Hate by K.A Knight

Ifollow the...demon…outside and we stop at the base of the mountain as he tips his head back and grins, sucking in air. “How are we getting there?” I snap, interrupting his moment.

His dark eyes turn to me, and even I feel fear looking into them. It’s like staring at death. The dark abyss of his gaze is so empty and cold, that loneliness, hate, and fear flow through me just from a glance.

“Hop, of course. I couldn’t do it inside, but I can beyond the boundaries.”

“Hop?” I repeat, confused, and then look down at my legs, wondering how only using one will get us there faster.

“This is going to get annoying. Hop, dragon.” His voice grows louder at the end, as if I wasn’t supposed to hear the first part. “As in hop across time and space.”

“Ah, well, I drove here and I need the treasures from my car.” I huff.

“Driving...you want me to drive with you?” He seems to be searching his mind for what that is and then his eyes lock back on me. “You came to the sleeping court to fetch someone to...drive us back? Are you a chauffeur?”

Growling, I let my power raise and he waves it away. “Fine, let us hop to my car, and I can call someone to collect it. I can’t just leave it, it has everything for my mate.”

That gets his attention and he sighs. “Fine, then we hop to the council.”

He doesn’t warn me before black smoke encases me. I snarl as the world seems to spin and my ears ring. I have the sense of movement, but I can’t see anything. Finally, the smoke retracts and I look around in shock to see we are next to my car. The snake is leaning against it, watching me impatiently.

“Come on, dragon, I have things to do. Slow me down and I will leave you here for Xaph to kill,” he snaps.

“He could try.” I sniff, making him laugh.

“Maybe I won’t leave you, you’re funny,” he remarks.

Ignoring him, I get into the driver’s seat and grab my phone, dialling Jean Paul’s number. Just as he is answering, I let out a less than dragonly scream as the snake pops into existence in my passenger seat.

“Sir?” Jean Paul panics.

Glaring at the laughing man, I turn back to the conversation, clearing my throat and lowering my voice. “Sorry, I am here.”

“Smooth,” the snake scoffs.

“Can you please pick up my vehicle from the location on this device and bring it to the city? I will meet you there,” I rumble.

“Of course, how are you getting there, sir?” he queries, typing away in the background, not asking anything else.

“I am travelling with someone,” I inform him, and then lower my voice, almost whispering, “Lucifer.”

“You are traveling with who, sir?” Jean Paul asks.

Smiling at the snake, I turn away and cover the phone. “I’m pretty sure he’s Lucifer,” I mumble.

“Sorry, I can’t hear you, sir. Are you on speaker again?”

“Lucifer, as in Satan!” I scream, and then look over at said man who is watching me from the passenger seat with an eyebrow arched and a grin curling his lips.

“I prefer Snake or ‘Oh Dark and Powerful One,’ but please, continue,” he comments.

“I will see you soon,” I say to a laughing Jean Paul as I hang up. “We may hop now.”

His face darkens for a moment, wiped clean of amusement, and the car fills with the same black smoke, his red eyes flaming through it, the only thing I can see. “Do not order me, dragon, you will not like what happens.” Then, his eyes blink back to normal and the smoke embraces me. “Shall we?” he offers politely.

And they say I’m crazy.