Hate by K.A Knight

“You are a believer, fate chosen.”

The voice is strong, both male and female. A blending of soft and hard. Velvety and rough. I know what it is—fate. I do not open my eyes, I stay seated, if fate has chosen to appear to me, it is for a reason. But why? And why now?

“You know why, fate chosen. You were brought into this world for a purpose, for a reason. You were quite literally chosen by us to be a protector, a guardian, a mate, and an anchor.”

“Dawn,” I whisper.

“Yes, the little skinwalker...or is she? You must learn what and who she is, fate chosen, it is how you will all survive what is to come.”

“And what is that?”

“Change, it is time for a change, the rule of man is over. We grew tired of their destruction and vile acts. Dawn, your mate, she is the catalyst. Do not fight it, god, embrace it and everything she has to offer. Only then will the future we desire come to fruition. Do your duty, your purpose, and you will be rewarded.”

“And if not? If it doesn’t transpire?” I question, knowing the likelihood of what this fate is seeing turning to reality is slim, almost non-existent. It is merely a hope.

“Then this world will burn and you will lose her for eternity. You are so close to what you want most, god. Do not let it slip through your grasp now.”

I open my eyes to see the room is empty, she is gone. Did she mean I would lose Dawn? That if we do not somehow complete the fate’s vision, we will all die? I do not even know what she wants us to do, she told me I had a purpose...to protect Dawn?

Only time will tell, and I can feel it drawing closer. I want to find her, my mate, but I can’t. Not yet. Fate keeps me locked in place, Dawn has things she needs to do first, an abundance of choices and actions to complete. One wrong move could send us all tumbling into death, I feel it.

No. This fight is Dawn’s. It is her choice.

But you will not do it alone, Little Monster, I am here. Feel me. Soon, we’ll be together again.

I pray we can win, that we can please fate, for I want a long life with my mate, not the stolen moments I have had. I want her forever, for eternity.

My little monster.

She is fate chosen.