Twisted Hearts by Cora Reilly

Iwasn’t sure why I’d freaked in the kitchen. The three words had crossed my mind before, but a declaration in front of my family definitely wasn’t going to happen.

Gemma hadn’t uttered the words yet either, nor had she tried to urge them out of me, for which I was entirely grateful. It just didn’t feel right yet… or maybe I was a fucking coward.

At least, our sex life was slowly picking up its pace. I still had to go slow, but I didn’t mind. The only thing that bothered me was that Gemma’s mouth stayed clear of my dick. She hadn’t once attempted anything in the four times we’d had sex.

Deciding to push her a tiny bit, I wrapped my arms around her from behind during our fight training.

“How about a little wager? If you win, I’ll go down on you and if I win, you go down on me?”

“That sounds like you’re winning either way,” she muttered.

I laughed, stunned by her words. “You think me going down on you is me winning?”

Her cheeks heated and she focused back down on wrapping her hand. I chuckled and tightened my hold around her waist. “You are right. Your pussy is the most delicious treat I’ve ever had.”

A small shiver took hold of her body. “You know as well as I do that I can’t win against you.”

“Then how about you win if you land a direct hit to my face and I win if I have you on the ground?”

She pursed her lips.

“Come on, Kitty, be brave. Don’t tell me you’re scared of taking my cock in your mouth?”

She jerked out of my hold with a huff. “I’m not.”

Oh, she was. Question was if her traditional upbringing was the root of the problem or her inexperience. Probably both.

Gemma raised her fists. “I’m not,” she insisted again.

I shrugged with a grin. “Then let’s begin.”

She attacked at once. Gemma was quick and almost snuck past my defenses. After a few quick punches against my forearms and sides, she tried a kick to my knees. I toyed with her for a while, riling her up. Soon Gemma’s hair curled wildly around her sweaty face and frustration shone in her eyes.

“I told you I can’t win against you,” she seethed.

She couldn’t. I kicked out her legs. She landed on her back with a gasp.

“I win,” I growled, bending over her. She glared, which made me smile only wider. I took a step back and leaned against the cage, motioning at my groin. “Be my guest.”

Gemma got to her knees then moved closer as if she were facing a tribunal and not my dick. Her eyes held so much hesitation when they flickered to my fucking groin that my horniness went straight out the window. I wanted nothing more than to come in her mouth, but not if she wasn’t ready for it. I’d never been with girls who weren’t a hundred percent into it.

With a growl, I hoisted her to her feet and claimed her mouth for a kiss before I pushed her back against the cage. “Hold on to the fucking cage, Gem.”

She linked her fingers in the holes of the mesh, frowning. I hooked my fingers in the waistband of her boxing shorts. Her eyes widened, darting to the door of the dojo. “Trust me, none of my brothers will set foot inside when they know I’m here with you.” I pulled her shorts and panties down.

“You won.” Confusion rang in her voice as she stood half bared in front of me. My mouth watered at the sight of her pussy as always.

I got down on my knees in front of her. “I know and as the winner, I can decide which prize I’d rather have and I want your pussy.” I gripped her ass cheeks hard, causing her to gasp in surprise. “Hold on tightly. Soon your legs will give way.”

“Even you don’t have reason to be this smug,” she said.

I peered up, finding her watching me, her fingers entangled in the mesh, her teeth digging into her lower lip.

One corner of my mouth turned up and she quickly closed her eyes and tilted her head up. Still too shy to watch me.

“Nah, that’s not going to do it, Kitty. You are going to watch me lick that pussy like a good girl.”

“Savio,” she gritted out, her eyes still closed tightly.

I tightened my fingers around her thighs, growling. “We play this by my rules. I won and you’re going to watch me eat out your pussy or I’ll have to fuck your mouth after all.” It was an empty threat. I wanted Gemma salivating for my dick, and that obviously wasn’t going to happen today.

Her eyes shot open. She obviously believed I was being serious. We really had to work on that. My assholery of the past was obviously still overshadowing the present.

“Good,” I said in a low voice then focused my attention back to that glistening little button screaming for some loving.

I took a deep breath.

“What are you doing?”

I chuckled. “Don’t sound so shocked, Kitty. I’m going to do some very nasty things to you that will drive the rest of the choir girl right out of you.”

She was about to say something, but I swiped my tongue over her clit, silencing her. “So fucking sweet.”

I started licking her, long, lazy licks with the entire length of my tongue as I held her gaze. Her face was bright red, but she never once looked away, and not just because of my earlier words. Even if good girl Gem would never admit it, she loved watching me lick her pussy. I could see it in her lust-filled gaze.

I sucked her clit while I fucked her with two fingers, and finally, Gemma’s legs became slack. I pulled back. “I told you so.”

She glared but didn’t say anything. “Hold on,” I ordered, then hoisted her thighs up on my shoulders, opening her up for me before I dove back in. She moaned, rocking her hips. I loved how she didn’t try to mute her moans. She let me hear just how much she loved me licking her. I licked her harder and faster, diving in deeply with every stroke. She began to quiver and gasp, her body becoming tight as a bowstring a moment before she cried out. Her hips rocked desperately in my hold and I smirked against her heated flesh.

She tried to lower her legs when she stopped shaking, but I held on.

“Oh no, Gem. Hold still, now let me have my reward. This is the best part,” I growled, and as expected, she shivered and more of her lust trickled out. I lapped at her lightly, staying clear of her oversensitive button. Soon the tension left her limbs and she began shifting her hips again, her lips parted.

I watched her closely, not wanting to bring her too close. Inexperienced as she still was, she might come before I could pull back.

With a last lingering kiss, I withdrew and gave her my most arrogant grin. She didn’t even react, too dazed by what just happened. I could see the questions in her eyes, maybe why I’d stopped.

I wiped my chin as I straightened. Gemma lowered her arms but kept leaning against the cage. “So do I have reason to be smug?”

“You do,” she admitted breathlessly. I kissed her. Gemma was always honest, that’s what I’d always appreciated about her.

“Do you want more?” I asked.

With hooded eyes, she nodded. I shoved down my shorts and lifted Gemma higher, her back against the cage. Then I lowered her slowly on my hard cock, never taking my eyes off her face to see if this position was okay for her now. It was still a tight fit and I had to go slow, but no sign of pain showed on her face. “God, Savio,” she pressed out when I was buried all the way inside of her.

I grinned cockily, and her lips tightened. “I didn’t call you God.”

I silenced her with my first deep thrust, driving her back against the cage. Gemma’s head fell back. “No,” I growled. “You’re going to watch while I fuck you.”

She met my gaze. She’d never admit it, but she was turned on by my dominant side. Soon I established a faster rhythm. I shifted my legs to get in a better position, my fingers digging into Gemma’s ass cheeks as I pounded into her with deep, hard thrusts that filled the gym with the rattling of the cage.

When we both came, I sank to the floor with Gemma on my lap. She hung limply in my hold. “This is what I call a good workout,” I said.

Gemma laughed. “I’m just glad nobody came in.”

“Even if my brothers came by, they’d knew this wasn’t the sound of fighting.”

Gemma groaned, pressing her face against my throat. I stroked her back. “How’s the cage burn?”

“I’ll be bruised tomorrow.”

“That’s the desired result of fight training.”

Back home, we settled on the sofa for another movie night. This time Adamo’s qualification race for the biggest race of the year. My brother was driving like a madman as usual.

I could tell that Gemma was mulling on something.

“Why do you have such a problem with showing real emotions? Like what you feel for me.”

Fuck. I kept my eyes on the screen. Emotions were a liability. My past had proven that over and over again. “I show you what I feel for you. Twice today.”

Gemma reached for the remote and turned down the volume. “That’s not what I mean.”

“Come on, Gem, don’t ruin this evening with emotional bullshit. I married you, what else do you want?” I took the remote from her hand and turned the volume up again.

Gem faced the TV with an expression of stone. “You make it sound as if you gave me a huge gift by marrying me, as if I should be grateful that you deigned to end your man-whoring ways for me. You never put any kind of effort into this.” She lifted the finger with the engagement ring. “If this is your way to show how much you care for me, then you’re an idiot.”

She pushed to her feet and stalked away. Groaning, I slumped back against the cushions. That’s why I’d never bothered with relationships. Watching Gemma disappear upstairs, I couldn’t stay on the sofa though. When other girls had run off hurt, I’d not given a shit, but with Gem, things were different, not only because we were married.

I got up and followed her upstairs, where I found her on her side of the bed. The shaking of her shoulders was a good indicator of what she was doing. Feeling like the biggest asshole, I moved inside and slid into bed behind her. Gemma could be a tough fighter, but her core was mushy soft. Wrapping my arms around her from behind, I kissed her neck. “Don’t cry, Gem. I hate seeing your tears. They feel like a punch in my heart.”

She didn’t say anything, only stared stubbornly ahead.

“Our father didn’t show emotion. He probably didn’t have them, just like Nino. Only my brother isn’t a sadistic psychopath… well, to the people he cares about.” I paused. Taking a trip down memory lane was something I avoided at all costs. “Remo and Nino were never the touchy-feely kind of kids, but I was a horrible cuddler and too sensitive for the type of surroundings I was born into. A bit like Adamo, only that I got rid of that annoying trait very quickly.” Gemma had stopped crying and was all ears now. “Problem was my father would have rather killed me than shown any kind of affection, and my mother did try to kill me…Remo and Nino had their own demons to battle and once we were in boarding school surrounded by strangers and potential enemies, I learned quickly to hide my emotions from them. They reported back to our father and probably other parts of our traitorous family. Later when my brothers and I were on the run, hiding my emotions behind sarcasm and humor was a good way to help Remo. He wasn’t supposed to worry about me. He had enough on his plate, so I used my sarcasm as my armor. That way, he could focus on what was really important: winning our territory back. It’s become second nature, Gem, using sarcasm and jokes to get out of emotional situations. It doesn’t mean I don’t have emotions. It just means I’m crappy at showing them.”

“Yes, you are.” She turned around in my hold, facing me with her puffy face. I kissed the red tip of her nose like I’d done before she was really mine. “So you have emotions for me?”

I dragged her closer. “Yes, I have emotions for you. Plenty of them.”

“I have emotions for you, too,” she said teasingly.

I kissed her. “One day, I’ll get my act together, I promise.”

“Everyone’s scared of something.”

“Like you of my dick.”

She narrowed her eyes, then she shook her head with a laugh. “All right.”

I stroked her cheek. “Don’t take this the wrong way and I know it isn’t the perfect moment to bridge the subject, but why do you avoid giving me head?”

“I’m not scared,” she said stubbornly.

I cocked one eyebrow. “Who’s lying about their emotions now?”

“I’m not!” She sat up with a cute growl, scowling at me. “You’re baiting me so I’ll do it, right?”

“Never,” I said.

She reached for my sweats and I helped her pull them down. My dick sprang free, already waiting for his special treatment. Gemma moved a bit closer, and I almost laughed at the look of concentration on her face. “Shut up,” she muttered.

“I didn’t say anything.”

Gemma stared at my tattoo as she lowered her head. “I’m not sure if I like it. Being watched by that bull freaks me out.”

“He and I love seeing you so close to my cock.”

Gemma rolled her eyes.

“If you’re scared, you don’t—” Her lips closed around my tip and my words died in a groan. Seeing Gemma’s pouty lips around my dick was almost enough to make me come. Gemma’s inexperience quickly showed when her teeth got in the way as she tried to suck me. I held back, not wanting to make her insecure by giving instructions, but soon things became a bit too toothy.

I hissed when Gemma’s teeth scratched me again and gently pressed her neck to get her in a different angle.

“Don’t chew on it. I’m not averse to some rough play, but my dick’s not a bone.”

Gemma wrenched her head back, face reddening. Before I could grab her, she jumped out of bed.

I almost laughed until I saw the tears in her eyes. I leaped out of bed and wrapped my arm around her waist from behind. She twisted in my hold and tried to shove me away. I only tightened my hold.

“Are you crying because you suck at sucking?” I teased her. It was the fucking wrong thing to do.

She kicked back against my shin, but I didn’t let go of her.

“I hate that the girls you’ve been with knew how to give you head, how to please you and I’m a loser who can’t get it right.”

Fuck, was she serious? I almost laughed again but stifled the sound. “Gemma,” I said. “You’ve never had a cock in your mouth, thank the fucking gods. Can I tell you a secret?”

She shrugged.

“You were a fucking horrible kisser.” She hadn’t really been. She hadn’t blown my mind, but right now I needed to stop her freak out because I had a feeling it would determine the number of future blowjobs.

Her eyes widened.

“Because my tongue was the first in your mouth and look at you now. Your kisses make my fucking head spin.”

A twitch of her lip. “And you know what? I don’t give a fuck if you’re a horrible kisser or head giver, because it means you didn’t get the chance to practice before me. Because it means I’m your first everything.”

She rolled her eyes and relaxed in my hold. “Okay,” she said. “But I still don’t like the idea of being compared to all your previous lovers and not being at the top.”

“I didn’t know you were that competitive outside of the cage,” I said. “And trust me, since I’m with you, I haven’t thought about any of the women of my past.” It was the fucking truth. Even before Gemma had been mine, I’d fantasized about her half the time I was with another girl.

“I’m not really, but I hate that so many girls have done this with you.”

Knowing that she’d wanted all of her firsts to belong to me from the very start made my chest swell with a sort of possessiveness I hadn’t been capable of before her. I kissed her pouty lips, fucking intoxicated by her taste and almost high on the knowledge that nobody knew how delicious she was, except for me.

I trailed my lips up to her ear. “How about we practice every day?”

A choked laugh burst out of her. “That’s what you’d like…”

“That’s what I’d fucking love,” I murmured, kissing her ear. We returned to the bed, and I wrapped my palm around my cock, squeezing it a few times until pre-cum leaked out. Then I smiled challengingly.

“How does it taste?” she asked curiously, motioning to the droplets on my tip.

“How would I know?”

“Were you never curious?”

I knew some guys tasted their own cum; I had never seen the appeal.

“My tastes always veered more toward the sweet,” I said as I slid my hand into her sweats and then two fingers between Gemma’s pussy lips before bringing them to my mouth and tasting her. “Why don’t you give it a try?” I nodded toward my cock glistening with my lust for her.

A blush staining her cheeks, she leaned down and experimentally licked up my cum. I groaned deep in my chest, my balls vibrating.

Gemma smacked her lips together then shrugged. “Doesn’t taste like much.”

I slid my hand into her hair, growing impatient, having her lips so close to my cock. “Ever had a lollipop?” I rasped.

She raised her eyebrows, but she got my hint. She began licking my tip as if it was a cherry popsicle. My breathing deepened as I watched her pink tongue dart out circling, tasting, discovering, and then finally she closed her mouth around the head and sucked.

My balls pulsated in rhythm with the hollowing of her cheeks.

Occasionally her teeth still scraped my cock but only briefly and it added to my pleasure. It took considerable effort not to fuck her mouth like I wanted to. She had trouble as it was staying in sync with my slight upward thrusts, but fuck, none of that mattered, because the sight of Gemma’s gorgeous mouth sucking my cock was the hottest thing I could imagine.

Soon I was at my tipping point.

“Swallow for me, Kitty,” I growled.

I loosened my hold on her neck to give her the chance to pull back if she wanted, even if it was the last thing I wanted. Gemma kept sucking, her fingers tightening around my base. “Fuck.”

My hips moved faster, seeking her hot mouth, my tip brushing the back of her throat and then my balls clenched and cum spurted out of my cock. I couldn’t stop looking at Gemma’s lips around my dick. I held onto her neck as I slid almost all the way out only to push back in. Gemma swallowed around me, not meeting my eyes. Slowly I pulled out of her and she swallowed again, her cheeks bright red. “Gem,” I rasped when I had my voice back.

I reached down, gripped her by the hips and hoisted her on my stomach so she straddled me. Nudging her chin up, I searched her eyes. “What’s the matter? Don’t like the taste?” Many girls didn’t, which was why some of them either refused to swallow in general or only when I used a condom.

But her expression didn’t reflect disgust. She looked guilty and ashamed. Sitting up, I cupped her cheek. “Don’t tell me this is some traditional shit, Gem.”

Gemma could be tough as steel, but inside, she was soft as warm butter. I brushed a kiss over her ear, realizing that bashing her upbringing and with it, her nonna and dad wouldn’t make her feel better. “I eat your pussy all the time, and I love it. I lap up your juices. Fuck, I practically devour you, and I don’t feel a fucking sliver of guilt or shame over it, so if you think sucking my cock is sin or some kind of other bullshit then stop. If you ask me, giving each other pleasure can’t be sin.” Then I paused. “And if this is about you not liking sucking my dick, then we’ll figure something out. Is it the sin thing?”

“Yeah,” she admitted.

“Thank the fucking Lord,” I pressed out.

She rolled her eyes with a small laugh then she became serious once more. “I just worried that it would make you respect me less.”

I scoffed. “You sucking me dry won’t make me respect you less, trust me. Or do you respect me less when I lick your pussy?”

“That’s different, you’re a man.”

I pulled her face close. “I respect you more than any other woman, and that won’t change, Gem. You can kick ass, bake like a top chef and now all that’s missing is you giving me head like a fucking goddess and I’ll build you an altar and worship you.”

“You’re such an idiot!” she gasped out, but she leaned into me and softened. “How was I?”

I pulled back. “Now you want praise or honest criticism?”


“I’d give you a solid B-minus.”

Her eyes widened in indignation. “B-minus?”

“We’ll practice until you’re a straight A-plus, don’t worry.”

She punched my arm. “You’re too full of yourself.”

I leaned back, taking her with me. “You need to ride me into shape.” Lifting my hips, I dug my still hard cock into her butt cheeks.

I helped Gemma out of her clothes then showed her just how much I respected her by eating her out before she finally settled on top of me. She looked magnificent straddling my hips. I ran my hands up her abs before I cupped her breasts. For a moment, she stared down at the bull that had a prime view of her beautiful pussy then she began moving her hips, slowly at first, figuring out the best way to give herself pleasure as I lay still and enjoyed the view.

Finally, she settled into a slow, sensual ride that felt like paradise. She met my eyes, biting her lip under my unwavering attention. I started to thrust up into her and grabbed her ass to keep her steady. Gemma had no trouble keeping up with the faster pace. Her stomach flexed with every twist of her hips and the sight alone was enough to bring me to my knees. That woman was perfection, and I’d show her that I knew exactly how much of a lucky bastard I was for having her as my girl.