Twisted Hearts by Cora Reilly

Iwas nervous. This was the first time I’d set foot into the Falcone mansion to officially meet everyone before the engagement in two days.

This was the place I’d spend my life in because Savio and his brothers would never live in separate homes, he’d made that clear. Not that I minded. I loved to live in a big family unit, loved the solidarity and that there was always someone around to talk to.

Today, I’d have dinner with the people who’d become part of my family in eighteen months. That, of course, required for the Falcone clan to accept me.

My stomach knotted itself tightly. What if they didn’t? For Savio, his brothers were everything. If they didn’t like me, what would that mean for our marriage?

I knew Remo, Nino and Adamo as well as you could know people you’d only exchanged a couple of sentences with. I liked Adamo, even if he was too volatile for my taste. Not to mention that I’d always stayed clear of the crowd he’d hung with at school. I’d never understood why people would put poison into their own bodies for a kick. Besides, Adamo was currently in New York and I wouldn’t even see him today.

I feared Nino and Remo. Some people, very few, very ignorant people thought they’d become more approachable, maybe even tamer since they had wives and children. These people had never paid close attention to their fights. I had because I wanted to improve and the only way to do that is to study the best in your profession. Remo and Nino had been the best for as long as I could remember, and Savio had joined them in their unchallenged prime spot a few years ago. When they fought, you saw what really lay beneath, and it wasn’t anything tame or less dangerous. These men, all of them, enjoyed inflicting pain, not just to win a fight. No, they loved the actual act of causing someone else agony, and even more than that: the kill.

No one had fought more death fights than Remo Falcone.

Little was known of what went on behind the walls of their mansion, how they treated their wives and children. They mostly stayed among themselves, so speculations always ran rampant.

Diego dropped me off in the driveway of the mansion. It was obvious that he didn’t like the idea of sending me off into the Falcone mansion alone, but he had to help Dad in the restaurant.

“Insisting on going with you would be like a slap in Remo’s face. I might as well shove a knife into my throat.”

“You really think he’d kill you for insulting him, and it wouldn’t even be a real insult, just overprotectiveness, and let’s be honest, you are terribly overprotective.”

Diego frowned. “I’m as protective as necessary given your looks.”

I rolled my eyes but then became insecure again. “Do I look okay for my first meeting with them?”


Mom and Dad had insisted that I wear one of my modest dresses to give the right impression. I had a feeling neither Falcone would judge me by my clothing. They were too cunning and attentive to take someone’s exterior as the reflection of their nature.

Diego gave me a tired smile. “You’ll be fine.”

I nodded, then got out of the car. Savio came out of the house and toward me.

“You look as if you’re going to puke any moment,” Savio said with a laugh, then he stopped, grabbed my wrist and tugged me closer. His fingers dug into my skin. “Are you scared of meeting my brothers? You’ve talked to them before, and I really would have thought you of all people would be braver.” Again that deep laugh before he kissed my temple, throwing me off completely. “There’s no reason for you to worry.”

My skin warmed and my pulse sped up even more. The spot where his lips had touched my skin tingled. How would it feel to have his lips on mine?

Savio regarded me closely and shook his head. He turned his face away as if he couldn’t bear looking at me a second longer. “Girls that know of their effect on men are dangerous, but you, Kitty, are killing me without even realizing it.” He chuckled, but it was a very dark, very sarcastic sound. His eyes slanted to me and he leaned down again, cupping my head. I froze. In the few days since Savio had become my fiancé, he’d touched me more often than in the years I’d known him before. None of these touches had been inappropriate, but they felt intimate and possessive, and my body’s reaction to them was far from innocent. “Sweet sixteen is mighty sexy and hella tempting when it comes in a package like yours. I’m glad you’re such a fucking good girl. Maybe I can keep my promise to your father after all.”

“Promise?” I said in a raw voice. His closeness was wreaking havoc with my body and mind.

“To keep my hands off you until you’re officially mine, before God and whoever else needs to give his approval.”

“You are touching me.” Why was my voice so low, so… sultry?

Savio took a deep breath, then he gave me that teasing smile. “Believe me, Kitty, the kind of touching I’m talking about will leave you hot and bothered, and even more breathless than you are now.”

I felt hot and bothered by his simple kiss to my temple and his closeness already.

“Fuck,” Savio muttered and stepped away. “That look’s going to get us both in trouble.”

I had to stifle a smile, even though I really didn’t need the kind of trouble he was referring to.

“Come on, let’s go meet the crazies.”

“What if I say something rude or embarrassing?”

“Rudeness is Remo’s mother tongue and if you manage to embarrass either of my brothers, I’m going to buy you that Porsche you’re so crazy about.” He linked our fingers and dragged me into the house.

“The amount of time it took you to bring the girl from our front door to the dining table makes me wonder if Daniele will ask me to put you down like a horny dog tomorrow.”

“Our encounter was perfectly innocent,” Savio said.

“Not thanks to you, I’m sure,” Serafina muttered.

A very unladylike snort-laugh erupted from my mouth, which made me blush furiously.

Kiara gave me a kind smile and walked over to me. She hugged me. “Welcome to our home.”

I gave her a shy smile then my eyes landed on the people gathered behind her. My heart sped up.

Savio stayed close to me and I was eternally grateful for that. His presence gave me the necessary confidence to face his brothers and Fabiano Scuderi.

The blond man was the Camorra’s Enforcer and his reputation and the fights I’d witnessed made me as wary of him as of the rest of the men. Each of them shook my hand. They were reserved, distantly friendly. Serafina and Leona, on the other hand, were as welcoming as Kiara and hugged me before they introduced me to the kids.

There were Remo’s twins, two achingly beautiful toddlers with almost black eyes and pitch-black hair. The girl wore a pink tutu and had thick curls. The moment Kiara led me toward them, she stumbled toward Remo and lifted her arms. He picked her up and pressed her against his chest. Her twin regarded me boldly, while Kiara’s boys were too small to show a big interest in me.

I was overwhelmed by so many new people, but I kept up the smile.

“Let’s eat,” Kiara said with a knowing expression. “I’m sure you’re starving.”

Everyone headed for the table and Savio tugged me along. I sat down beside him, watching in astonishment how Nino and Kiara carried in the food together. I tore my eyes away and gave Nevio a smile. He poked his tongue out with a cheeky grin. I returned the gesture, causing him to grin.

“Great, another bad influence for the kids. As if there weren’t enough of those around already,” Remo said.

I winced, my eyes widening.

Savio scoffed. “You being one of them.”

I relaxed, realizing the Capo wasn’t really angry at me. It was difficult to tell with his harsh expression.

“Dinner’s served,” Kiara said with a bright smile.

Out of habit, I held out my hands for them to take so we could give our prayers before we ate.

Everyone stared at my outstretched palms as if I was suggesting a satanic ritual, which come to think of it, would probably have been received better. Especially Remo watched my hands with utmost disdain.

“What’s she doing?” Nevio asked.

I lowered my hands, embarrassed. Savio took my hand and squeezed, sending me a grin. He, of course, found this entertaining.

“She wanted to pray before dinner, right, Gemma?” Kiara said gently.

“Why?” Nevio blurted.

“It’s tradition in my family to give thanks to God for the food on the table.”

Nevio pointed a finger at Remo. “Dad’s paying for the food, not God.”

“No pointing with fingers at people,” Serafina admonished.

Nevio looked at his father as if he hoped the man would disagree.

“Nevio,” he said in warning. The boy dropped his hand.

“Who’s God?”

Savio rolled his eyes. I couldn’t help but smile. That kid was a handful. “How about we just eat and save the existential topics for cozy snowy winter evenings.”

“There’s no snow in Vegas,” Nevio said.

Savio gave him a grin. “Exactly. Now shut up.”

Nevio opened his mouth, an enraged look on his face. When Greta put her tiny hand on his, he snapped his lips shut.

Kiara stood and started to fill the plates with food. I untangled my hand from Savio’s and interlinked my fingers, then I closed my eyes and hurried through my usual prayer.

When I opened my eyes, several eyes were on me. Kiara loaded lasagna on my plate. “It’s okay,” she said quietly. “Don’t mind them.”

I gave her a grateful smile, ignoring the look Savio exchanged with the other men. I knew they weren’t religious, but I had no intention of hiding my beliefs only because they found them ridiculous.

Kiara and Serafina asked me about choir and kickboxing. I could tell that the conversation between the men at the table was… restrained. They didn’t see me as family yet, of course not. I was an intruder in their tightly knit unit, and it would take time to find my way into their family, but I hoped I’d be given the chance in the time until the wedding, so I already felt at home when I moved in.

When Diego picked me up later, I felt like Savio and I were on the right path.

Of course, I’d been completely ridiculous to think that.

Nino, Remo, and I were watching Kiara, Leona and Serafina go over last minute preparations with the staff of the most expensive hotel on the Strip—one that belonged to Will Reynold’s parents. They’d agreed to host the engagement party for free in their biggest banquet room, after some light coercion.

“I think Mr. Reynold’s eye is still twitching because of all the money he’s losing today,” I said with a grin.

Remo’s mouth twitched, but a smile didn’t find its way onto his face. This party wasn’t his style. Too many guests, too much attention. It fit me perfectly, however.

Diego strolled into the ballroom, already dressed in a black suit. His eyes took in the many tables and flower decorations. He shook his head. “When I asked for a celebration, I didn’t mean you should host a fucking ball.”

“It’s more fun this way, especially because it’ll piss off the right people.”

I fell silent when my younger brother Adamo sauntered into the ballroom. “What the fuck? Why didn’t you tell me he was coming?” I asked Remo.

“Because I didn’t know,” he said with a strange note to his voice.

Adamo was supposed to spend another month in the Famiglia. I hadn’t seen him in ten months, since Fabiano’s wedding. Despite his promise, he hadn’t visited when Kiara had given birth to Massimo five months ago. He seemed to enjoy his time with the Famiglia. Luca must have really done a good job whipping him into shape.

Kiara spotted him, too, and rushed over to him, hugging him tightly like a long lost son.

“Let’s welcome him,” Nino said, heading toward him. Remo and I followed a few steps behind our brother.

The moment Adamo spotted us, his smile wavered, and guilt flickered across his face. He looked down at my wrists, which were covered by sleeves. I was still pissed at him for helping our crazy-ass mother escape, not so much because of those ridiculous scars from slashing my wrists. That day could have ended far worse.

Nino touched Adamo’s shoulder. My little brother had grown. He was now Nino’s and my height and had even grown something that resembled a beard. Surprisingly, it made him look older than seventeen, and not ridiculous like so many teens that suddenly sported facial hair. I almost didn’t recognize him.

“Why didn’t you tell us that you were coming home? One of us could have picked you up,” Nino said.

Remo and I just stood there. I was pissed, but Remo’s feelings regarding Adamo were an entirely different matter. When he’d allowed our little brother to go to the Famiglia to toughen up, he’d probably expected that he’d be back soon. Yet, after almost one year with the Famiglia, Adamo still seemed content. Few people could see past Remo’s cruel mask, but for me, it was obvious that Adamo’s distance felt like a stab to his heart.

“I took an Uber, don’t worry,” Adamo said with a shrug, shoving his hands into his pockets.

Serafina and Leona came over as well, hugging him.

“Hey stranger,” Serafina said, then her eyes darted to Remo, and something shifted on her face. She, too, could see it.

“An Uber? Why didn’t you steal a car like you used to do?” I asked, softening my words with a teasing grin. I didn’t want this to blow up today, not when the Bazzolis expected a splendid feast. Gemma would be devastated if I had to cancel this last minute because Remo went berserk on Adamo and whoever else looked his way.

“Nah, not my style anymore. Luca broke two of my ribs when I tried it in New York.”

A muscle in Remo’s chin twitched and Serafina casually walked over to him and leaned against him. With her so close, he’d hesitate to lose his shit.

Fabiano sauntered in, finally done beating the shit out of our debtors, and shoved Adamo lightly. “Don’t tell me you’re thinking about getting a new tattoo, Adamo.”

We all knew what kind of tattoo he was referring to. His voice had been joking, but his eyes were harsh. He knew Remo as well as I did. If it wasn’t for the twins and Serafina, Adamo’s absence would have hit Remo much harder.

Remo stepped out of Serafina’s grip and clapped Adamo’s chest, right over his heart. “Maybe he already has. Does the Famiglia credo mark your skin yet, little brother?”

I clamped my hand down on Remo’s shoulder without a word. Diego was heading toward the doors where his family had just appeared, everyone except for Gemma, who would enter with me later.

Adamo held his gaze. “I have the markings of the Camorra on my wrist. I can’t be both Camorrista and a soldier of the Famiglia. Our brother Growl had his Camorra tattoo removed before he swore loyalty to Luca.”

What the mighty fuck?

Remo’s face was like the sky before a hurricane. I grabbed Adamo’s arm and dragged him away. From the corner of my eye, I saw Serafina usher Greta toward Remo. She was dressed in her favorite tutu, which she rarely took off, and hurried to her dad. Remo was about to chase after Adamo and me when he noticed his girl and froze. Fabiano still stayed close to him, just in case, while Nino followed us.

Thank fuck for Serafina’s quick thinking. Greta was the valium to Remo’s burning rage.

I shoved Adamo into a restroom. “What the fuck is wrong with you? Did you come all the way from New York only to twist the knife in Remo’s chest?”

I was so pissed I wanted to smash his stupid face in.

Adamo shook his head with a hint of guilt. “I got mad when Remo suggested I had the Famiglia tattoo.”

“Can you blame him?” Nino said as he entered. “You’ve made yourself scarce these last few months. New York was meant as a temporary thing, a way to give you more stability. It wasn’t meant as more than that.”

Adamo ran a hand through his, as usual, messy hair. “I know. I’ll return in one month.”

He didn’t sound like he wanted to, though.

“You’d better,” I said. I was dead serious. I’d fly over to New York and drag him home personally if I had to. Not because I missed him, but because someone needed to protect Remo.

“Luca allows me to build up their illegal street races. He’s interested in my knowledge. He values my opinion.”

“He’s probably only trying to gain your trust and loyalty, so you betray the Camorra and your family,” I said, pissed once more. “It wouldn’t be the first time that he took in soldiers from other famiglias after all. Growl, Orazio… you’d be the icing on his cake.”

“I’m not going to defect the Camorra!” Adamo hissed. “Maybe I’m not like you, but I’m a Falcone and I’ll die one.”

“Then why did you provoke Remo by mentioning our half-brother? You know very well how Remo reacts to that name,” Nino said, disapproving.

“Ryan, I mean Growl, isn’t as bad as you make him out to be. I eat with him and his wife Cara once a week.”

“How about you keep that tidbit of information to yourself?” I muttered. That would definitely tip Remo over the edge.

Nino shook his head. “This was a mistake. Our cooperation with Luca should have never extended this far. Maybe it needs to end.”

“It’s not a big deal. I just enjoy helping with the races. I wish I could do it here as well.”

“I’m sure Remo will find a way to involve you in the races,” Nino said.

I glanced at my watch. “All right. As nice as chitchatting with you may be, I have an engagement to celebrate.”

Adamo shook his head with astonishment. “I leave for a few months and you decide to marry? What’s gotten into you?”

“Today’s not the wedding. That’s still a few years away. It’s just the promising ceremony the Traditionalists are so adamant about.”

Adamo gave Nino a questioning look. “You really aren’t pulling my leg? Savio is getting engaged?”

“You think we’d rent a ballroom just to play a joke on you?”

Adamo grinned sheepishly. “Come on. It’s a more likely scenario than you settling down. What happened to never going to put your bull on a leash?”

The ghost of a smile crossed Nino’s face as he and Adamo exchanged one of these looks.

“My bull won’t be put on a leash, don’t worry.”

“I’ll go and help Kiara with the kids,” Nino said, leaving us alone.

Adamo regarded me as if he’d never seen me before. “So, you and Gemma are an item?”

“Depends on your definition of being an item.”

Adamo chuckled. “I guess I’m going to be the one joking about your dick being MIA in the future.”

“Dream on, little brother. My dick’s going to get more action than yours.”

I left him standing there, looking dumbfounded. The ballroom had already filled with our Captains and important business associates. We’d decided against inviting the Underbosses. That could wait for the wedding.

Gemma was waiting in a small ante-room of the ballroom for me. When I stepped inside, my entire body went into shock at the sight of her. I’d sent her to the boutique where Kiara always bought her dresses and told her she could choose whatever she wanted as an engagement gift. Knowing about the money troubles her family struggled with, that seemed like the best option.

And holy fuck, Gemma had chosen a dress that knocked the breath straight out of me. It hugged her curves like a second skin and the fabric was so light, it appeared almost translucent. As I stepped closer, I realized it was, but all the interesting places were covered by flower applications. Gemma’s waist was narrow and her hips and booty designed to bring men to their knees.

She turned around when she heard me and for a moment, my brain short-circuited. The neckline dipped low, reaching her sternum, accentuating Gemma’s round breasts.

I couldn’t move as I took in every inch of her. I’d sent her clothes shopping because I’d been worried she’d show up in one of those horrible church dresses. Now I wished she wore a modest dress because in this outfit, I’d need to kill a few fuckers who couldn’t keep their eyes to themselves.

Suddenly I really wished she were older.

“Hi Savio,” she said with a small smile, a knowing glint in her eyes. Despite the blush staining her cheeks, she held her head high and looked regal.

Getting a grip, I walked over to her and fumbled in my pants pocket for the satin box. I finally pulled it out and held it out for her to take.

Her brows puckered. Then she finally grasped the box and opened it. I really wished I’d have taken a photo of her expression when she saw her engagement ring for the first time.

A grin was already forming on my face. Gemma gingerly picked up the jewelry to inspect it more closely. She cast her eyes up. “Are you serious?” Indignation rang in her voice.

“I had it handcrafted. I put a lot of thought into it. I hope you like it.” My grin widened at the look she gave the ring. “Let me.” I took the ring from her, grabbed her hand and slid it on.

It was obvious that she was fighting for composure.

Originally, I’d chosen the design to piss Diego and Gemma off for insisting on a timely engagement. Yet, seeing Gemma in that dress, I was glad to have staked my claim in this public way.

“It’s white gold with a diamond.”

The ring had cost a fortune, because of that fucking diamond alone, but it was worth every penny seeing Gemma’s struggle not to lose her shit.

“I thought having the ring form my initials was a nice touch.”

Gemma raised her eyes. “Like a brand.”

“Only without the pain.”

“I think I would have preferred the burn,” she muttered under her breath.

I stepped closer. “You wanted people to know you are mine. You wanted people to back off. What better way to do that than have a ring with my initials, Kitty?”

She didn’t say anything. Bending over her like I did, I got an even better view down her neckline. I straightened. I didn’t need additional temptation. Gemma was jailbait as it was. I held out my arm for her to take and she did so but didn’t take her eyes off my ring.

I couldn’t wait for our guests to see it as well.

“You think you’re the funniest,” Diego muttered later that evening. “Could you have chosen a more obnoxious ring for my sister?”

“You insisted that everyone knew she was mine.”

Diego snorted and took a gulp from the expensive whiskey the hotel served. He motioned at everything. “This is a nice show, but in the end, it comes down to one thing, you and my sister are promised to each other. It isn’t a game or a joke. One day you’ll realize it.”

“I know what it is, don’t worry.”

My eyes followed Gemma, who was on the way to the restroom. I had trouble taking my eyes off her. When Will and Noemi followed her outside, I went after them. “I’ll take care of it,” I said to Diego, who was about to follow.

I found all three of them in front of the restroom door. Gemma’s fists were balled. She looked like a fierce princess about to enter a throw down. I was half tempted to let this play out. Seeing Gemma kick ass in this dress would be the highlight of my year.

“Sleeping your way to the top?” Will asked. “I never thought Savio would go for plain fare in bed.” Noemi let out a nasty laugh, and Gemma’s body tensed. I knew that look on her face.

I stepped between them, grabbed Will by the throat and thrust him against the wall. His nose had healed. He hadn’t learned a lesson, it seemed.

I nodded at Noemi who was trying to sneak away. “You stay where you are!”

I leaned close to Will, whispering, “Your mother deep throated me a week ago. Did you know she likes to have her hair pulled while eating dick? I thought you should know I fucked your dear mommy to get back to you for talking shit to my fiancée in school.”

Will made a horrified little noise. “You bastard…”

I tightened my hold.

“You think that money is going to protect you in this city?” I growled, fingers digging into his skin. “My brothers and I got rid of many rich cocksuckers when we claimed power in the West. If you aren’t careful, you’ll be next.” I pulled my knife and rested the tip against the sensitive skin under Will’s thumb. He squirmed with a whimper.

“A punch made you cry?”

He began to shake in my hold. My lips curled. I wasn’t used to this kind of cowardice. In the Camorra, we honored bravery and strength but in the outside world these values were lost.

“Savio,” Gemma said quietly.

I nicked his skin with the blade before I lowered the knife. Will’s eyes practically bulged. I released him and he dropped to his knees, peering up at me. Gemma still hovered behind me, her expression frozen in shock. “Fuck off,” I told Will. He shot to his feet and disappeared.

I turned to Noemi who quivered. She didn’t have to worry I was going to hurt her physically. That wasn’t my style with women. There were better ways to pay her back. “Given your miserable skills, I guess Will taught you how to suck cock?”

Her cheeks turned red, her eyes darting to Gemma.

“You were the worst lay of my life, so run after Will. His standards are lower.” She dashed away, looking like she was about to bawl.

Gemma held her purse in a death grip, her cheeks bright red. “You slept with Noemi?”

That was why she looked so glum? I sheathed my knife. “I slept with many girls. It’s why dear Mrs. Reynolds was in favor of hosting this party. She didn’t want word about our intermezzo to get out.”

Not to mention that Mr. Reynolds didn’t want people to know that he preferred the dicks of ladyboys to his wife’s pussy any day.

Gemma’s face flashed with horror. “You slept with Will’s mother?”

I paused, reconsidering how much I’d share. I’d done many things with Mrs. Reynolds. Her tastes were of the kinkier sort. “It won’t happen again, believe me. It was only a revenge fuck. I prefer younger women.”

Gemma’s expression morphed into anger. She raised her hand with my ring. “What about this? Doesn’t this mean anything to you?”

“It means you are mine, and that I’m going to crush every fucker who doesn’t get the message.”

She threw her purse at me, hitting me square in the chest. I laughed in surprise. Then she took her pumps off and threw them at me as well, but I managed to dodge the pointy things. “Keep the stupid purse and shoes. I don’t want your gifts!”

“That dress was a gift as well,” I said teasingly.

For a moment, she seemed to consider taking it off, but then Gemma whirled around and stormed away.

What did she think? That I was going to turn into a monk because of our engagement? I picked up the purse and pumps from the floor and followed after her at a leisured pace.