Virgin Marriage by Alexa Riley

Chapter 10


Aiden drops me onto the bed and climbs on top of me. “Where do you think you’re going?”

Before I can tell him I was going to take a shower, he’s kissing me. I wrap around him and forget about everything but him. Two weeks of never being apart and I still can’t get enough of him. We had sex not five minutes ago and he’s still all over me. Not that I’m complaining.

“You about to go take a shower?” he asks as he pulls away and kisses my neck. I told him that’s what I was doing an hour ago when I woke up, but he kept on distracting me. At this rate I’m never getting out of my bed again.

“Yes.” I playfully push at his chest, but he doesn't budge. “You think I’m going to let you wash me off of you? I like when you walk around smelling like me.” I laugh because I enjoy his smell on me, too, but this girl needs to wash her hair.

“You can put it right back on me?” I suggest, lifting my hips in invitation.

He hums against my neck before kissing me again under my ear.

The next thing I know I’m in the air and over his shoulder and he’s carrying me butt-ass naked to the bathroom. Luckily Gia is gone and I don’t have to worry about her hearing or seeing us.

“Aiden!” I squeal, but he only smacks my ass and turns on the water.

“Don’t you have a job?” I tease him while the warm water runs down my body. I don’t really want him to go anywhere, but he hasn’t gone to work in forever. I know he talks to his assistant on the phone and works on his laptop from time to time, but he hasn’t gone to his office. I enjoy having him around because it feels good when he’s constantly seeking my attention.

“We have plans today.” He reaches for the soap and starts washing me.

I thought I’d be shy about my body, but like everything with Aiden, it feels natural. As if he’s been touching me and loving me his whole life. There’s no awkwardness to any of it and it makes me realize that this is what true love is. We’re soulmates and we found each other. We knew instantly this was our other half and we’d been waiting to meet. Thank god he fought for this and chased me down.

“What plans?” My plans for today are lying around and maybe going for food at some point.

The only dog I had to walk today was Elvis and Aiden already did that this morning while I was still sleeping.

“We need a place to live.” He says it so easily, as if he’s talking about getting groceries. My soapy hands fall from his chest and I stare up at him in shock.

“Like, together?” It hasn't come up since the blow up at his home with Savannah. Though I don’t know if he calls it home anymore since he told Savannah it was hers. She might have given us her blessing in a roundabout way, but I could see in her face she was hurting.

He’s spent every night since then in my bed, and we’ve been staying here in the apartment. Thankfully Gia went back to liking Aiden since she got to know him. Things feel normal here, but it’s the outside world I’m worried about. I know how overbearing families can be and I don’t know if I’m ready for all that.

We haven't talked about the living situation and I haven't brought it up. Nor have I brought up Savannah’s mention of a ring. I’m living day by day and enjoying life for what it’s giving me. He told me he loved me and that’s enough for me right now. At least that’s what I’ve been telling myself. I’ve been waiting for him to say something and he hasn’t talked about his marriage or the fact that he hasn’t been going back to his place.

“You think I’m going to live somewhere without you? You’re my heart.” Every time he calls me that, my insides flutter. Every. Time. I smile up at him knowing I’ll never get tired of hearing it.

“I don’t want to sleep anywhere you’re not at either.”

He leans down and kisses me as he easily lifts me up. I wrap my legs around him, and he thrust inside of me all the way to the base of his cock. I’m wet from being close to him, and some of his cum is still inside me from before. It doesn't take but a few thrusts and we’re both climaxing. He growls my name and I’m breathless, my body tingling with pleasure. We’re always so hot and desperate, I don’t know that we’ll ever get enough.

“How did I live so long without this?” he says after he’s kissed me all over and put me back on my feet.

He begins to wash my hair for me, and my only response is a moan. The orgasm he gave me still tingles all over my skin as he massages me. I don’t know how I lived without this either, but I could never imagine not having it now. I’ve been starved for love and now he’s making sure I have more than I’ll ever need. The thought of not having this is too scary to contemplate.

“Look at me.” My eyes flutter open and they meet his dark gray ones.

Like the first day I saw them, they hold my attention. I wonder if our children will have them? One day at a time, I remind myself, because he’s still married. There is no ring on my finger and we haven’t moved in together. But that hasn't stopped us from all the unprotected sex we’ve been having. We haven't talked about that either since the night we first made love. I wonder how freaked out he’d be if I told him I’ve been secretly hoping to get pregnant? I know the thought is crazy, but I’d be a liar if I didn't admit to thinking it.

“You know you’re it for me, right?” His eyes are soft and I nod. “I told you I’d fix everything and I will. It’s going to be you and me.” He says the words as his hand drifts over my stomach, making me wonder if he’s thinking the same things I am.

“We haven't really talked about what's in the future,” I admit.

“That’s because I don’t want you worrying about it. I’m taking care of it. You have no idea how badly I want to show you what kind of family you and I are going to have. I’m going to make up for the shitty one you had.”

“That’s really sweet but—”

“No buts.” He kisses me again before pulling me from the shower and drying me off.

I blow-dry my hair and get ready, and the whole time I’m thinking about what he said.

“My parents keep calling,” I tell him while I root around for something to wear.

I’m not sure what to wear when you’re looking for a place to live. Aiden’s already dressed in a pair of khakis and polo shirt. He’s sitting in a chair in the corner of the room watching me get ready.

“Are you going to talk to them?” he asks. He already knows all about them. In the past two weeks I’ve told him everything about my life.

I shrug because I’m not sure. I’m still mad at them, but maybe they’ve seen how little they’ve been in my life now. They could want to change, but for some reason I’m not buying it.

“You know you’re actually the kind of man they’d want me to marry.” I shake my head with a laugh. He’s from a good family, has money, and did well in school. “You have all the parents out there trying to marry their daughters off to you,” I tease with a laugh, but I watch his smile fall. “I’m sorry. I was joking.”

I walk over to him and he instantly pulls me into his lap and nuzzles my neck. “I never should have done it.” He’s talking about getting married to Savannah.

“You did what you thought was right.” He’s a good man, so how could it bother me?

“Still, it feels like I cheated on you.”

“What?” I turn in his lap so I’m straddling him. His hands go to my hips and he holds me tightly. “That’s silly.” We were each other’s first. He in no way cheated on me.

“You are the only woman who should ever be my wife.” He rests his forehead to mine and I can feel the tension in his body. “I’m fixing that today.”

“What do you mean?” He hasn't spoken about the annulment since I saw the papers he pulled out. Savannah signed them, but I knew it wasn't that easy. It doesn’t all go away when you sign on the dotted line. At least I don't think that’s how it works.

“The judge is signing off on it today. We’ll be annulled.” As if on cue his phone goes off and he picks it up. He turns the screen so I can see the text.

“It’s from my lawyer, Wyatt.”

Wyatt: Done.

“That’s it? You’re not married anymore?” I knew this was coming, but I didn't know how much it meant to me for it to all be over with. No one else has a claim to him, fake or otherwise, and I get him all to myself.

“I was never was married, my heart.”

I smile so big I think my face might hurt tomorrow. I think of Savannah and I hope she’s okay. She was rude and mean, but I could see the hurt in her eyes. She ached to be loved by someone and I know exactly how that feels. We just have different ways of dealing with it.

The phone chimes again and we both look down.

Wyatt: She doesn't belong to you anymore. Never did to begin with.

The text sounds possessive and I stare at it for a moment thinking I read it wrong. Aiden doesn't look at it more than a second before he puts it in his pocket and it’s clear he doesn’t care about it any longer. He got the information he needed and anything else is of no concern to him. I begin to wonder what that could mean.

“You’re going to marry me,” he tells me, and all thoughts of anything else dissolve.

I nod because I know I am. I think I knew from the moment I turned around and looked at him. It wasn't only his eyes that held me captive that day. It was his possession.

“When you ask me, we will.” I fight a smirk.

I was happy before this moment, but now something feels different. He’s really all mine. He moves his hands from my hips and begins to tickle me. I laugh and try to get away, but of course I can’t go anywhere.

“Get dressed so we can find a place to call our home,” he says after I agree I’ll marry him. He already knew I would. “We’re going to make the life we didn't know we could have,” he adds with a smile.

“Are your parents going to be okay with all this?” I ask.

I’ve been wondering about his parents since he talked about them some. They didn't sound cold like Savannah’s, and if anything they want him to be happy so they can try to heal the pain of losing their daughter. Marrying Aiden off was not the way to make that happen, especially since there wasn't any love involved. It only pushed them away from him. I may not know a lot about being a family, but from watching Gia’s I know love is the center of it all. They can fight but they love harder and that’s clear in everything they do for each other.

“They don’t have a choice. I’m done living for everyone else. Now it’s you and me.” His hand goes to the back of my neck and he pulls me to him. Our mouths are a breath apart and I can feel his warm lips almost touching mine. “And whatever family we make inside of you for us.”

I can’t stop myself from pushing my panty-covered clit into his hard cock and thinking about him putting a baby inside me. For all I know he already has.

He groans, standing with me in his arms.

“Get dressed or we’ll never leave. I have to get us a place where I can have you anytime and anywhere without thinking about someone seeing or hearing you cum.”

My cheeks heat but I hurriedly dash for the closet. I grab some jeans and pull on a sweater.

“I’m ready.”

“Good.” He takes my hand and we tell Elvis goodbye before we leave. I lean into him as we take the elevator down and then walk out of the building. I’m full of love and happiness as we step outside and suddenly a flash goes off in my face. Then several more all at once.

“Mr. Clark, is it true you were never married?”

“Medical reports claim Savannah Caldwell is still a virgin!”

“Is she the other woman? Is she the reason you never slept with your wife?”

“Was Savannah Caldwell's family trying to con you?”

Questions rain down on us and flashes blind me. Aiden pulls me back into my building. We race back to the elevator and the doors close, leaving us alone. I glance over to him, unsure of what to say. I’m not even sure what the hell happened.

I don’t know how they found out where I live or that Aiden got an annulment, but the whole world now knows that we’re together.