Dating You / Hating You by Christina Lauren

chapter fourteen



If this isn’t about a bank robbery

I don’t think I want to hear it.

MC, I nearly put my face in Evie’s boobs in her office.

Okay, no, I want to hear this.

She’s so badass and straightforward.

Which is sexy and intimidating all at once, and her shirt keeps popping open.

And then I went to tell her and it was like . . . impossible to want to leave without kissing.


Just keep reminding me she’s Lucifer.

I mean, not really she isn’t.

She’s the nicest person.

It seemed like she wanted to kiss me.

Or bite your face?

In a good way.

In a bad way.

Whose side are you on?

The side where the two of you get married and she gives birth to a fully formed toddler who draws on your bedspread with toothpaste.

