Virgin Marriage by Alexa Riley

Chapter 8


“We’re going to talk about this now,” I say as I watch her writhe and beg for release. “Every other time I bring it up you distract me with sex and the only thing I can think about is giving you pleasure.”

“Is that so bad?” She looks up at me through her lashes and I ache to give her what she wants.

“You’re making me wait and I don’t like it.” I lean down and softly brush my lips against hers. “Let’s see how you deal with it.”

I take a step back and immediately hate the loss of her warmth. But I hate even more that she’s avoiding becoming mine.

“It’s not that easy,” she says as she fixes her dress.

“I understand you want Jason to be there and to be okay with it, but I’m not waiting on him to start my future with you.” I reach out and take her chin. I can see in her eyes that I’m right. “He can get over it with you as my wife, but I’m tired of postponing this because of someone else.”

My hand drifts lower and covers her belly. I know damn well she’s pregnant right now and that’s another reason to push for the date. She might not have taken a test, but she’s weeks late and there’s a reason for it.

“I know you’re right. I just kept hoping things would change.”

“Set the date,” I say as I stare into her eyes and she nods.

“June 7th,” she blurts out, and I smile.

“Why that day?”

She shrugs and then her cheeks flush. “It’s the date my parents got married. I thought it might be good luck.” She shrugs as I pull her into my arms and kiss the top of her head.

“I think that’s perfect.” My hands move to her ass and grip her there as her hips push against my hard cock.

She spreads her legs and pulls her dress up as her panty-covered pussy rubs up and down my hard length. Her breath catches and I know she’s close to the edge. Since she’s given me what I want I’ll give it to her.

I release her and get to my knees. I yank her panties to the side and bury my face in between her thighs. She moans, but when I look up at her she puts her own hand over her mouth as my tongue finds her clit.

A few quick licks and her body tenses as her orgasm rolls through her. I can hear her muffled cries as I drink down her sweetness and try desperately to ignore my own need. I don’t want to fuck her here, but I needed to stake my claim.

When she’s finished I clean her up with my mouth and then put her panties back into place. I stand up and then make sure her dress is covering her as she falls into my arms.

“Now I need a nap,” she laughs, and I kiss her lips.

“I want nothing more than to crawl into bed with you,” I say, rubbing my nose against her. “But I’m going to have to tuck you in and leave because I’ve got a meeting.”

“Don’t you have enough money already?” she says, laughing at her own joke.

“You get sassy when you cum.” Her cheeks turn pink at my words and I slap her ass. “I’ve got plenty, so whenever you’re ready to give this up you let me know.”

Her eyebrows pull together in confusion and she opens her mouth to argue with me. I put a finger over her lips to silence her and shake my head.

“You can pretend all you want with everyone else, but I know your heart isn’t here.” I take a step back from her and then hold her hand in mine. “We can talk about this later. I’ve got to call the dean and then go to work.”

“The dean?” she squeaks at me as we walk out of the room and into the hallway.

“You think I’m going to let your professor get away with his behavior?” I shake my head. “It’s like you don’t even know me.”

I wink at her and she rolls her eyes, but she doesn’t try to stop me as we leave.

By the time we get home and I have her tucked into bed, I’m late. I shake my head when I think of her mouth and what she did to convince me to stay. Although I have to be honest with myself because I didn’t fight her too hard. I’m so distracted by the way she looks at me that time has no meaning and I’m lost to her.

I try to shake thoughts of her naked and wet in our bed out of my head because otherwise I’ll get back in my car and go home. That’s what I’m hoping I can do after this meeting is over. But it’s important enough to pull me away from her, so I need to see it through.

I walk into the hotel and the concierge directs me to the ballroom down the hall. When I get there I see there’s a table set for two and I walk over and take a seat. I’ve rented out the neutral space as a peace offering and I’m hoping that today we can come to an agreement.

It doesn’t take long before the door opens and Jason walks inside. He doesn’t look happy to see me, but he came and that’s really all I can ask of him at this point.

I stand up and meet him halfway with my hand extended. He looks at it and shakes it but releases it quickly.

“Would you like to have a seat?” I ask, and his eyes narrow.

“I don’t know. Is this going to take a while?”

“I guess that depends on you,” I say, and he thinks for a second before we take a seat.

He pours himself a glass of water and sits back, waiting for me to start. I guess I’m the one who called this meeting, so I might as well lay the cards on the table.

“First of all, thank you for showing up. I thought you might not,” I say, and a smile pulls at one side of his lips.

“Me too,” he admits.

“There’s a gap between us right now and I’d like to bridge it.” I open my briefcase beside me and pull out the folder. I slide it across the table to him. “I’d like to propose a business deal.”

He eyes the folder skeptically then looks at me. “Didn’t we try this once before and your firm screwed me?”

“I’ll admit that my company offered you as little as possible with the highest terms they could think of to try and squeeze you out,” I say, and he nods, unsurprised by this news. “But this isn’t an offer from my company. This is an offer from me.”

He takes the folder, pulls it to him and opens it up. He scans the first couple of pages and I watch as his face changes from suspicious to surprised.

“You want to be business partners with me?” he asks and I nod. “What about the company you work for?”

I shrug. “I want to have the freedom to work when I want and this would allow that.” I take a drink of water and give him a moment to keep reading. “As I’ve said to you before, your previous company was successful, but you needed the experience and guidance I can offer. What you’re doing now is great, but I can help you get to the next level.”

“And why should I trust you?” he says as he closes the folder and lays his hand on top of it. “What’s to keep you from screwing me over again like you did before?”

“That wasn’t me doing the screwing last time. And the more I checked into it, the more I saw you may have been right.” I lean forward and look him in the eyes. “It’s time for me to break out on my own and do what I can do best. I can help your company succeed, and you need me.”

He looks away but he doesn’t disagree with me.

“Jason, the last time when the deal was offered you didn’t have anyone in your corner telling you what to do. Let me be that person and let me help you. You needed it then and you were too damn stubborn to ask for it and you went under. Don’t make that same mistake again.”

“Why are you doing this?” He raises an eyebrow and crosses his arms over his chest. “Is this because of Gia?”

“She’s my reason for breathing,” I admit without hesitation. “Everything I do is because of her. I wouldn’t be sitting here talking to you if it wasn’t for her, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t believe in you or what you’re capable of.”

“You really do love her,” he says as if he’s just now seeing it.

“I wouldn’t be willing to risk leaving a job I worked all my life to get if I didn’t think this would be a better decision. I’ve got the money to fall back on if this goes south, but I wouldn't put Gia—or you—at risk.”

“I never wanted to like you because she’s my baby sister,” he admits, and I nod. “But everyone seems to think that you’re good enough for her.”

“I’m not good enough for her, but I’m not willing to step aside for someone else to have her.” It’s the truth and I’m willing to admit it. “She’s too good for me, but I know I’ll do everything I can to keep her happy for the rest of her life. She deserves that and everything else she wants. I’m going to spend my life giving her those things.”

“I think I’m starting to see what you mean by that,” he says and looks away from me.

I’m wondering if Jason has found someone and maybe that’s why he’s been absent from family dinner the past couple of weeks. It would explain a lot actually and I’ll have to ask Gia what she thinks about it.

“So does that mean we’re doing this?” I stand up and hold out my hand, and Jason stands up, too.

“Yeah, I think it means we are.” He shakes my hand and we both smile. I know Gia will be relieved to know we’ve buried the hatchet.

“We can go over the details next week after I break the news to my employers,” I say as Jason grabs the files and I get my briefcase.

“Or we can do it over family dinner this weekend.”

“Perfect,” I agree as we walk out of the hotel. “Just keep June 7th free.”

“Why is that?”

“The wedding,” I say, and there’s a brief flash of surprise on his face before he nods.

“I figured that was coming.”

When we get outside we say goodbye and I get in my car, I feel lighter already about the decision. This is what’s best for everyone, not only for Jason and me in creating a partnership, but for Gia and her brother to mend what’s been broken. It’s time for her to put all her worries to rest and finally admit to herself what she wants her future to be.