The Lost Book of the White by Cassandra Clare


I WANT TO THANK NAOMICui for her thoughtful read of the manuscript. Otherwise, this acknowledgments section is a little different from most. Ordinarily, I use this space to thank my friends, my family, and my cowriters and editor. While I am deeply grateful to all of them for providing a nurturing community for The Lost Book of the White, this time I want to use this space to acknowledge my readers.

Dear readers, thank you for sticking with me and Magnus and Alec and all their friends. Thank you for sharing stories, adventure, and magic with me. Your enthusiasm and affection for the inhabitants of the world of Shadowhunters and Downworlders never ceases to amaze me. I am so fortunate to have readers who are as thoughtful, joyous, and delightful as you. Thank you for being a part of my story. I couldn’t imagine it without you.

—C. C.

I’M NOT SAYING THE ELDESTCurses put a spell on me or anything, but before I worked on this series, I had zero children. We welcomed Hunter to the world while I was working on The Red Scrolls of Magic, and then my second son, River, while working on The Lost Book of the White.

Coincidence? Mayyyyyybe.

I’d like to think that this has less to do with correlation or causation, and more to do with the fact there was just an abundance of joy and love in my life during those Eldest Curses years. It came from my growing family, and it came from my work writing Magnus and Alec’s (and Max’s!) adventures. It was especially entertaining to witness Magnus and Alec go through the same growing pains we went through raising a family. How else do you juggle bottle-feeding, daycare, and (writing) magical battles all at the same time?

So, above all else, this book is dedicated to family—my family and families everywhere—as we balance love, happiness, and the incredible adventures of raising these magical creatures we call children. To my lovely wife, Paula, my partner, for helping raise two wonderful boys. To Hunter, my inspiration and teacher of patience, I will forever be your DJ and dance partner. To River, my joy and faith in humanity, you’re going to conquer the world one day. To the rest of my extended family, thank you; you are my tribe. To my agency family at Scovil Galen Ghosh Literary, for always having my back with their unwavering support. To the family at Simon & Schuster, for producing this amazing book the readers are holding in their hands.

A special shout-out to Cassie, my writing family. Thank you for allowing me front row seats to witnessing your creative genius.

Lastly to the Shadowhunter family: you are the reason we tell these stories. Thank you for your love and trust.

A final thank-you to Magnus and Alec and Max. Congratulations on your amazing family. We should totally hire a babysitter for the kids and double-date sometime.

—W. C.