge and get her something to drink, then sit next to her. I want to be close. I watch her eat. Every now and then she peeks over at me and I see a blush darken her cheeks.

I reach out and touch one of her long dark locks, wrapping it around my finger. Brushing her hair this morning felt so natural but still what kept getting me was that she didn't shy away from me at all. The scars didn’t bother her.

She licks her lips. “This is really good.”

“I’m glad you’re enjoying it.” She looks over at me, her eyes locking on mine. The warmth of them make me want to be closer to her. It’s a foreign feeling for me. I’ve kept everyone at arm's length since I’ve returned home, but with her, something is different. I’m craving her touch. I lean down and she meets me halfway. Our lips brush.

“Oh, sorry, sir.” We jerk away from each other.

“Marta,” I grunt. My tone is harsher than it should be. The kitchen really is Marta’s domain.

“You’re feeling better?” she says to Lucy, ignoring me.

“Yes, thank you.” Lucy gives her a small smile. My jaw clenches because I want Lucy’s attention back on me. Like I’m a fucking child. I have to get it together before I do something that scares her.

“Marta, a moment,” I tell her. I stand from my chair and lean over next to Lucy. “Eat, little one.” I kiss the top of her head. Marta stares at me with wide eyes.

“My office.” Marta rushes off. I brush Lucy’s hair away from her bare shoulder. I kiss her there this time, then tug the shirt up again. I don’t want her getting cold. I know I shouldn’t be doing this or getting this close, but I can’t help myself. I brush my nose up along her neck, breathing her in. It must tickle her because she giggles. The sweetest sound I’ve ever heard, and I know I have to get away from her for a moment and get myself together.

“I’ll be right back.” I pull myself away from her. My head is in a fog as I make my way back to my office where Marta is waiting outside. I motion her in.

“I pay you very well, Marta,” I start, going around my desk and sitting down. Her eyes widen a little.

“You do, sir,” she agrees. She’s been with my family for over twenty years. She and her husband live in a cottage on the back side of the east law, and she’s still close with my mom.

“She woke up scared. Thought we were married. I went with it.” I don’t know how she manages it, but her eyes get even bigger. “You won’t tell her otherwise.” I make my tone firm. She doesn't say anything for a moment.

“Of course,” she finally agrees.

“Good.” I stand. I feel some tension leave me. At least that’s one less thing to worry about. The rest of the staff is gone for the long Labor Day weekend, so I won’t have to worry about anyone else.

“Sir. I came to see you for a reason.” She wrings her hands in front of her. “You should see the news.” She walks over to the TV on the wall and switches it on. A picture of Lucy fills the screen.

Local Girl Missing reads under it. I shouldn't be shocked by this. Of course, she’s been reported missing. Whoever lost her would want her back. I don’t blame them. But I saw the mark on her. They’re not getting her.

“You saw the marks on her, too, Marta.”

“Yes, why do you think I’m so okay with keeping my lips sealed? She’s safe here.”

Then the TV flashes to who she belongs to. My gut clenches. Kurt Lockwood. Her grandfather. And my gut knows it’s him who put that mark on her. I notice his arm is in a cast and I wonder how he broke it. Lockwood is a mean motherfucker. He’s lucky he’s not behind bars for all the shit he pulled when he was the district attorney. The only thing that saved him all those years ago was his family's money.

I only know this because I remember my own father dealing with the man. The general public doesn't know what a dirty bastard he is. But when you have money yourself, you tend to end up rubbing elbows with others that do as well.

“Please, if anyone’s seen her call us immediately. We think—” He breaks off like he’s about to cry, but I see no tears. “She’s mentally unstable.”

I growl and smack the power button.

Mentally unstable, my ass.

“She doesn't remember?” Marta raises an eyebrow in question and my anger rises further.

“Don’t buy his bullshit. You want to know what a piece of shit Kurt Lockwood is, ask my mom when you call her, because God knows you probably already did and told her what’s happening.” I stare down at Marta. She doesn't deny it, giving me answer enough. I’m surprised my mom isn't blowing up my phone already.

“Orlando.” My head jerks to the door where Lucy is now standing, looking as beautiful as ever.

“That will be all, Marta,” I tell her. She nods and leaves us alone, but I know she wants to say more. It would be to no avail, though. When I have my mind set on something, there is no changing it.

“I’m sorry if I'm interrupting.” Lucy’s tucks a piece of hair behind her ear nervously.

“Never. You can come seek me out whenever you wish.” She steps into my office and looks around. “I feel rude. I’m sure I should know her, but I don’t.” I reach for her, pulling her with me down onto a sofa with me and into my lap.

“It’s strange that this is my home and I have no idea where I’m going. Heck, I mean what’s our last name?”


“Lucy Caldwell.” I tighten my arms around her, enjoying her say her name with mine attached to it. My cock jerks under her ass, and she wiggles around a moment then lets out a small gasp when she finally realizes what she’s wiggling her beautiful ass against.

“Sorry.” I look down at her. Her cheeks pinken and she bites her lip, looking up at me with so much innocence. She does look innocent, but I swear she was sent to tempt me. To lure me out of the space I had not let anyone inside of in years.

She turns, straddling my thighs, taking me a little by surprise because of the shyness she had shown moments ago. Her hands go to my shoulders. “Will you kiss me?”

I should tell her we shouldn't, but like everything else today, I have no control. I’m on her before she can even finish the sentence. No man could turn down an invitation like that from her. Somehow, with the need pushing down on me, trying to rip me apart, I manage to kiss her softly, taking her face in both of my hands and pressing my lips against hers.

She lets out the cutest little sound that pushes me on. I slide my tongue along the seam of her lips, coaxing her to part them for me. She does. I slip my tongue into her mouth. I growl when that sweet honey taste hits my tongue. She wraps her hands around my neck, pulling me closer, her breasts pushing against my chest. Her hard nipples tell me how much her body is enjoying this.

She lets out a little moan as she starts to rock against me, her pussy pressing down on my cock as she pushes her tongue into my mouth now, mimicking what I’m doing. She’s slow and tentative, highlighting her innocence. I grab her hips, dragging her back and forth across my cock faster.

She pulls her mouth from mine and drops her head back as she keeps rocking. Our movements mimic sex, and my mind jumps to an image of her naked. Me deep inside of her. A whimper leaves me when I think I may never know that reality, but I push that away. I need to live in this moment. I can’t stand not kissing her anymore, so I go for her neck, wanting to feel her against my mouth again. Taste her.

“Orlando,” she calls out. Her movements become frantic as she searches for release. I take control of her hips for her, taking her where I know she needs to go. My own cock begs for release, too, but all my focus is on her. I want to give her this. She’s been through so much in the past twenty-four hours. I want to fill her body with pleasure.

She jerks against me, calling out my name. Her fingers dig into me. I rock her, pulling every drop of pleasure out of her orgasm as my own hits me. I grunt against her neck as cum shoots out of my cock and all over my thigh inside my pants.

Her head falls forward, her hair draping all around us. Her eyes flutter open. A sexy smile pulls at her full lips that are now swollen from the kiss I gave her. She looks well loved. “Wow, no wonder I married you,” she whispers. That knocks me right back to reality. My hands tighten on her hips. No, she really isn't my wife, and at any moment she could be taken from me. The thought is a cold hard splash of water.

“We probably shouldn't have done that,” I admit. Guilt should be hitting me harder, but as time wears on and I’m with her more, it’s actually starting to slip away as she begins to feel more like mine.

“Really? Because I kinda want to do it again.” She gives me a half smile, and I moan, knowing if she pushes I will break and give her anything she asks for. She could ask me to hand over everything I have and I would.

“I want to do it again, but I should be taking care of you.”

“Pretty sure you just did.” Her tone is playful, and I watch her try to fight a laugh as her eyes dance with mischief. She’s giving me even more of who she is and I eat it up greedily.

I stand with her in my arms. She wraps her legs tightly around me the best she can. I’m going to take care of her. “How about a bath?” I suggest. I want to stay with her, but I need a moment to find out what the fuck is going on with her grandfather and what he said. For that I need to be alone.

“That does sound wonderful.” She loosens her legs, but I tighten my grip on her ass.

“I’ll take you up,” I tell her as I head out of my office and up the stairs.

“This place is really big,” she says, looking around as I carry her.

“Yes, but I mainly stick to the east wing. My parents use the west when they are in town.”

“Do they come home often?” she asks as we enter our bedroom.

“They retired when I came home. My dad was a bit of a workaholic, and now Mom is dragging him on every vacation she can think of to make up for lost time.” I sit her down on the bathroom counter. Reluctantly, I let her go to start a bath.

“It looks like there’s room for two.” I freeze, turning around to look at her. Every muscle in my body goes tight. I want to get on my knees and thank whoever sent me this angel, but God have some fucking mercy. A man can only hold back so much before he cracks.