Twisted Hearts by Cora Reilly

Gemma 16, Savio 20

“You’re a life saver,” Toni said, wiping sweat off her brow. “With a fight like that, Dad needs all the support he can get but with the flu making the rounds things have been crazy.”

“Diego had it last week, don’t get me started on how much he whined because of a sore throat and dripping nose. He’s suffered bullet wounds, but he expects me to become his house nurse only because he’s got the flu.”

Toni rolled her eyes. “He’s used to being treated like a pasha because your nonna and mom always do everything for him.”

“It’s how things are handled in our family,” I said with a shrug as I carried a beer crate up the stairs and set it down behind the bar. “They would freak if they knew I was here helping you.”

“I know. But your dad hardly ever sets foot inside the bar. The last time was during that bloody meeting.”

I didn’t want to remember that day when I’d made a fool out of myself. Toni had freaked when I’d told her about the words I’d said to Savio. I only want you.

Maybe it had been a good thing though. I hadn’t seen him since that day six months ago and had time to cool down. Toni had gotten over her crush on my brother, so maybe there was hope for me as well.

I bent down to shove the beer crate farther under the bar.

“But you’d make a lot of tip money with your curves, let me tell you.”

I snorted, peering over my shoulder and finding Toni assessing my butt. “I’m fifteen.”

“Only one more day. And do you really think anyone in the Arena would care? And if we use the right amount of makeup, we could make you look older.”

“Antonia, I’m not going to serve drinks here tonight. You said you only needed me to help you prepare everything.”

She gave me a sheepish smile. “Yeah, well, we’re out of waitresses for tonight. It’s only Cheryl and me. I could really use your help.”

I straightened. “Toni! You know how my family is. If one guy as much as touches my back, they’re going to cut him into pieces. I’m not allowed to be around men, much less in a place like this.” I closed my mouth, worried I’d offended Toni. “Sorry.”

“No,” she said with a small shrug. “I know what the traditional families think of my family and this place. A good girl like yourself shouldn’t be seen around here.”

Now I felt like the worst friend on this planet. I sighed. “All right. But let me work the bar. That’s probably the place where butt-touching is the most difficult, even if that means I won’t get any tips.”

Toni squealed and jumped toward me, drawing me into a tight embrace. She drew back with a grin. “Oh, and you’ll get tips, trust me. Just wear those uber-tight white jeans and that red crop top.”

“I’ve never worn them.”

Toni shook her head. “I know! Which is why you should wear them tonight. You’ve had those clothes for two months, Gemma. With your body, it’s your duty to wear something like that.”

“Explain that to my family,” I muttered with a laugh.

“Come on, you’ve snuck out clothes before. You don’t have the guts to wear those jeans, that’s why you haven’t worn them yet.”

She was right. My upbringing made me uncomfortable in revealing clothes, even if I found them pretty. Nonna’s and Mom’s words had left an impact no matter how often I tried to deny it.

“Okay, okay,” I said. “I just have to figure out a way to sneak out after dinner tonight. I think I could make seven o’clock, is that all right?”

Toni nodded. “Sure, it usually gets really crowded around eight until around one. If you could be there then, that would be amazing.”

“One? Oh, man. If I get caught, Dad’s going to have my head.”

I yawned several times during dinner until Dad took pity on me and allowed me to go to my room so I could go to bed early.

I didn’t have a lock on my door so I had to hope that nobody checked on me. I rebuild the shape of a body with clothes on my bed then covered it with a blanket. My stomach burst with nerves when I checked my reflection. I wore the clothes Toni had suggested, and they showed off all my curves, even my stomach. I’d never shown this much skin and wasn’t sure if I’d feel comfortable wearing them in public.

Putting a denim jacket on, I opened my window then used the tree in front of it to climb down. Diego had been doing this for years, but for me, it was a first. I’d never had reason to sneak out at night because unlike Diego, I didn’t go to parties. Toni’s bike waited in the yard. I grabbed it and rode toward the Arena, trying not to look left and right as I crossed less appealing streets.

I let out a relieved breath when I finally arrived at Roger’s Arena. A few guys smoking outside let out whistles when they spotted me. Ignoring them, I quickly went in through the back entrance like Toni had shown me.

It was almost eight and she sagged with relief when I stepped into the bar area. Her cheeks were flushed. “There you are!”

She, too, was dressed in tight pants and a tight shirt. “Can you take over the bar then I can serve those tables.” She nodded toward two tables where the customers were waving at her with impatient looks.

“Of course,” I said, and then she was already gone. Toni had given me a short introduction to the workings of a bar and tap this afternoon, but I had a feeling I’d mess up anyway. Soon the bar was buzzing, and I didn’t have time for hesitation as I tried to hand out beer after beer.

My first respite happened during the third fight, the first with known fighters. Most guests were focused on the bloody spectacle in the cage. Leaning against the bar, I watched the fight. I’d watched so many of them on screen but had never been allowed to experience one live. It was a different atmosphere. The room buzzed with excitement and blood-thirst. The most brutal fights always drew the biggest crowd, which was why Toni’s dad earned a heap of dollars whenever Remo Falcone had a fight, especially a death fight. It was unheard of that a Capo would risk his life so readily when he didn’t have reason to do so. All the Falcone brothers had a penchant for risking their lives on a frequent basis in the cage. I wondered how I’d feel if I’d ever get the chance to see Savio in the cage.

Toni’s frantic waving caught my attention. She served a table at the other end of the room but obviously needed to get my attention. I straightened and raised my eyebrows. I didn’t understand her crazy sign language. She pointed toward the door. I glanced that way and almost had a heart attack. Savio, Diego, and Mick had entered the Arena. None of them looked toward the bar—yet. And Diego probably wouldn’t anytime soon because he was busy pawing Dakota of all people. Her younger sister Noemi went to my school and we hated each other with the fiery passion of a thousand suns.

I dropped into a crouch, sucking in a deep breath, my heart beating in my throat. What were they doing here? One of the men at the bar gave me a look as if he thought I’d gone crazy. I gave him an embarrassed smile.

“I’d like another beer, young lady.”

I nodded quickly and headed toward the fridge, still ducking my head. I needed to get out of here really quickly. I bent over the fridge as if I needed to get a closer look, hoping that Toni would figure out a way to save the day. Maybe she could throw them out for breaking some house rule.

“I must have gone to Heaven, because this ass isn’t from Earth,” drawled a very familiar voice.

I was so dead, so very, very dead. If Diego was with Savio, I’d be grounded for eternity. I could already hear Nonna’s disapproving cluck and see Dad’s I’m very disappointed in you look. Mom would probably even shed a few very heart-broken tears.

Maybe I could just stay bent over like this until he lost interest and left? Then another thought hit me like a punch. Savio was hitting on me. Well, on my butt, but that was more than I had hoped for by now. Since our embarrassing first fight training, I’d toned down my crush, and in the last six months, I hadn’t seen him. Giddiness spread in me like a wildfire.

From the corner of my eyes, I could see him coming around the bar. “Just thinking of all the dirty things I could do with that ass makes my—”

I straightened and whirled on him. “Don’t finish that sentence!”

Savio’s expression flashed with shock. Slowly his eyes dragged down my body, lingering on my hips, my stomach, my breasts until he finally looked at my face again—my undoubtedly bright red face. It felt impossibly hot and that wasn’t because of the sticky warm air in the bar.

His expression transformed into anger, which stunned me. I’d expected a joke and teasing like so often in the past. “What the hell are you doing here? Dressed like that?”

I frowned at his demanding tone. He sounded like Diego, as if what I did was his business. Luckily, my brother wasn’t with him, nor was Mick, even though the latter usually defended me when Diego treated me like a stupid kid. A quick scan of the bar didn’t give me any clues about their whereabouts either.

“How does one get a beer around here?” an older man muttered.

“I could shove a bottle down your fucking throat, how about that?” Savio snarled. One look at Savio’s face and the man scurried away.

“I’m supposed to serve beer—”

Savio grabbed my forearm and dragged me away from the bar. Taken by surprise, I stumbled after him. “Savio, what are you doing?”

His grip was like steel, impossible to escape from. He didn’t stop until we were in one of the backrooms and he’d thrown the door shut. Then he got in my face. “Explain.”

I blinked up at him, completely taken aback by his dominant demeanor. I’d never seen him like this: his eyes dark with anger and something else I couldn’t decipher, his jaw clenched so tightly I was surprised it didn’t break and his body brimming with barely restrained violence. Without thinking, I took a step back only to bump into the wall.

I turned my face away, flushing. “Please don’t tell my parents.”

“Why should I do that, Kitty?” I asked in a low voice, anger still pulsing in my body. I wasn’t even sure where it had come from. Diego was the protective hypocrite when it came to his sister. I was the one making fun of him for protecting her virtue like a fucking knight in shining armor.

“Because we’re friends?” she asked hopefully, those dark green eyes meeting mine. Plump lips parted, high cheekbones flushed. When had Kitty become this awfully pretty?

My feelings definitely weren’t friendly. Fuck, I had hit on Gemma. If Diego knew, he’d have a coronary. I narrowed my eyes and leaned down until we were at eye level. “First I want you to answer my question. What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be a good little choir girl and get a good night of sleep before church tomorrow morning? Or do you always spend your nights like this?”

Her cheeks turned even redder. “It was the first time I sneaked out, the first time I’m wearing something like this. And it wasn’t even my idea. I hate exposing myself like that because it makes me feel impure, but I wanted to help Toni.” She tugged a strand behind her ear and just like that, she looked the choir girl again. A choir girl wrapped in the body of a goddamn sex bomb. How the fuck hadn’t I noticed those curves before? But it was easy to explain. Gemma usually wore very modest clothes and I hadn’t exactly seen her often in the last year. The Camorra took up too much of my time with Adamo being gone in New York, and my brothers busy with their wives and kids.

Then her words registered on me. “Impure?”

She nodded. “I’m not supposed to show this much skin to anyone but my husband.”

I could only stare. “You mean your stomach?”


“Fuck, Kitty, don’t be ridiculous. If you enjoy showing off your curves, why not do it? It’s your body, so it’s your decision how much skin you show.”

God, these curves would haunt me for a while.

She frowned. “But you were angry…”

“I’m fucking livid, because dressed like this, you better make sure Diego or I are at your side, got it?”

She searched my face. “You?”

Me, yes, why me? I wasn’t Gemma’s protector, that was Diego’s task in life.

“Is Diego with you?”

I nodded, still having a hard time not checking Gemma out. Kitty had abs. Not as defined as mine, but the proof of her hard work was still unmistakable. And that narrow waist and those swung hips. Goddamn it.

“But he’s busy with Dakota in his car.”


“It doesn’t matter. She’s probably opening her backdoor for him as we speak. Don’t try to distract me.”

Gemma tilted her head with that fucking curious expression. “Toni locked the backdoor after I arrived. Nobody’s supposed to use it, except for staff.”

I chuckled darkly. Curling my fingers around her wrist and trying to ignore the small shiver that passed through her body, I pulled her arm away from her stomach, revealing those curves again. “Looking like this,” I growled, motioning at her body. “You have no business being so goddamn naïve, Kitty. Some men might use that to their advantage.”

Her eyes held mine and I knew I was screwed because I wanted my best friend’s little sister. I wanted to do very naughty, very grown-up things to her. Things she had no clue about judging from her puzzled expression. I stared at the ceiling. Maybe there was a God after all, and this was his way to test me. It was a given that I would fail his test, the question was only when.

After her admittance six months ago, I’d kept my distance. I’d been on edge anyway and didn’t want to risk my friendship with Diego over the silly crush of a little girl. But, damn it, Gemma didn’t look like a little girl anymore.

Gemma walked over to the bed in the corner of the room as if she had every intention of sitting down.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

She froze. “Why?”

Heaven have mercy. “Didn’t Toni mention what happens in these backrooms and why there is a bed in here?”

Gemma’s face scrunched up and she took a step back from the bed, but she kept scanning the blankets as if she worried she might find evidence of the previous activities. It gave me time to admire her. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I’d known her for years, had been best friends with Diego for just as many. He’d always been wary of me around his sister and I had always told him that he was a stupid asshole for thinking I’d hit on his sister. Today I knew Diego had every right to distrust me around Gemma because seeing her like that, all I could think about was to have her in my bed one day.

Shaking myself out of my horniness, I sent Diego a text, telling him that I had found a girl and was taking her somewhere to fuck. He didn’t reply, which meant he was too immersed in Dakota, literally.

“I’ll take you home now. Come,” I said.

Gemma’s gaze jerked back to me. She lifted her chin in that stubborn way of hers. “What? No. I promised Toni I’d help her until one at least. They’re low on staff.”

“Do I look like I care if Roger’s got enough waitresses who shake their asses in front of customers? All I know is that your pretty little ass won’t shake in front of anyone…”

…but me.

Gemma stared at me as if I’d grown a second head. She didn’t even blush at me using the word ass. Kitty had grown, and I really wished I would stop noticing. Diego would test one of those Bunsen burners they used in their restaurants to fry my balls if he found out. That would be a disturbing twist on Arancini for sure.

Gemma squared her shoulders and walked toward me, trying to appear tough and self-assured. “You aren’t my brother or my father, Savio.” Thank the fucking Lord for that. “You can’t tell me what to do. I gave Toni my promise and I’ll keep it.”

She tried to leave the room, but I pressed my palm against the door, smiling darkly. “I just told you what’s going to happen. I’ll bring you home. If you come on your own two legs or if I have to carry you, that’s up to you, Kitty.”

Her mouth fell open, then she shrugged. “You’re not going to do that. You are here to have fun, not play babysitter.” I lowered my arm, allowing her to open the door and step out.

She gave me a triumphant smile. I remembered the puppy dog eyes from the past and decidedly liked this Gemma better. “Don’t tell Diego, all right? I owe you something.”

I nodded. Did she really think she’d won? She turned as if to walk back into the bar. I stalked after her, grabbed her, spun her around and hoisted her over my shoulder. It wasn’t the first time I’d done it. During our fight training, I’d sometimes teased her that way but back then, she’d been a girl with the body of a girl. Now her perfectly rounded butt taunted me from the corner of my eye and my palm resting on her lean legs wanted nothing more than to discover every inch of her shaped body.

“What are you doing?” Gemma gasped, her body becoming as tight as a bowstring. “Let me down!”

She squirmed in my hold. “Savio, put me down right this second. I need to help Toni!”

I tightened my hold on her. “It’s easy, really. I can take you home, Kitty, or I’m going to take you to Diego now.”

She became slack. “Don’t tell him. He’ll be angry.” After a moment, she added. “You can set me down. I’m not going to try to run.”

“One wrong move, and I’ll call Diego,” I warned. I had no intention of calling him. I could deal with Gemma myself.


I lowered her slowly and realized I was reluctant to let her go. I led her to my car. Diego would be pissed if he found out I didn’t tell him about this. “I should tell Toni where I’m going. She’ll be worried,” Gemma whispered with a fleeting glance toward the Arena. “I promised her to help out. What kind of friend breaks her promise?”

I braced my forearm on the door and peered down at Kitty’s face. “The friend who doesn’t want to be grounded for the rest of her life.”

“Since when are you a stickler for rules? You never once took Diego home when he snuck out to party with you.”

I chuckled. “Come on, Kitty. You know the rules, you’ve lived by them until now. Don’t tell me your dad would react the same way if he found out Diego was out partying all night or if it was you, especially dressed like this.” I motioned at her outfit, causing her to bite her lip and look away.

Now I got why it was called sweet sixteen. Fuck me. I wished I wasn’t so fucking addicted to sweets, because Gemma, without a doubt, would be the sweetest thing I’d ever tasted. And I wanted that taste.

I straightened, bringing more distance between us. “Get in the car and send Toni a text.”

She sank down on the passenger seat. “I still have my jean jacket and my purse inside.”

“I’ll get them, and you’ll stay here.” I threw the door shut then locked the car. Gemma gave me an exasperated look.

I turned on my heel and stalked back inside. I’d get her fucking things, but first I’d have a word with Roger and Toni. Mick crossed my way on my way to the bar where Toni was running around like a headless chicken. “Hey, where’s everyone gone? Diego disappears with Dakota, then you’re gone as well.”

“I can’t stay. I found someone to fuck, but I might be back later.”

Mick rolled his eyes. “Really? Going out with you two is a joke.”

“Go find a girl for yourself and stop bitching.”

“What about the madman from L.A., aren’t you supposed to keep an eye on him?”

Fuck. “There’s still another fight before his. I’ll be back before then.” Next time my brothers could play babysitter for their crazy-ass Underboss.

I left Mick and headed for Toni, who grimaced when she spotted me.

“What can I get you?” she asked when I arrived at the bar.

“Your father,” I said, walking around the bar.

“This area is restricted to staff.”

I glared down at her. “Take me to your father now, Antonia.”

She turned and led me through the door into the back area. “Where’s Gemma?”

“In my car.”

Toni threw a curious glance over her shoulder. “You know she isn’t supposed to be alone with guys.”

“She isn’t supposed to work in a fucking bar with dozens of leering fucks either, or is she?”

Toni flushed and turned back around. She knocked at her father’s office door. My patience was running thin, so I reached past her and shoved the door open. Inside, Roger was talking animatedly to Nestore Romano, the man I was supposed to keep an eye on. Nestore looked my way, then he just left Roger standing there and walked past me with an almost non-existent tilt of his head.

“Antonia, I was in an important conversation,” he said, the hint of disapproval in his voice.

“Didn’t look like that to me,” I drawled. “Nestore seemed to bore himself terribly.” Not that it was an unusual occurrence with the Madman from L.A.

Roger gave me a small-lipped smile. “Savio, what can I do for you?”

“You can pay attention to who’s working your fucking bar for one.”

Roger frowned. “Antonia handled the staff today.”

I got in his face. “It’s none of my business if you let your teenage daughter prance around all the kinky fucks, but you better pay attention to other people’s daughters.”

“What are you talking about?” Roger glanced at his daughter who seemed busy trying to stare at the floor as if it was the most interesting thing in the goddamn world.

“I’m talking about Gemma Bazzoli. You know Daniele and Diego. They both won’t be happy if they find out she tended to the bar because you don’t pay enough waitresses.”

Roger’s face was turning increasingly red. He still had trouble letting me tell him what to do. He’d known me when I was still a little shit. But now I handled our business alongside my brothers, so he’d better get his shit together.

“I don’t want to see Gemma in this place again unless she’s with me or her family, got it?”

Roger narrowed his eyes in contemplation. “What’s the girl to you anyway? I thought you’d be the first to appreciate a new piece of ass in the bar.”

I grabbed his collar and got in his face. “Careful, Roger.” If Toni hadn’t watched with wide, terrified eyes, I might have gone a bit harder on him. “That piece of ass you’re talking about is off limits, and remember she’s your daughter’s age.”

Roger nodded. “All right, all right. I didn’t know she was even here. I’ll make sure she stays away.”

I released him then turned on my heel and left. On my way out, I grabbed Gemma’s stuff from behind the bar. She was slumped in the seat but straightened the moment I got into the car. “Did you talk to Toni?”

“I did.” I started the engine, trying to focus on the street and not the way too tantalizing girl beside me.

“But you didn’t tell Diego, right?”

I chuckled. “If I’d told him, he’d be the one driving you home, not me.”

“Yeah,” Gemma agreed with a mirthless laugh. “He’d be chewing my ear off. What the fudge’s going on in your head? How dare you have a fudging life? Yadda yadda.”

I shook my head. “I seriously doubt Diego would use a sweet treat to voice his displeasure.” I slanted her a look. She was smiling in a very Gemma way. Unguarded, honest, not in a way that was meant to make her look pretty, even though she did.

“He tries not to swear in front of me, but that’s my version of events.”

“Fudge, really?” I said. “What’s wrong with a healthy fuck?”

Gemma flushed, and I realized my wording could be taken a different way as well. “I don’t like the word.”

“You’ve never tried it, so how can you know?” Apparently, I was the king of double entendres today.

Gemma looked down at her lap, frowning, and I was starting to worry that I’d upset her when she darted her eyes up once more. “Were you hitting on me in the bar?”

I considered my options. Lying and not get kicked in the balls by Diego, or the truth and seeing Gemma’s delicious blush deepen.


As expected, she turned a darker shade of pink. “Why?”

I gave her a look. Did she have to ask?

“So,” she said curiously. “You wanted to get me into bed?”

I chuckled. “I wanted to get the girl with that body into bed, not you.”

Indignation flashed in her eyes. “I’m that girl. That’s my body.”

Sadly, it was, which meant I’d never get to have it. “It is, but I’d never consider getting you into bed, Kitty. For one, Diego would have a coronary, second, you are too young and third, your family would force me to marry you if I as much as kiss you, so… no, thank you.”

She turned away, glaring at the side window.

She was pissed, and I wondered which of my words exactly had disgruntled her.

When I pulled into her street, her eyes widened. “Stop here! They’ll hear your engine if you get closer.”

“Oh, really?” I asked and drove straight up to her family’s house, then cut off the engine. The lights came on in one of the windows. This was a middle-class area. No Ferrari engines.

Gemma made herself small in her seat, but her nonna’s face peeked through the illuminated window then disappeared. The lights in another room came on.

Gemma frowned at me. “Why did you do that?”

“Because I think your dad should keep a closer eye on you.”


That was the one-million-dollar question.

Daniele appeared in the entrance door, dressed in a bathrobe and looking livid.

“Happy birthday, Kitty,” I said before she slipped out of the car. She sent me a scathing look then ducked her head when her mother appeared in front of her. Daniele towered in front of my window. I rolled it down and gave him a smile.

“What’s going on here?” he growled.

I narrowed my eyes. “I only brought Gemma home. I thought you’d appreciate her not hanging out with Toni in Roger’s Arena. Maybe you should keep a closer eye on her.”

His gaze zeroed in on Gemma in her sexy clothes and he stalked after her.

It wasn’t even that I was trying to keep Gemma away from other guys. Not only that. Mostly I needed to make sure Daniele kept her away from me because otherwise my friendship to Diego was a thing of the past.

My phone rang on my way back to the Arena.

“What’s the matter, Remo?”

“Where the fuck are you? Roger just called. Nestore’s gone all Mad Man again.”

It was ironic that Remo was the one complaining about someone else acting like a Mad Man. His death fight against two opponents still held the record of the most people throwing up in the Arena. I doubted that would change.

“Almost there.” I hung up, parked the car and jumped out. Then I hurried inside the bar. The stench of vomit lay in the air. One look toward the cage explained why.

Nestore Romano had torn his opponent apart.

Mick and Diego stood off to the side, both looking disgusted.

Roger was in front of the cage, shouting at Nestore. None of those pussies had dared to go inside the cage and actually stop the Mad Man. I pushed past Roger and climbed up on the platform of the cage then opened the door.

Nestore was kneeling on the floor, half bent over the corpse of his opponent. Everything was covered in blood. From the looks of it, Nestore had ripped his opponent’s throat out with his teeth. Remo had to stop allowing this psycho to fight in Vegas, even if he had an unexplainable soft spot for the guy. Or at least he’d have to deal with him and not send me out so he could spend the evening with his twins and wife.

I approached Nestore carefully. My white sneakers were ruined after only a few steps. Annoyed, I grasped his shoulder. He jerked up to his feet and tried to punch me. I blocked the assault then got in his face. “Snap out of it, asshole. Or you’ll be the one with the gaping hole in your throat.”

Nestore’s eyes focused on me, finally. That creepy out of sorts expression freaked even me out. He stepped back and walked past me then climbed out of the cage as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

I followed after him. We needed to have a talk, only not in front of hundreds of spectators.

“Who’s going to clean up the mess?” Roger called after me.

“Don’t pretend you didn’t make a fortune tonight. Pay someone to wipe away the shit.”

I stepped into the locker room after Nestore. He was already peeling out of his fighting shorts, still ignoring me. If I didn’t know the guy, I’d have thought it was a show of disrespect.

“This wasn’t a death fight, Nestore. Just like your last fight wasn’t a death fight. You need to get a grip.”

He looked up. “He got into a cage with me. He wanted to die.”

“I don’t give a fuck what he wanted. We didn’t declare it a death fight. That means you won’t kill. We make the rules, Nestore. If you want to rip out people’s throats, fight your battles in L.A., not here. For now, you’re banned from fighting in the Arena.”

“If that’s what my Capo wants,” Nestore said indifferently.

I wasn’t sure if that was what Remo wanted, but someone needed to be the voice of reason here, and as usual, that wasn’t going to be my brother. No one would have allowed a man like Nestore to become Underboss.

I turned on my heel and left Nestore so he could clean up. Outside, Diego was already waiting for me. Judging from the pissed expression, his father had called him.

He barred my way. “Why didn’t you get me when you found Gemma here?”

“Because you were busy disregarding your traditions with Dakota.” Fury flickered across his face. It pissed him off when I reminded him of his hypocrisy, but someone had to.

“My father blames me for it!”

“He’ll get over it. He’s turned a blind eye on all of your nightly activities so far.”

“I can do what I want, but this is about Gemma. I hope you kept your fucking hands to yourself when you took her home.”

I didn’t bother with a reply. Not only because Diego’s interrogation rubbed me the wrong way, but also because I wasn’t sure if he wouldn’t realize that my intentions toward Gemma had shifted.

Mick followed me toward the bar. I slanted him a look.

“You didn’t touch her, right?” His voice held a strange note. I couldn’t tell if it was anxiety or curiosity.

“Why do you care?”

He gave a shrug.

I scoffed. “Don’t tell me you’ve got the hots for her?”

He flushed. “She’s the hottest girl in Vegas.”

That was true. “She’s off limits.”

“So, you’re not going to ask for her hand?”

I choked on my drink, chuckling. “Hell, no. I won’t marry anyone.”