Hate by K.A Knight

The only thing I see when we enter the fallen’s house is the picture of my little monster. Everything else is unchanged, but that picture draws me until I am stroking her face.

“I’m coming, Little Monster, then we will kill them all.”

The dragon barges in, pushing me out of the way, and I shake my head and step back, allowing him to see. He freezes at the image, staring at Dawn’s perfect face. For once I see something other than pride and disdain written across his features. I see hope and pain. No matter what we think of each other, we are all brought together by fate or love.

Destined to share our lives together, our paths entwined because of her. Our mate.

“We have to find a way to work together or we are all doomed. Not for us, but for her. She needs us, she doesn’t always realise it. She will never ask for help, she is too strong, too wild, but she needs us. To ground her, to keep the pain at bay. To help figure out who she is and what she is capable of. If we can’t do that you might as well walk away from her now.”

The dragon looks at me then, his lips turned down, and I carry on, “Because I never will. I will never walk away from her. Never abandon her or leave her. Even if I was following her into hell itself, into my own death, I would still follow. Know this, dragon, you might be a mythical creature, but so am I. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for my mate, nothing I wouldn’t be, nothing I wouldn’t destroy.”

He watches me, his eyes filled with understanding, the type you only get after living a hard, long life filled without happiness or love. Dawn is that. A bright spot, a hope for a better life...one filled with love and happiness...and yes, blood and power.

“You think I would not?” he asks, his voice low and almost quiet. I don’t think he even realises he is still touching the picture of her face. “I have been waiting for her my entire life, forest god. Where other dragons fought and trained for prestige and power, I did it for the idea that one day, I would have someone to protect. When they put that crown on my head and bowed to me, asking me to lead them, I turned away and left. Because I knew, out here, in this world somewhere, was my true purpose. It was not a crown or being a leader, it was something greater.” He looks back at the picture.

“Her, I was waiting for her before I even knew it. So know this, forest god—you say there is nothing you wouldn’t do, I say there is everything I would do. I will burn this world to the ground until I find her, the skies will rain blood and souls. I will never stop, never waver until I have her back. We can work together, but only because I know it will help lead me to her quicker.” Then, he turns away and strides upstairs as if he owns the house.

Griffin snorts, leaning back against the wall while sharpening a blade. He was so still and quiet that if I wasn’t looking, I wouldn’t have seen him. “And you guys thought I was the asshole mate.”

“You still are.” I grin.

He looks up and smirks. “Yes, but she loves it. I can’t wait to see her knock him down a peg or two.”

“You just like watching her fight, you get off on it.”

“And you don’t?” He laughs, putting his blade away. “He is right, though, we need to work together. Doesn’t mean I won’t try to kill him...or you for that matter.”

“Then she will kill you, remember?” I grin, knowing I have him.

He grumbles, tugging at his hair for a moment, his eyes losing their colour as if he is far away. “Fucking woman, spoiling all my fun. His dragon head would look good above my fireplace. Next she will be telling me I can’t kill sheep.”

Just then the dragon comes tramping back downstairs. “Do we have a plan?”

Griffin and I share a look and the fallen waves his blade at me as if to say I can kill him if you want. I shake my head slightly and look back at the arrogant creature. “Not yet, let’s make one.”

“Very well, does this…abode have a TV? I like to watch Jeremy Kyle, it helps me think.”