Dating You / Hating You by Christina Lauren

chapter nine


“How can you not like brussels sprouts?” Amelia asks Daryl, holding the fork in front of our friend’s scrunched-up face. We’re doing an emergency happy hour, with food instead of drinks. I am not a consistent stress-drinker, but I am a fantastic stress-eater.

Daryl gently pushes away her hand. “Because they taste like ass in my mouth?”

“I’m up for ass in my mouth,” I say. “I’ll take her share.”

Amelia studies me for a moment before dropping them onto my plate. “Careful who you say that to.”

“Speaking of: We should have invited Carter,” Daryl says. “He’s cute and probably freaking out just as much as we are right now.”

Daryl’s department was hit a little differently than was Features. They still have cuts, but it’s far cheaper to keep Daryl than to buy her out. She’s safe for at least another year.

I shake my head, quickly swallowing an enormous bite. “He didn’t want to.”

So far I’ve only given them the bullet points:

• Hiding in my office, worrying I was going to be fired.

• Meeting with Brad.

• Thinking I might not be fired.

• Surprise! There might only be a job here for one of you.

• And by one of you, we mean you or this new guy you want to bang.

“Didn’t you . . . ya know . . .” Daryl makes a crude sexual hand gesture, adding, “like, only a few nights ago?”

“Use your big-girl words, Daryl,” Amelia says.

“Third base,” I confirm. “And it was a holy experience. Orgasmus maximus. My bedspread and I were hoping for a repeat.”

“So, how is it going to play out?” Amelia asks. “You can’t work together and sleep together?”

“Or maybe you won’t work together at all and can still sleep together?” Daryl counters.

“Great, except for that part about one of us being an unemployed hobo. Homelessness tends to be a real mood killer.” I pop a pita chip in my mouth and chew, thinking. “We have a meeting to go over our new client lists on Thursday. And after that, I suppose we’ll operate as though we’re both working there forever, knowing that one of our contracts probably won’t be renewed. New York was brought up, but . . . I don’t know.”

Daryl blanches. “You’d move?”

“Hell no. But P&D has huge resources. I don’t want to burn any bridges until I have to.”

“And Carter has huge resources, too?” At the meaningful tilt to Daryl’s words, Amelia high-fives her.

My phone lights up on the table, and we all look down to see Carter’s name.

“Oh shit,” Daryl whispers. “It’s like he knows . . .

I stare at it as it rings, and rings.

Amelia sighs. “Will you answer that damn phone?”

I lift it, swiping my thumb across the screen. “Hey, Carter.”


Standing, I walk to a quiet corner of the restaurant, near the windows.

“How are you holding up?” he asks.

I laugh, tracing my finger along the windowsill. “I’m working my way through the Post and Beam appetizer menu, so I’m doing okay.”

Carter laughs now, too, and I realize when he does how awkward and unmirthful both of us have sounded. “Look, I was still sort of in reaction mode when you asked me about lunch and was probably a bit shorter than I meant to be. I know it’s crazy, but I don’t want this to get in the way of what was starting with us, you know?”

I nod but struggle to think of what to say in response. It’s so complicated now.

“I know,” I say finally. “You give good make-out.”

“So do you.” He’s quiet for a few breaths. “Do you think we’re competing for this job?”

“Brad sure made it sound that way. I don’t know that we need to, though. I think we can figure out how to both be indispensable.”

“Let’s just make sure we communicate,” he says. “If we stay open with each other, we’ll be fine, right?”

I squeak out a limply enthusiastic “Sure!” and after a few more small words we agree to talk tomorrow.

It feels like we’re standing on the deck of the Titanic as it goes down, saying, It’s gonna bob back up any second now.

Date: Wed, Oct 14 at 5:03 AM

From:Bradley Kingman

To:Aimee Miller; Dudley Thompson; John Fineman; Timothy Brown; Andrew Murphy; Carter Aaron; Evelyn Abbey; Rose McCollough; Ashton Garcia

Subject:Dan Printz



I received word last night that Dan Printz is leaving his current representation at Lorimac. Anyone think they can snare him, let me know and I’ll set up a meeting. This is a $5M/year potential client for us. Evie handled his screenwriting credit over at Alterman a few years back, so I’m leaning that way. Jump in with any objections by 9 am.

Date:Wed, Oct 14 at 5:07 AM

From:Carter Aaron <[email protected]>

To:Bradley Kingman

CC:Aimee Miller; Dudley Thompson; John Fineman; Timothy Brown; Andrew Murphy; Evelyn Abbey; Rose McCollough; Ashton Garcia

Subject:Re: Dan Printz

Let me take a shot at this one, Brad. We have a mutual friend in New York.


Date: Wed, Oct 14 at 5:08 AM

From:Evelyn Abbey

To:Bradley Kingman

Subject:Re: Dan Printz

I’m happy to keep working with Dan. He and I had a great relationship and I’m confident I could get him to move over.



Date:Wed, Oct 14 at 5:08 AM

From:Evelyn Abbey

To:Bradley Kingman

CC:Carter Aaron

Subject:Re: Dan Printz

Carter and I must have replied at the same time. Looks like we’re both happy to take him onto our list. Perhaps this is a good opportunity for a team representation strategy. Let’s discuss today?


Date: Wed, Oct 14 at 5:43 AM

From:Bradley Kingman

To:Aimee Miller; Dudley Thompson; John Fineman; Timothy Brown; Andrew Murphy; Carter Aaron; Evelyn Abbey; Rose McCollough; Ashton Garcia

Subject:Dan Printz

Early bird gets the worm, and good timing, Carter. Joanne just called. Dan will be named People’s Sexiest Man Alive—not announced yet. Would be a huge get for us. Carter, Kylie will set up a one-on-one meeting for you and Dan this week. Great job.
