Boyfriend Bargain by Ilsa Madden-Mills



After an intensive practice and dinner in the athletic cafeteria, the guys and I head to the Tipsy Moose. I park and they get out while I stay in the car for a few minutes, practicing my deep breathing. There’s an anxious pit of worry in my gut about our upcoming game. Sure, we won our last one, but the next opponent is a tougher team, which means more pressure. Even with the loss to Minnesota-Duluth, we’re still ranked at number five, and that brings its own kind of pressure with trying to stay there.

Another nightmare hit this morning at four. Knowing I couldn’t go back to sleep, I went for another run then circled back to the house exhausted and worn out. Then at practice, I gave up several faceoffs, and that shit never happens. I’m the fastest one out there, but you wouldn’t know it by the way I played today. I rub at my wrist, nursing the bruise I got from a defenseman’s clean check when I cut in front of him to push the puck in. Instead he slammed me into the wall and I landed wrong.

After a few minutes, I’m feeling more centered and walk inside. Eric and Reece and some of the guys are at the dartboard, and I make my way to the bar to meet up with Boone, one of our freshman players who I’m mentoring. All the seniors get a “little brother” and he’s mine, a talented center from Chicago. Veronica sees me and follows, asking about Eric’s birthday party and what decorations I think would work. I tune her out, telling her she can do whatever she wants, and Boone joins shortly after.

A tingling sensation washes over me as I sit here, and I look up to the mirror then pause mid-sentence.


A few teasing texts later, I watch as she gets out of the booth and faces me.

The first thing I notice tonight is how long her legs are, the way her leggings cling to her voluptuous curves. I’m discovering something new about her each time I see her. My gaze lingers on her tits, and for the hundredth time, I wonder what she’d look like splayed out on my bed naked.

“Sheee-it. Nice rack,” Boone says appreciatively, his gaze following mine.

“Shut the fuck up,” I say, not taking my eyes off her. “Don’t talk about her like that.”

I sense him stiffening. “Okay.”

She toys with a piece of her ponytail as if she’s nervous, and her hands fall to her sides when she straightens her shoulders—as if preparing for war—and walks toward me. She doesn’t want this thing we have. I see it in the way she walks, her steps unsure, and at one point she stops in front of a pool table and pivots back around toward her table. But, after a moment, she does a pirouette and marches forward, a look of resolve on her face.

It makes my smile deepen. She’s just a tiny bit intimidated by me when she’s the one who’s got me by the balls.

I’m going to make her mine. She just doesn’t know it yet.

“Chick’s an Amazon. I like those legs.” He whistles under his breath.

“I won’t tell you to shut up again, Boone. I’ll just plant my fist in your face next time. She’s off limits.”

He holds his hands out to placate me. “Fine, fine. I get it now—she’s yours and you’re a little territorial.”

Not normally.

But her…

Veronica, who’s been texting, has finally stopped long enough to figure out I’m distracted. She turns and watches Sugar approach, her brittle gaze raking over her.

“Reece said she was at your house—with pie. That’s weird. Who brings pie to a guy’s house?” I feel her bristling.

“She’s a nice girl. Don’t be a bitch,” I say.

She inhales a breath. “Me? Why are you being an asshole?”

I sigh, looking over at her. She’s a pretty girl with sleek red hair, delicate features, and big green eyes. Her parents died two years ago in a private plane crash, and she hasn’t been the same since. I get grief, I really do, but she needs to step off when it comes to me.

“This girl isn’t one of those jersey chasers you toy with. Leave her alone.”

Confusion flashes over her face. “You actually like her?”

My answer is silence and a raised eyebrow.

She sputters and crosses her arms. “She’s…not your type.”

“What is my type then?”

Her lips flatten. “Reece said she’s from the south. Does she even know the first thing about hockey?”

I bark out a laugh. “I don’t even care. She probably likes football.”

She searches my gaze and gives me a triumphant look. “She’s just like all the rest.”

My gaze sharpens. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Her giggle grates on my nerves. “Oh, come on, Z. Your heart is cold as ice. You go from one girl to the next, and I don’t even think you remember their names. She’ll be gone in a few weeks and a new one will come along.”

It won’t be you, my face tells her.

I lean in, keeping my voice low so no one can hear me. “I’ve been cutting you slack for a while, putting up with how you boss girls around, and that’s cool. I can deal with that, but don’t keep wishing it was you on my arm. I’m not interested. I can’t say it any plainer. I know you’ve managed to wrap Reece around your finger this past year, but don’t fuck with him. Don’t hurt him.”

Her eyes search mine until she drops my gaze. There’s a quiver in her lips, but she sucks it up and juts her chin out. “I wouldn’t do that. We’re all just friends. I adored Willow, and I know everything you went through after she died. I was there for both of you.”

She was there, but not in a helpful way. No one was.

I study her. “Reece cares about you, Veronica. Do the right thing and either be with him for real or cut him loose.”

She swallows and looks over at the dartboard, her gaze landing on him.

“Go to Reece.”

“Because she’s coming over here?” Her eyes glare at Sugar, who’s almost to us.

“Because I want her.”

She stands up from the stool and sniffs, and I watch as she saunters over to my brother and throws her arms around his waist. He turns and looks down at her, a flash of adoration on his face before he gives her a kiss. Shit. I just want him to be happy.

Sugar stops in front of me, her gaze intelligent and blue, the color of a perfect summer sky with a hint of green.

I look at her, getting a read on her. I take it all in, the way she bites at her lower lip, her hand trembling ever so slightly as she plucks at the silver bracelets on her wrist. I inhale a deep breath and smell her, warm and sweet.

When I fuck her again—because I will—it’s going to be explosive.

Yeah, we have this boyfriend bargain, and I agreed to it. How could I not? It’s a chance to figure her out.

“Why are you smiling?” I lean against the bar, feigning nonchalance though my heart is a jackhammer. Somehow I’ve got to convince her to give me a chance.

“Because I was here first and you showed up. You’re stalking me.” Her mouth curves up in a smile. Then her gaze lands on Veronica. “I guess she ran off before I got here.”

I laugh and take a step closer to her. “Don’t worry about her. Maybe we need a very public kiss so the entire place gets the idea and leaves us alone?”

She mulls it over, a blush on her cheeks. There’s a small hitch in her breath, and her eyes go straight back to my lips.

I think back to the last time I kissed her—really kissed her—and my body tightens. “You with me?”

She doesn’t say anything.

We’re close, so close, and I can feel the heat from her skin. “May I kiss you? Please?”

Her chest rises. “Okay, but none of that fancy tongue work.”

I laugh softly. “Afraid of falling in love with me?”


I lean in and lace one of my hands with hers. “Liar. Why else say it?”

She rolls her eyes. “Just get it over with. This makes three kisses if you count the one on the cheek this week.”

“Okay.” I cup her face and kiss her like she’s really mine, like she’s coming home with me, like she’s dying for me to touch her just as much as I’m dying for her.

Our lips move slowly, tasting and exploring, and my hand pulls her closer, until she can feel the hardness in my jeans. It goes on, our mouths taking more and more, and I don’t want it to end. We break apart with small movements, our faces still leaning in, and I brush my lips across hers again. I stare down at her. “Now that will give the gossips something to talk about for a while.”

“Sheee-it, get a room,” Boone calls from behind me, and she huffs out a laugh.

A few minutes later, the guys at the dartboard call out to us, and we walk over to where they are. Eric gives Sugar a hug while Reece hangs back, a reflective look on his face. Veronica just stares at her nails as she sits on the couch.

I introduce Sugar to the players. Boone finds out she’s taking law classes and starts questioning her about if it’s an easy major or not. He keeps a respectable distance between them and keeps his eyes on her face—trust me, I’m watching. She brings out all my alpha male instincts, and I feel protective just looking at her. She sends me little looks under her lashes every now and then as she talks to him, and I wonder what she sees on my face.

Amazement, probably.

She…is…fucking exquisite.

“Yo, you ready to go?” Reece says a few minutes later.

“We just got here,” I say, not able to keep the exasperation out of my voice.

“He’s in a mood. Probably his shoulder again,” Eric mumbles to me before leading Sugar off to play darts.

Yeah. Whatever. I know it isn’t his shoulder.

“Dude, I’ve got a test tomorrow,” Reece says again.

My jaw pops. I wish he’d just driven himself.

“You offered to drive,” he reminds me, holding up the beer he’s drinking.

I did agree to drive everyone because I’m not drinking during hockey season, and I am the captain. It’s up to me to make sure no one does anything crazy.

The calendar on my phone pings with a reminder of everything I have on my plate tomorrow, and I roll my shoulders, feeling the tense and tired muscles there. Truth is, maybe it is a good idea to head home. I have to run, go to class and hockey practice, plus drive to the city for another therapy session. Frustration eats at me. I want to get over this hurdle of anxiety. I want my life back, and I need rest or my body is going to fall apart.

“Five minutes and we’ll go,” I tell my brother.

“Veronica is coming with us,” he says as she hooks her arm through his. She meets my gaze and gives me a triumphant look, as if somehow she’s winning by being with Reece. Whatever.

I shrug. “You’ll be the one bringing her back to her car later.”

He gives me a tight nod.

I walk over to Sugar, Eric, and Boone, who are playing darts, telling them that we’ll be leaving soon.

Eric reads my face. “Sure, man.” He looks at Sugar. “See you at my party, right? You know I wouldn’t be opposed if you brought a pie.”

She grins. “It took me two hours to make that. How do you feel about donuts instead?”

“Sold.” He pats me on the back, walking off with Boone.

“I like your friends,” she says.

I glance over at the table where she came from, a guy and a girl there watching us with avid interest. “Maybe you can introduce me to yours?”

She frowns. “Sometime, yeah, maybe.”

I pop an eyebrow. “You embarrassed of me?”

“Well, this is just pretend, so…” Her voice drifts off.

I exhale. She’s got a fortress around her.

“Come here a minute,” I tell her as everyone else hangs by the door, getting their coats on.


I pull out my phone, hold it out for a selfie, and wave it at her. “I don’t post a lot on social media, but it might be good if we did some Instagram stuff and maybe your guy at Vandy will see it. Priming the pump a bit.”

“That’s a great idea.” She perks up and moves to stand next to me, and I lean toward her until our heads are together then snap the picture. I kiss her on the cheek and snap one more. She’s laughing and taking my phone and looking at the photos.

“We look nice.” Her gaze is bright when it meets mine. “Send those to me?”

I shrug. “Sure.”

She chews on her lip. “Are you really leaving?”

“You’re welcome to come with me.”

She laughs and, just to mess with her and perhaps on impulse, I wrap my hand around her nape and pull her to me, pressing my lips to hers one more time. I kiss her, my tongue sweeping in to taste her, and when I pull back, her lips are red and swollen—and mine.

“Just in case that first kiss wasn’t enough,” I say.

She nods, her face pink. “That’s four.”

“You’ll stop counting.”

She smirks. “I’m keeping a tally.”

Reece calls my name again.

I say goodbye and head to the door.

Part of me wants to look back at her, but I know she doesn’t want that. She wants me to keep it simple. Uncomplicated. Yeah, I’m wondering how long that’s going to last…