601 Twilight Ln. by Kat Baxter

Chapter 7


Holy shit! I am so damn impressed with myself and the fact that I haven’t had a complete and total breakdown since I woke up this morning. Married! I’m married to the single hottest man I’ve ever seen. Seriously, I want to climb him like a fucking tree.

And some of the things he’s said today and the way he’s looked at me…like he finds me attractive. Like he wants me. All of which feels inexplicable because surely this man could literally pick any other woman.

We’re in his truck and driving to his mom’s diner, with rain clouds sitting heavy on the horizon.

“I love your mom,” I blurt out.

“I love my mom, too.”

“No, I just mean, she’s really great. So sweet and so mom-ish, you know? Like I told her my name once, the first time I went into the diner and she’s never forgotten it. Always knows what I want to eat, always checking on everyone. She’s amazing.”

“She is pretty amazing.”

“What about your mom?”

“She’s good. I mean she’s a nice woman, but she and I haven’t always seen eye-to-eye. She had different expectations for her daughter and I’m a disappointment, I suppose.”

“What does that mean?”

“I’m not feminine enough. I swear too much. Wear too much make-up. I have too many tattoos. My art is too masculine. You know, that kind of thing.”

“And your dad?”

“My dad is great. I’ve always been closer to him. He’s a mechanic, and I guess that’s probably how I got into the art that I make. Because he was always tinkering with things in the garage. Fixing cars, but also taking things apart and putting them back together.”

Once he’s parked the truck, he shifts his big body to face me. “Well, I’ve not met your mother and I won’t speak ill of someone I don’t know, but…” His eyes take a lazy look at my body, his gaze dropping slow, slow, slow as if he’s mapping every part of me he can see.

My skin heats immediately and for some inexplicable reason my nipples harden.

“You’re incredibly feminine. So fucking gorgeous.” He reaches over and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. “And I like the way you swear and I like the tattoos of yours that I’ve seen.” He stares at me for a minute and I swear his eyes darken to a stormy blue, much like the color of the sky right now. “I’d like to see the rest of your ink.”

My lips are dry and I’m so thirsty. Why am I so parched when it’s this humid out? I lick my lips. “Some of them are in private spots.”

“I figured as much.”

I wait for him to say more. For him to clarify that he knew that and that’s what he was trying to tell me, that he wants to see me naked? Sometimes being ballsy has its advantages. Sometimes when you need that bravado—you know to ask your temporary husband if he’s truly attracted to you—it completely disappears like wisps of smoke.

He turns then and gets out of his truck and jogs around to my side and helps me out. I’m so distracted by his handsome face that I almost miss the huge banner hanging in the window of the diner that boldly says: CONGRATS! AUSTIN & SELINA!

There are balloons and hearts everywhere once we finally step into the diner, which has been closed for this private party. Though it’s full of regulars I recognize.

His mom is the first one to greet us and she’s got tears in her eyes when she pulls me into a tight embrace.

“I couldn’t have picked a better wife for my boy,” she whispers. I manage to hide my wince, because she’s one of my favorite people in the world and the thought of her hating me when this charade is all up makes me sick in my stomach.

Then she moves to hug her son and now she’s full on crying, but still smiling so happy tears, I guess. She makes a big announcement in case people somehow missed us coming in and there are cheers all around us.

Austin’s huge hand settles on the small of my back, his fingers long enough that I’m pretty sure he could squeeze my ass without moving his hand too much. He maneuvers me closer to his body and I can’t deny that it feels nice being on his arm. Being his. I can’t afford to fall into this fantasy too much or I’m going to get my heart broken.

Because the damned truth of all of this is that Austin Oakley is a great guy. Like, the best guy I’ve ever known. Besides my dad. He’s hard working and honest and so thoughtful and sweet and protective and so hot it’s really just stupid. I could lose my heart to his man and I’m not sure I’d ever be able to put myself back together if that happened.

There’s a clinking sound from one table and then it starts spreading and soon everyone is banging on their glasses.

“Kiss, kiss, kiss…” the chant spreads through the room with the clinking.

My stomach flutters.

Austin turns me to face him, then he cups my face and his lips are on mine. No hesitancy and he sure as fuck isn’t trying to keep this chaste. Nope, he’s all in, slanting his full lips across mine. His beard tickles at my skin. And then his tongue slips into my mouth and I want to jump up into his arms and wrap my legs around his thick body.

Holy fuck.

Hoots and hollers scatter across the room and I manage to pull away from the kiss.

Austin moves my body so I’m standing in front of his and I’m about to question him when I feel the hard pipe of his erection at my ass. Holy fuck, indeed.

If my panties weren’t soaked already, they would be now.

“Don’t move or I might embarrass us both,” he whispers, his voice husky in my ear.

I shiver in response. I’m sure I’m blushing, but nothing can be done for that now. And all I can think about is getting out of here and back to his house. Because right now I just want to continue kissing him and see what happens between us. I don’t have a ton of experience, but I know a good kiss when I get one and that one was the very best. The idea that he is as turned on as I am about floors me.

How is that even possible?

Liza herds us over to the main diner counter where she has a selection of pies laid out. “I don’t serve cake, so this was the best I could do considering you didn’t even tell your mama you were getting hitched.”

Everyone laughs.

“Seeing as how Selina is wearing a pretty white dress, I don’t recommend smashing any of these pies in her face,” his mama says.

I turn and point a finger in Austin’s face. “Don’t even think about it.”

He holds his hands up and shakes his head, the very picture of innocence.

More laughter.

“So tell us the story,” someone calls from the back of the room. I can’t see them, so I’m not sure who it is other than it’s a woman.

“What story?” Austin asks.

“How you proposed, silly. We never even knew you two were a couple.”

“Oh well—”

“I asked him,” I say, interrupting him. “I asked him to marry me.”

“And, of course, I said yes,” he says, not missing a beat. “Because this little firecracker stole my heart the first time she glared at me.”

The entire room laughs. I’ve been teased a lot for having a resting bitch face and for being a smart ass or grumpy, but I don’t feel like that’s what he’s doing. And his words pour over me like a warm shower after standing in a cold rain. This man feels like my refuge, my safe place, and that is dangerous thinking. But oh how it would be nice to have a partner to share the burdens.

He presses a kiss to the top of my head. He’s so damn tall, I don’t even think I hit his sternum, well maybe in these heels, but not barefooted.

Liza and a bunch of other women walk through the diner handing out slices of pie. So many people come up and congratulate us and none of them are sneering or looking at me suspiciously. It’s like they’re genuinely happy for us.

A huge clap of thunder rattles the windows and a few people shriek. I look out the front window of the diner to see the clouds are even darker than before and fat drops are starting to hit the sidewalk

“We might want to cut the party a little short,” Austin announces. “Don’t want people to get caught out in this weather.” He wraps his arms around my body, pulling me to lean against him. “Plus, I’d like to get home with my bride.”

Liza glances at the windows and nods. “Yeah, we need to close up shop. They said on the news that this one could get bad. You working?” she asks Austin.

“No, I’m off the next two days.”

She closes her eyes in obvious relief. “Get out of here. Oh, I used my key earlier and left you two some food in the fridge.”

“Thanks, Mama.” He kisses her on the cheek.

She pulls me in to a tight hug again and a wave of emotion wobbles through me. I am a mess of feelings around this man and his mother. It’s unsettling. “Welcome to the family, Selina.”

“Thank you.”

“Let’s go, sweet girl,” Austin says, grabbing my hand. “As it is, we’re already going to get soaked getting to the truck.”

I shrug. “I won’t melt, I’m not that sweet.”

“You tasted pretty sweet to me,” he says low enough so only I can hear.

He threads our hands together and we dash out into the storm. The thunder is loud and lightening crackles across the sky. By the time we reach his truck my dress is completely plastered to my body. He helps me up into the truck, then runs to the driver’s side.

We turn and look at each other and both crack up. We’re sopped, soaked to the bone, as the saying goes.

Then, his eyes drop to my body and all humor leaves his expression as he growls.

“Fuck, Selina.” He swallows, his throat bobbing with the movement. “Your dress…”

I look down. “Is completely see-through. Awesome. I guess it’s a good thing I chose a matching panty and bra set.”

He nods and he’s just staring at my breasts which might as well be bare. He swears again, then tears his gaze off of me. His eyes close and he takes a slow breath before adjusting his pants. That simple action, that undeniable proof of my effect on him, is riveting.

Then we seatbelt ourselves in and drive in silence back to his house.