Summer Time Sweets by Alexa Riley

Chapter 11


Igroan as my eyes fly open. The sight in front of me almost has me spilling into her mouth already. I grit my teeth to hold back the orgasm. I want to enjoy this moment. Her mouth works up and down my cock and sucking noises fill the room. She lets out a moan that goes straight to my balls and is almost my undoing.

I reach down, wrapping my hand in her dark silky hair. I’d broken last night. When she said she’d marry me if I let her suck me off, I was done for. There wasn't anything I wouldn't have given her for what she was offering me.


The one thing that has come to mean more to me than anything else in this whole fucking world would be mine. My balls draw up at the thought of her really being my wife in a few short hours. Yes, I’m making this happen today. She will carry my name and no one will ever be able to take her from me.

“Little one,” I growl. “I’m going to cum,” I warn her, knowing she isn't going to pull off. She’s a greedy little thing. I learned that last night when she dropped to her knees in front of me and didn't let my dick go until I came twice down her pretty throat.

She only sucks harder at my words, and I fight not to grip her hair too tight and thrust up into her mouth as I start to cum. She swallows me greedily, taking every drop of my cum inside her body. Soon I’ll be releasing inside her pussy, marking her in a whole other way. One that will take root inside her, binding us together in all ways.

She pulls off my cock, licking her lips and giving me a wicked smile as she crawls up my body. I flip us, coming down over her and taking her mouth in a deep kiss. “Morning,” she says when I pull back and look down at her. Her mouth is swollen and her hair is spread out all over the bed.

“Best morning of my life,” I tell her. “Has been the best of my life every morning that I wake to see you in our bed.”

“Then I guess you’re going to be living a very good life because I’m not going anywhere.” She pulls me back down for a kiss. I love how generous she is with affection. I went from not wanting to be around people or even touched to craving it all from her.

“My turn,” I tell her as I move down her body, giving her the same pleasure she’d given me, but I make sure I bring her to multiple orgasms before I pull her from our bed to shower. I’d love nothing more than to spend the day in bed together, but there are things that need to be done.

When I open my bedroom door I grab all the bags Marta left outside. I bring them into our bedroom. Lucy comes strolling in from the closet a moment later. Her hair is wet and she’s wearing one of my shirts.

“What’s all that?” she asks.

“It’s everything you need for us to get married today.”

“Today?” she laughs, making me wonder if she was joking last night. I tense.

“I want wedding vows that you remember. You said—”

“I know what I said.” She turns and wraps her arms around my neck. “And I meant it. I just had no idea you’d make it happen so fast.” She smiles, giving me that dimple. I lean down and kiss it.

“Get ready. As you can see I’m already anticipating making it happen.” I give her ass a small smack and she giggles joyfully. God, I never get tired of the sound of her laughing. Every time, it makes my chest feel warm and full. That hollow filling that had been there is long gone.

I wink at her and go to the closet to get myself dressed in a suit. When I come back out she is pulling everything out of the bags and boxes. “Give me a kiss, little one, and then I’ll meet you downstairs.” She jumps to her feet and does as I ask.

I kiss her soft and sweet. A promise of what’s to come for her with a life with me. I will handle her with care, make up for the shitty life she was given before she was brought to me. I pull away from her. “See you downstairs, little one. Don’t make me wait long, or I’ll be back up here to get you.”

“I won’t make you wait if you stop making me wait.” She lifts an eyebrow.

“I’ll have you in all ways after the wedding.”

“Then I will be down as fast as I can.” I give her one last kiss and leave her to it. Downstairs, I smile when I see Judge Barnes. He’s early. Good. I’d put in a call to him last night after my little one had fallen asleep, and I laid some things out to him. He wasn't completely happy about it all, but he owed my family a favor and I was calling it in. It helped that Judge Barnes was around when Kurt Lockwood fucked up and left a mess for everyone to clean up.

“I read over everything you sent me.” He shakes his head.

“If he really has some doctor willing to say she incompetent, then he can do whatever he likes with her. We don’t have solid proof of what he’s done to her,” I tell him, unable to keep the anger from my voice. “But if she’s married, then if he claims that bullshit, I’d be her power of attorney.”

“And she’s willing to marry you? With no memory of what happened before she came to be here?” He asks me the same question he’s asked ten times now. I haven't told him she already thinks we’re married and this is something we’re doing because she doesn't remember us doing it the first time around.

“Yes. You’ll see she is fully willing.”

He studies me for a moment. “You’re looking good, O. Happy.”

“I am.”

“Do your parents know you’re getting married today? I’d thought they’d be here,” he says.

“They’re traveling. When they get back we can do something with them to make up for it,” I tell him. He nods. We make idle talk for a few minutes. Barnes’ phone rings, interrupting us.

“I have to take this.” I nod as he steps away for a moment. I pull out my own phone and check my emails. I turn when I hear Lucy coming down the stairs. She always pulls my attention. Hell, even when she’s not near she has my attention.

The white dress swishes all around her as she descends the stairs. Her long dark hair flows behind her. I walk to her and she practically leaps into my arms when she reaches the last step. I catch her and twirl her around in circles, making her laugh.

“You look beautiful,” I tell her, putting her on her feet.

“You make me feel beautiful.” She smiles up at me, giving me her dimple. My chest aches. Maybe I should tell her the full truth.

It's better to beg for forgiveness than to ask for permission.

“Little one. Lucy.” I pull her close to me, my heart and head conflicted over the right course to take.

“Oh my god,” I hear my mom gasp. I jerk around to see her standing in the front doorway, her hand over her mouth. My dad stands behind her, smiling.

“We have a problem.” The judge walk back over. “Her grandfather is on his way here. Cops in tow,” Barnes informs us.

“Fuck,” I mutter.

“My grandfather?” Lucy’s voice wobbles. She closes her eyes like she’s pained, her breathing growing heavy. She’s quiet for too long, and it scares me.

“Little one. Marry me now. Before he gets here. Then he can’t take you from me. Please. He’ll have no claim over you. You’ll be mine in the eyes of the law. I promise I’ll explain everything after. When I know you’re safe,” I beg her. I have no idea what will happen if they get here and he tries to take her from me. I think I’ll lose it. I’ll be the one in a jail cell for the rest of my life when it really should be him behind bars.

“I told you I would,” she responds instantly not questioning that we are already married so it shouldn't matter. “I want wedding vows that I remember with you.”

“Go,” I tell the judge. My mom stands there, eyes wide, watching everything happen. I’ve never seen her this quiet before. She really must be in shock. Probably because I’ve hated being around people since I returned home and now I’m pledging to spend my life with someone.

The judge starts. I stare down at my little one and repeat the words. She does the same, making possession pound down on me. She’s mine and there is nothing anyone can do it about it. When Barnes says we are now man and wife, I grab her and kiss her hard and deep, staking my claim on her. I can hear the sirens coming, but I ignore them.

“I love you,” I tell her, not letting her go. “No one will take you from me,” I vow. She wraps her arm around mine, holding me tight.

My parents come to stand by us. “I’m Claire, and this is my husband, Hank,” she tells Lucy in a whisper.

“I’m Lucy,” she tells them.

“Oh, we know. We’ve heard a lot about you.” My mom shoots me a glare because it wasn't from me she heard about Lucy. Even though I wanted to tell my parents about her, I had many other things going on. I needed more time because I knew my mom would be all over her. I wasn't ready to share. Hell, I’m not sure I’ll ever be, but I’ll learn to because I know Lucy lost her parents when she was very young. My mom and dad would be more than willing to fill some of that void for her if she lets them. That's just how they are.

“Don’t get yourself thrown in jail,” my dad says, and Lucy’s hold on my arm tightens.

“Orlando,” she pleads with me. “Promise you won’t do that.” I look down at her, and like always I give her what she asks for.

“I promise.” She gives a stiff nod.

Movement outside catches my eye, and I see two police cruisers come up the drive and park outside. They’ve barely come to a stop and Kurt Lockwood is jumping out the passenger side of one of them.

“That’s my granddaughter!” he shouts. Lucy doesn't move.

“You better cool your tone when talking to her,” I bark.

Kurt stills for a moment before he pulls it together. “Get over here, Lucy,” he commands, but again she doesn't move.

“No,” is all she says. She doesn’t let go of me. I lean down and kiss the top of her head.

“Judge,” one of the police officers says, standing a little taller at the sight of Barnes.

Barnes nods at the cop. “Lockwood,” he says, directing his attention back to Lucy’s grandfather. “Your granddaughter isn't missing, and I don’t think she wants to leave with you either.” He crosses his arms over his chest.

“She doesn't know what she wants. She’s unstable. Look what she did to my arm.” He holds up his arm—it’s in a bulky cast.

“I was running from you after you beat me!” Lucy screams. My body goes rock solid. I knew why she was running, but hearing the words come from her sweet mouth hits hard. I fight myself from lunging at the man.

“See, she’s crazy! I need to take her back to Center Mental Care. She attacked me and I was defending myself.”

“Kicking someone in their stomach while they are on the floor isn't defending yourself,” I growl. The cops are unsure what to do. Now I’m starting to wonder how much she’s remembered.

“You have no idea what you're talking about. Trust me, I have the records that say she’s crazy. I’ll take her back and they will hand over conservatorship to me.”

“No,” I correct. “As her husband, that power would go to me.” I look down at Lucy. “I’d never do that to you,” I tell her.

“I know,” she replies. Her voice is stronger now.

“Her what?” Kurt yells. His face is turning red. “She’s mine.”

I go to take a step towards him, but Lucy pulls on my arm, reminding me of my promise to her to not get my ass thrown in jail.

“Listen, you sick fuck. She’s nothing to you, and by the time I’m done with you, all the shit I’ve been finding on you you’ll be nothing to anyone but whoever your cellmate is.”

“You don’t have shit.”

“On the contrary, Mr. Lockwood. If I were you, I’d go home and get my affairs in order. Your clock is ticking.”

“I’ll testify. Tell you all he’s done over the years.” Lucy releases her hold on me and steps towards her grandfather, her back straight. “Did you think I wasn't paying attention? I know all your dirty little secrets.” I can hear the smile in her voice as she delivers that blow to him.

I take my own, realizing that she remembers everything. When did it come back to her?

“You little—” Kurt lunges for her, but I’m on him first, my hand connecting with his jaw, and he goes flying back, hitting the floor hard. I hear a loud crack. He doesn't move to get up.

One of the cops rushes towards me to hold me back. I don’t fight him.

“Let him go. He was defending his wife,” the judge says. The cop does as he says. “Take him to the hospital and have him held. He obviously meant to harm the girl when he lunged for her. Hold him on that for now.”

The cops peel Lockwood from the floor. “Let the media know that Lucy is no longer missing. That she is fine and was only away with her husband. They don’t need to know anything.”

“Sure thing, Judge,” one of the cops says as they all leave.

I look to Lucy, who is staring at the floor. “How long have you remembered?” I ask, not caring that we still have a small audience.

“Can we talk about this later?” She glances around at Judge Barnes and my parents.

“Of course.” I reach for her. Thankfully she doesn't pull away from my touch. I wrap my arm around her.

“Thank you, Judge. I’ll send everything over when I get the rest of the information I’m collecting.”

“Good. I want to put that man away where he belongs.” He stops in front of Lucy. “I’m sorry for all that you’ve gone through. I should have kept a better eye on your grandfather. I knew he was a bastard I just didn't know he had a young girl living with him.”

“It’s okay. Thank you for everything,” Lucy tells him. With that, the judge leaves.

“Mom, Dad, I know you’re dying to know everything, but right now I need to be alone with my wife.”

“Of course,” my dad says. My mom clamps her mouth shut, only nodding, probably because if she opens it she won’t be able to stop the barrage of questions I know she wants to ask.

“We’ll see you later son,” my dad says. My mom breaks away from Dad and gives me a hug. Next, she goes for Lucy, holding her tight and whispering in her ear. Then she kisses her on the cheek and she and my dad head out.

Leaving Lucy and me all alone.

“Orlando. I—”

I cut her off, crashing my mouth down onto hers, kissing her with everything I have, scared that this might be the last kiss I ever have with her. No, fuck that. I won’t let it be. I’ll do whatever it takes so she doesn't leave me.

I scoop her up into my arms and carry her up the stairs and into our bedroom, slamming the door behind us. It’s then I realize that she is kissing me back just as intensely as I’m kissing her. When she pulls away, we are both out of breath.

“You really wanted to marry me, didn't you? You didn't do it just to protect me, did you?” Her words take me by surprise.

“I wanted to marry you more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my whole life,” I rumble. I don’t like her thinking I married her for any other reason than because I needed her more than I need air.