The Jealous Groom by Alexa Riley



Twelve years later…

Snow is falling outside, and I sip my hot tea as I watch the children play. It’s Easter this weekend, and there’s still a beautiful blanket of white powder covering the grounds. The family decided to vacation here for spring break and get in some skiing. The oldest cousins are going to be teenagers soon, and keeping them together is important to all of us. It’s why Rosy created the family compound for us back home in Boston and why we are always together as much as possible. Even with our busy schedules, the money we have allows us to dream big.

“Does it make you want more?” Henrik asks as he comes up behind me and rests his chin on my shoulder. His hands move around my hips and then to the soft curve of my belly that never went away after having our babies.

“It makes me miss when they were little.” I smile as the girls begin to team up on the boys.

“Where is everyone?” he asks and kisses the bare skin above the collar of my sweater.

“Lindsey and Gibson are napping.” I smile at Henrik because we both know what that means. “Darian and Rosy are outside overseeing the very competitive snowman competition.”

“The twins will win,” he says, and I nod.

“Definitely.” Then I turn in his arms and his hands go to my ass. “And Magnus and Allison are in the kitchen getting snacks ready for when all the kids come inside.

“So that means we have some alone time.” His eyes twinkle, and I go up on my toes to kiss him.

We have a somewhat remote cabin north of the castle that we like to come to during holidays and when we want to make sure Henrik and Magnus truly leave work behind. With so many kids running around the castle and all the staff, it can be a little chaotic. When we come here, it’s a chance for all of us to calm down and reconnect. It’s one of my favorite things, and I’m so happy that the rest of the family was able to join us.

“Take me to the loft,” I whisper, and he nods, setting down my tea and taking my hand.

When we had the cabin built, Henrik added a library in the back of the house that faces the trees. It’s not just a library, it’s more like a place to relax where there are piles of books to read. There’s a fireplace that’s always going and pillows and furs piled in front of it. On the other side of the room is a raised loft with a set of steps to get to it. It’s open to the room, so from the bed you can see the fire and the snowy trees in the distance. It’s probably my favorite room in the house and where Henrik and I spend the most time after the kids go to bed. There’s no television, no phones, no distractions. Just the two of us sitting quietly together and enjoying the peace that comes with being soul mates.

“Let’s sit in front of the fire,” he suggests, closing and locking the door.

I stretch out on one of the furs and lounge back on the pillows. It’s warm in here, and as he comes closer, he takes off his thick sweater and kneels down in front of me. He lifts my leg and takes off one sock, then the other, before kissing my feet.

“So are we napping too?” I tease before his hands go the buttons on my jeans.

“No, I just want to eat your pussy.”

My core clenches, and I lift my hips, helping give him what he wants. After he takes off my jeans and panties, as he nestles down between my spread knees and kisses me gently on the insides of my thighs.

“Close your eyes,” he says because he knows I’ll get distracted otherwise. If I close my eyes and just feel, it’s always so much more intense.

Reaching down, I run my fingers through his hair just as he swipes his tongue between my folds. It’s warm and wet. He takes his time, and I just lie back and let him. He loves tasting me and giving me pleasure, so who am I to argue?

There’s no rush to the finish line, but he knows exactly how to tease me to bring me right to the edge. Even as I breathe and moan, my body begins to tighten. The more his mouth loves me, the closer my release is getting.

“Henrik, don’t make me beg,” I moan, spreading my knees and arching up to his mouth.

“But it’s so pretty when you do it.”

“You're the devil,” I complain, and I feel his answering smile against me.

He flicks his tongue just right and sucks at the same time, doing that perfect thing that I love so much. That’s all it takes, and I fall over the edge so quickly and beautifully that all I can do is open my mouth as a silent scream escapes. Heaven floods my body as my climax rushes through me in waves of pleasure. And just as I begin to come down, the head of his cock nudges my entrance.

“I’ll be quick,” he says, kissing me softly.

“What if I don’t want you to be quick?” I gasp when he thrusts his hard length inside of me and I’m full in only the way his perfect cock can fill me.

“You say that.” He thrusts again and I moan. “But you’ll start begging for my cum in two seconds.”

“I like the way it feels,” I complain and then smile at him. I’m still fully dressed on top, but we’re both naked from the waist down, and somehow that feels so dirty. Thinking about his cock filling me makes me clench around him and then his eyes meet mine as if to say I told you so.

His cock throbs in answer, and I bear down on it, grinding my wet pussy on his length. It’s slippery and sticky as I rock my hips and the sounds of it only ratchets up my need.

“Fuck.” He clenches my hips tighter, and now I’m riding him from underneath.

“Cum in me,” I whisper in his ear, and he curses again. Damn it, why do I love when he loses control like that? Maybe because I know he’ll be hard again in two seconds.

When I feel his warm release inside me, it triggers my own, and I climax. I cling to him and gasp as the waves of pleasure spread between us, and he puts his weight on top of me.

I used to wonder if it would always be so perfect, and it has been. My husband not only gave me the life I didn’t dare to dream of, but he gave me a happily ever after, complete with my entire family.

He might be jealous and bossy and more than a little demanding, but he’s also kind and generous and the best husband and father anyone could ask for. I’m lucky, but so is he, because I’m pretty damn great too and don’t mind reminding him.

“I love you forever,” he says, kissing me softly.

“I love you for always,” I agree, and then this time when we make love, it’s with our hearts entwined as one.