Virgin Marriage by Alexa Riley

Chapter 5


“And then he just kissed you and left?” Gia asks with wide eyes.

“Yep,” I say. I take a bite of my cereal and fix a cup of coffee.

“And now he’s coming back this morning?” She is so over the top about this that it makes me giggle.

“He told me he wanted to see how someone my size could walk all the dogs at once.” I shrug because I thought it was kind of sweet.

“I can’t believe you showed a stranger where you live.” She begins to pace and I’m pretty sure at this point she’s talking to herself. “But he did carry Elvis four blocks and that’s not an easy feat.” She turns and paces the other way as she thinks some more. “He didn’t try to rape and murder you the second you met, so that could be a good sign. But maybe he’s coming back today to finish the job.”

“Gia?” I say, and she pauses to look up at me.

“Well, it’s settled. I have to be here when he comes this morning to make sure you don’t die. I hope you’re happy.”

I shake my head and leave to get ready. When I come out she’s on the couch with Elvis. I already took him on a quick walk this morning, so he’s going to stay home. Gia doesn't have classes until ten, so she normally slops it up on the couch until Marco comes to get her.

“Are we going to talk about your text yesterday asking about giving it up to him?” I raise an eyebrow at her and she shrugs.

“It hasn’t happened yet. I just wanted to take a vote before I made my decision.”

“When’s the big day?”

“I guess if you don’t get murdered I’ll tell you,” she says, trying to change the subject.

I know that she’s nervous about giving it up to Marco. She’s afraid that by some insane chance he’s going to get her cherry and disappear. But that guy would crawl across the earth just to be at her side.

Before I can respond to her, there’s a knock at the door and suddenly I’m filled with birds instead of butterflies. They’re flapping their wings like mad as I answer the door and see Aiden standing there.

“I see you dressed the part today,” I say, using the excuse of his clothes to take him all in. He’s wearing jeans and a polo shirt with sneakers.

“You look beautiful,” he says without taking his eyes off mine.

I’m wearing jeans and a tank top but I suddenly feel naked. Maybe I’m exposing too much skin because it’s like I can feel his hands on me even though we’re feet apart.

“So this is the guy,” Gia says, walking up behind me.

“This is the guy,” I repeat, and to Aiden’s credit he holds out his hands and does a turn in the hallway so that we get a full look at him.

“I’m unarmed,” he says, and I laugh and invite him in.

“I’m just going to grab the keys and leashes and then I’ll be ready to go.”

“I can’t wait to see how this is supposed to work,” he says, and Gia actually snorts.

“It looks like they’re taking her on a walk, but she likes it,” she says as she leans against the kitchen counter.

“I heard a lot of nice things about you yesterday,” Aiden says, and Gia narrows her eyes on me.

“You better have.”

She looks deadly, but I know she’s only teasing. I poke her arm when I walk by and she fakes like I’ve wounded her. “I’ll see you later,” I tell her as Aiden and I walk out.

“Be safe! Don’t die!” she shouts, and I close the door in her face.

“Sorry about that,” I tell Aiden as we get on the elevator.

“I like that she looks out for you,” he says, and suddenly I feel his fingers against mine and then my hand is in his.

I was going to say something else, but suddenly all thoughts before he touched me are out the window. Who the hell is this guy and what is he doing to me?

On the way to get the dogs we spend a lot of time talking. I ask him more about what he does and where he’s from. I don’t realize how much I’m smiling until my face begins to hurt. He asks me about all kinds of stuff like favorite movies and food and what I like to do when I’m not walking dogs.

“I didn’t think to ask, but do you live in the city?” I query when we’ve gotten the last dog and are headed to the park.

“Right now I’m just watching you in wonder as you manage all of them,” he says, staring at me.

“I’ve got strong arms,” I reply and wink at him and then immediately feel shy afterwards.

“I live just outside of downtown. Not too far.” He looks away from me as he answers and then changes the subject. “Have dinner with me tonight.”

“Okay,” I agree quickly, then I wonder if maybe that was too quick.

“Good,” he says and smiles at me. We stare at each other for a moment before I’m distracted by tangling leashes and excitable dogs.

We spend the day together, and when I ask him about work he says he took the day off. He ends up helping me walk half the dogs and after we drop them off we have lunch at a nearby cafe. We sit outside in the sunshine and I’ve never felt so light and happy before. My attraction to him is off the charts and we talk nonstop.

This is what I always thought of when people say they knew instantly that their person was the one. He’s charming and sweet and every time he touches me something sparks inside me. There’s a buzz between us and all I can think about is, when will he kiss me again?

“I need to change if we’re going to go to dinner,” I say as I look down at my clothes. They’re mostly covered in dog hair, but one of the Jack Russells got excited and I ended up with muddy paw prints all down my jeans.

“Why don’t I drop you off at your place and then meet you at the restaurant,” he says, and I agree.

We walk hand in hand to my apartment and the whole way I’m nervous. I wave to the doorman and we make our way up to my door. I’m trying my best to control myself. What I want to do is leap into his arms, but I don’t want him to think I’m a crazy person.

We’re silent as we ride the elevator up, but the rhythmic feel of his thumb going back and forth over mine is heightening every nerve in my body. I nearly jump out of my skin when the elevator chimes and we walk out.

I unlock the door and step inside to tell him goodbye. “I guess I’ll see you—”

I’m cut off when Aiden grabs me up in his arms and presses his lips to mine. My back hits the wall and he kisses me like he’s been waiting all day to do it. I’m shocked for only a second before I catch up to him. I wrap my legs around his waist and moan when he grinds me against the wall. When I feel his tongue touch mine I whine at how good it feels. Is this what it’s like to be completely consumed?

He thrusts his lower half against mine and the hard ridge of his cock is rubbing in just the exact right spot. His hands are on my ass and he’s holding me closer to him as he dry humps me on the wall. I’ve never been so horny in my life and he’s only just kissing me.

“More,” he demands as his mouth moves down my neck and he kisses me there. “I’m dying for you.”

He yanks down the front of my tank top and I feel his lips on the swell of my breasts above my bra. I want him to pull the cups down and suck on my nipples, but I’ve lost the ability to speak.

He’s everywhere all at once and I’m surrounded in his scent. He’s so big and strong and I feel dainty and delicate in his arms. I don’t know if I’m breathing on my own or if he’s taken over completely.

“Tell me to stop.” He looks at me with those dark gray eyes and I can tell he’s on the edge, too. “You have to stop me.”

I run my hands through his hair and close my eyes. “I don’t want you to,” I whisper before I open them again.

“I should,” he says, squeezing my ass and rubbing me against him again. “Please.”

He’s pleading with me now and for some reason I love that he’s giving me all the power. He’s in control, but with one word I can stop this. I was honest when I said I don’t want him to stop, but I can see that he needs me to tell him to, for whatever reason. I don’t want to do something he’ll regret or go too far too fast. I know in my heart that he would do the same for me, so even though I don’t understand, I know we need to cool down.

“Give me one more kiss, and then go get ready for dinner,” I say.

His lips are on mine before I barely get the words out and it’s more passionate than before. Maybe because he’s taking his time and savoring me instead of being rushed and desperate. His lips are full and soft against mine and he tastes like chocolate. I could kiss him for hours just like this, but after a few moments he parts our lips and presses his forehead to mine.

“Thank you,” he says, and I let out a small laugh.

“You’re not so bad yourself,” I say, and then he leans back smiling at me.

When he releases me my legs wobble a little and he helps steady me before he takes a step back.

“Okay. I’ll see you in an hour,” he says as he walks backwards away from me like he’s forcing himself to let me go.

“One hour,” I confirm, touching my lips. They’re probably red and swollen from his kisses, but I don’t care. I love the feel of him against me and I’m already needy for more.

“Forty-five minutes,” he says as he grabs the doorknob. I laugh and then he sighs and shakes his head. “Half an hour. Be quick,” he says, then bolts out the door.

I laugh again and then I’m in motion because it doesn't give me much time. I might be running around like crazy, but the whole time I’m smiling like a lunatic.