Josh and Hazel’s Guide to Not Dating by Christina Lauren


Some characters take longer to find, and some burst onto the page, already formed and impatiently waiting for us to start typing it all down. The latter situation was the case with Josh and Hazel. Few people get to say they find joy in their job, but that’s what this book was: pure, unadulterated fun. We are so very lucky.

Behind every book is a whole team of people who make it happen. Editor Adam Wilson is as instrumental to our books as we are. He helps us find what we’re missing, and makes the things we get right even better. Our agent, Holly Root, is a miracle, seriously. Thank you for always being there to calm our flails and celebrate right along with us. You are our rock. Kristin Dwyer, our moon and stars and magical unicorn publicist, we would be lost without you. You did so good, girl.

Simon & Schuster/Gallery Books has been our home since we were newborn debut authors. Thank you to Carolyn Reidy, Jen Bergstrom, Diana Velasquez, Abby Zidle, Mackenzie Hickey, Laura Waters, Hannah Payne, and Theresa Dooley (we miss you). Thank you, John Vairo and Lisa Litwack, for the cover that makes us smile whenever we see it. The amazing S&S sales team gets our books on the shelves, and into the hands of amazing readers.

Thank you, Erin Service, for forever being our biggest cheerleader and most careful set of eyes, and Marion Archer, for the thoughtful reads and all of the heart you put into your feedback.

Thank you to every reader and blogger and Instagrammer and Booktuber who has ever picked up one of our books or recommended us to someone. We laughed so much while writing this book; we hope you feel that in every page.

This book is dedicated to Jen Lum, and Katie and David Lee because they are AMAZING. We can’t actually show up on their porches and thank them in person, but we would if it wasn’t creepy. Thank you, Jen, Katie, and David, for sharing your lives and your stories and helping us make Josh and his family feel real. We are very grateful.

To our families! You are the reason we smile, and also the reason we occasionally drink wine by the bottle. Thank you for putting up with our deadline brains and tours and crazy schedules and our nonstop texts to each other. We love you.

To PQ, you make me so proud. Working on this felt like the best of what we do, and I love that it still makes us laugh out loud, every single time we read it. I love you!

To my Lolo, when we first started writing together it was basically to make each other laugh or swoon or blush. Nine years later and that hasn’t changed. Thank you for being patient while I found my voice again and for loving me no matter what. I thank the universe every day that a sparkly vampire brought you into my life. And that you still haven’t managed to escape. I love you.