Hate by K.A Knight

Ithink my mate, my goddess, has a death wish. She walked right up to that demon and faced him down, almost reprimanding him like you would a child. It was clear he didn’t even know what to do, but she must have felt his power, his age. The ancient demon is stronger than any of us.

Something, someone to fear.

Yet she didn’t. Does she know something we don’t, or is she simply past caring?

We can all feel it, her need, her bloodlust flowing through her. A pull draws her from the room, a tie leading her to the council as if she must be there. As if she is destined to be there. She can feel it too, the urgency. Her feet speed up, her little legs blurring as we leave the suite and storm through the mansion.

We are all surprised when the demon appears right next to her, watching her out of the corner of his eye like he is unsure how to respond or act around her. “What is your plan, walker?” he snaps. “To just storm in there, you and your men?”

She grins, not even glancing at him. “Why don’t you wait and see, Lucy?” I know she’s calling him that on purpose now. His face contorts in a sneer and I think he is debating throttling her, so I slip between them and grab her hand, holding it as we head back to the top of the dungeons. She stops at that door and looks at Nos. “Get them ready, it’s time.”

She looks at us then, her face softening. “Now’s your chance to turn back, you don’t have to do this, they might kill us.”

“We do this together,” Griffin snarls.

“Together.” I nod.

“I’m not going anywhere,” Jair adds.

“Little Monster, it’s time to put our actions into words, we will follow you anywhere.”

She sighs as the wolf inserts his bark to the chorus of agreements, wearing a brilliant smile on her face as she looks around at us. “Then let’s kill the council.”

She turns and swings open the dungeon doors. I pull her back as the monsters from below boil upwards and out, their claws, teeth, and anger filling the air. They want revenge, they want blood.

They will get it.