Virgin Marriage by Alexa Riley

Chapter 3


Isit in the same coffee shop where I first saw Marco as I watch the time slowly tick by. I glance at my phone screen, annoyed it’s only been another few minutes. I’m avoiding this, which is something I’m not used to doing, and it’s putting me on edge. But for some reason when it comes to Marco I have a knack for avoidance.

The time has come to face this because I promised it not only to myself but him, too. It might have been a silent vow, but it still holds the same weight as if I told him the words.

I’m staying away from my brothers for now, especially Jason. He’ll be pounding down my door because Mom won’t be able to hold him back long. This is how it always plays out when I fight with them about something. First Jason will come in playing bad cop and then my youngest will be the good cop. My middle brothers will shift around, but I know they all tell each other what they’re doing.

I don’t want to hear it because my family is loud and will drown out everyone around them. I’m not sure my brothers saw me slip from the room when they exploded after the mention of Marco’s name.

Both my mom and dad watched me as I slid from my chair and booked it out of there. My mom gave me a nod as I left and I knew she understood. I wouldn’t let whatever they had to say about Marco drown out what he needed to tell me. I find it hard to believe he doesn’t know who I am if he knows my brothers, but I caught the edge of their words.

Liar. Using you. Snake.

Though my brothers said the words, I find them hard to believe.

Glancing at my phone, I give up the fight and grab my bag. I can't be completely mad at Marco for keeping something from me because I’ve been doing the same thing with him by not telling him how I feel.

My mom not stopping me from leaving said a lot. We’re alike and she’s just as determined as I am when it comes to what we want. She also knows I’m in love with Marco and she was playing me with her innocent act while cooking. It makes me wonder if she knows who Marco is since everyone else seems to.

I don’t make it to the front of my building before I see Jason standing there with his arms folded over his chest. It’s clear he’s ready to have it out with me.

“I’m not doing it,” I tell him when he sees me. I put one hand up as I get closer to him and I’m thankful I never gave any of my brothers a key to my place. This is why. They make themselves right at home and if he wasn’t out here, he’d be pacing in my apartment.

One thing is sure, I want him gone. Marco will be coming over soon and I want to be alone with him. Caroline is gone for the time being because she’s off having her happily ever after. I’m kicking myself about giving her a hard time because I understand it now. She had so much faith in her man and she knew in her gut that he was the one. Karma gave me an instant punch in the face on that one.

“Georgia.” He never calls me that.

“Really? You’re not Dad,” I toss back at him. Only my dad ever calls me by my given name.

“Hear me out,” he pushes.

“I will.” He smiles like he’s won some fight over Marco, which pisses me off. “After I talk to Marco,” I say, and the smile drops instantly from his face. I have to fight a smirk because I’m trying to be an adult about this.

“Listen.” He drops his arms when he sees his intimidation tactic isn't working.

“No, you listen. I let you all scare off every hanging dick that has come near me without really bitching about it.” My brother’s mouth falls open and I keep on going. I know he won’t stay quiet long because our family bounces back quick. “This is different and you need to look at me and see that.”

He stares at me for a long moment before he speaks. “I’ll be back.”

That’s all he says as he stomps away and it takes everything inside of me to not shout that he’s not the Terminator. I take a breath and try to get it together before going inside my place. That was too easy, but I’ll take it for now.

When I step off the elevator onto my floor I check the time again. Marco is always on time or early, so I know he’ll be here soon.

My heart is heavy because I miss him so much and I know we have a lot of crap to talk about. But all I want to do is jump into his arms and tell him I love him. I want to kiss him and hear him say that back to me. I don’t want to deal with all this crap with my family.

I open the door to my apartment and pull my hair down. I drop my bag on the table and I freeze when I see Marco standing there. His hands are in his pockets and his expression is unreadable. His suit jacket is draped over the dining room chair and his sleeves are unbuttoned and rolled up.

“Don’t text me K, baby.”

That was not what I thought he was going to say. I stare at the handsome face of the man I know I’m going to marry and I see how this is going to go down.

“Don’t come at me with whatever mood this is,” I fire back, waving my hand towards him and he smirks. “Did they call you?”

“Yeah,” he answers casually.

“And?” Most men would be running scared, but he isn’t. He’s standing here looking as sexy as ever and I really shouldn't be this turned on right now.

“I told your brother to fuck off.”

“Which one?” I ask as I take a step towards him. I’m enjoying it more than I should and I would’ve loved to have seen their faces.

“All of them.” A bark of laughter escapes me as he pulls his hands from his pockets and tosses his cell phone on the table.

“You let yourself in.” I motion towards my door that I know was locked.

“As one of your brothers mentioned, my past has sketchy spots. I picked up a few things.”

I know how Marco grew up and I admire him for it. He’s a fighter, but to hear one of them throw that in his face makes me boil. We came into this world given more than most and our dad taught us to remember that others aren’t so lucky. My dad worked hard to give us a good life and they know better. Hell, Dad’s start in life wasn't much better than Marco’s.

“Which. One,” I demand. If they thought they saw me mad before, they have no idea what’s coming.

“Hmm.” His hand comes up to his mouth to stroke his beard. “I don’t think it’ll win me any favors if I rat one of them out.”

I don’t know how he does it, but he calms some of the anger I was feeling with his simple words.

“You need favors with them?” I lift an eyebrow and Marco moves closer to me.

“I’m not going anywhere, so…” He shrugs and my heart speeds up.

Marco doesn't always say what he’s feeling. He’d rather take action. Doing something about a problem is what he understands, but I’m the type that needs the words. But I want to show him that I can speak his language, too.

“You love me,” I say, and it’s not a question.

His actions since the moment we met have shown nothing but love. From the very second he sat down at my table, he knew he belonged there just as I knew it, too.

“How could I not?” He moves to stand in front of me and I tilt my head back to look up at him.

I slide my hands up his broad chest and wrap my arms around his neck. His hands go to my hips as he pulls me tight to him and I’m showing him that I love him, too. He can tell me about what’s going on later. I don't need his explanation right now. This is me showing him that I’m all in.

“Make love to me,” I say as I pull him down so I can press my lips to his.