Roomies by Christina Lauren


After our beloved feminist manifesto-romp of Dating You / Hating You, and the tender heartswell of Autoboyography, writing Roomies was pure, shameless fun. Holland and Calvin’s story was a much enjoyed return to our romance roots, and we love nothing more than a story set in NYC!

So thank you, Adam Wilson, for saying yes when a new story idea rolls out of our collective imagination, and for always helping us turn the first draft of madness into an actual book. Our agent, Holly Root, is a star, and without her we would be blind (and contractless). To our ever-supportive publisher, thank you: Carolyn Reidy, Louise Burke (happy retirement!), Jen Bergstrom, and Paul O’Halloran, and the hardest-working sales team in publishing. Publicity badass report: Kristin “Precious” Dwyer is the calm to our crazy, the Nutella to our waffle, the punctuation to our sentence; and Teresa Dooley is the kind of stellar-on-the-ball that things are done before we even think to ask about them. Thank you, too, to the Gallery marketing group: Liz Psaltis, Diana Velasquez, Abby Zidle, and Mackenzie Hickey. Our covers are always phenomenal—thank you, Lisa and John of the Mustache.

Our prereader editorial lifesavers are Erin Service and Marion Archer. Without you, this book would still not have an ending. Thanks, as ever, for the honest critique and constant support! Thank you, Blane Mall for Irish’ing up our Irishman, and to Jonathan Root for help with the Broadway details; any mistakes are ours alone.

And to all of our readers out there, thank you for coming along for each one of these adventures. We love you all more than we can possibly say.


Christina & Lo