Jealous by Lena Little



Itap my steel-toed boot as my fingers cascade over the throttle of my bike. My eyes dart down to my watch and then to the door of the building where her exam is for the umpteenth time in the last half hour…ever since she didn’t answer my call. Worse yet it went to voicemail before the third ring, but it did ring.

That means she sent the call to voicemail, ignoring me.

I stare at her building, waiting for her to come out but nothing. Another thirty minutes pass by and I’m about to explode.

Storming into the building I see that there’s a sign about some quiz…in another building. I grab the first student I see and demand he tell me where the building is. This little shit damn near pisses his purple pants when I grab the front of his shirt and twist, lifting him clean off the ground.

The second he points to the building just nearby I release my grip and he falls to his feet. I don’t waste a second looking back to see if he’s okay. The only person’s safety I worry about is my Giulia’s. The call was sent to voicemail and the more I steamed about it, the more I realized she’d never do that to me.

Throwing my shoulder into the door I enter what looks like an empty motorcycle garage…and there’s no one. I pound my fist into the wall and contemplate kicking one of the bikes over until I realize that there are probably cameras and doing so could get Giulia suspended from school if they link her to me…which they will when her last name changes real fucking soon.

Moving quickly back to my bike I take the dozen roses I was carrying in my off-hand and place them across my teeth, biting them hard. I need something to chew on so I don’t grind down my molars to stubs, and the only solution is the dozen roses I bought to greet her on her first day of college. Then I realize I need my helmet on, not to mention I want to move undetected. I stick the flowers down the back of my shirt and yank on my helmet, which is tight as fuck considering my dome is hotter than a volcano and about ready to explode because I can’t locate my woman.

Wrapping my legs around the bike, I hit the gas, scanning the campus parking lots until I see what I’m looking for, or more aptly, exactly what I never want to see for the rest of my life. My eyes burn as I see some wannabe motorcycle mechanic pointing out parts of his bike to her.

I drive right at him, doing a stop inches from his body, but making sure not to endanger my woman. I step off, ripping my helmet off and slamming it on the ground.

He takes a step back, his hands searching for something but all he finds is his bike seat. He backs into the frame as I move closer and his whole bike tumbles over.

“What. The. Fuck. Are. You. Doing. Talking. To. My. Woman?” I spit

The little shit cowers in fear, raising a forearm in front of his face. “Please, sir. Don’t hit me.”

“Julian!” Giulia scolds. “He was just helping me. He’s my class partner.”

“Partner?” I scoff. “You have one partner and one partner only in this life and that’s me.”

Giulia’s mouth about hits the pavement, but I don’t let up. I know how boys this age think and as someone who just got out of prison I know the best way to deal with people trying to invade your territory isn’t with defense, but with an offense. The biggest swinging dick wins and I’m ready to whip my fat cock out and slap this little prick right across the face with mine.

“Julian,” Giulia pleads, grabbing me by the forearm. “If it wasn’t for Jake, I would have failed the quiz this morning.”

“You mean the quiz that took place in the building I just left. The building that’s completely empty. The quiz that is still finished, but here you are still hanging out with some random student you just met.”

“He’s not some random student. He helped me. And you need to help him up off the ground and apologize.”

I look down at him, still curled up in a ball like a girl not wanting to get hit. “This kid’s a fraud. Brand new Schott motorcycle jacket. Expensive leather boots that haven’t even been scuffed or have the marks where someone who actually rides would have them. Trying to get girls with his speed racer routine. I’m not falling for it.”

“I wasn’t trying to steal your girlfriend, sir. I promise. She even told me she had a boyfriend.”

I squat down and bend at the waist so my face is inches from his. “First of all, son. She doesn’t have a boyfriend. She has a manfriend who is soon to be her husband. Know that. And second of all, you couldn’t steal so much as a look at her without me finding out about it, you understand me?”

“Yes, sir. I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”

“Damn right it won’t. Now get out of here before I really get angry.” I turn to Giulia. “And you. Get on the bike. We’re going home. We need to talk.”

“No!” She stomps her foot and my eyebrows raise.

“This isn’t up for discussion.”

“That’s right because I’m not going. Not when you’re acting like…like this.”

“I’m acting like a man who gives a damn about his woman, at all times.”

“You’re acting like a jealous little kid.”

Her words set me off. I grab her by the waist and toss her over my shoulder like a caveman, sitting her on my bike and placing the helmet on her head even though she fights me.

“Let go of me!”

I mount the bike and reach a hand back, grabbing a hold of her waist hard and take off, leaving her ‘class partner’ in the dust as I take her where she needs to be…home, with me.