The Devil Wears Black by L.J. Shen


They say writing is a lonely job, and while I agree with that statement wholeheartedly, it is definitely gratifying to see your name on a book cover and take pride in having your hard work be recognized.

This book, however, is the fruit of many wonderful women’s labor, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them properly.

First and foremost, big thanks to my agent, Kimberly Brower. I wanted to do something different this year, and you made it happen. I couldn’t have asked for a better copilot to navigate my way in the publishing world.

My editors at Montlake Publishing, Lindsey Faber and Anh Schluep. Thank you so much for your amazing work, mind-blowing expertise, and excellent attention to detail. Knowing Chase and Maddie were in such capable hands made this process flawless.

Special thanks to my PA, Tijuana Turner, and beta readers, Sarah Grim Sentz, Vanessa Villegas, and Lana Kart. You ladies are my tribe.

To my best author friends, Charleigh Rose, Parker S. Huntington, Ava Harrison, and Helena Hunting. You inspire me. Thank you for holding my hand throughout this process.

To my kick-ass street team and the Sassy Sparrows Facebook group—you guys are the best! I said it before, and I’ll keep saying this: you push me to become better at what I do.

To my husband and son, who are endlessly patient. Thank you for being understanding when I slip into a parallel universe and spend time with my characters.

To the bloggers and bookstagrammers who constantly BRING IT. Words cannot describe how grateful I am for the time and effort you put into your passion. You are true artists.

There are so many other people who made this book happen. Yamina Kirky, Marta Bor, Amy Halter, Ratula Roy, and more. Unfortunately, I’m notoriously bad at remembering everyone I need to thank when writing this section. Please take mercy if I haven’t included you but should have.

Finally, I’d like to thank you, my readers. I thank my lucky stars for you every day. Writing is a privilege. Being able to pay the bills writing? Well, that is nothing short of a miracle.

Thank you.

All my love,

L.J. Shen
