The Villain by L.J. Shen

This book was definitely a ride to write. It took a lot from me mentally and physically. I don’t think I would have been able to write it without my support group. So here goes:

To my beta readers: Tijuana Turner (who is also my momager and my fairy godmother), Vanessa Villegas, Lana Kart, Amy Halter, and Chelsea Humphrey. Thank you for your valuable input and your dedication to this story. You definitely made working on it so much fun.

To my editing team, Cate Hogan, Mara White, Paige Maroney Smith and Jenny Sim. Your attention to detail and dedication to the written word and the quality of the story in front of you never ceases to amaze me. I am forever grateful to have you by my side.

To my wiz cover designer, Letitia Hasser, who has yet to divorce me—thanks for that. I appreciate your patience, your hard work and your overwhelming talent so, so much. You’re stuck with me forever! And also to Stacey Blake of Champagne Formatting, another personal favorite who is always there for me and always delivers!

To my agent, Kimberly Brower, at Brower Literary, for being one of my most amazing supporters, and to my KICK-ASS street team, who are much more than a street team: Avivit, Vanessa, Lulu, Ratula, Sheena, Sarah Plocker, Sarah Grim Sentz, Chele, Jacquie, Ariadna, Yamina, Nadine, Nina, Leeann, Samantha, Stacey, Summer, Isa, Sher, Lisa, Tanaka, Marta, Keri, Rebecca, Betty and Lin. If you see reoccurring names each release, it’s because they’re my ride or die.

And to my best friends in the whole entire world, Charleigh Rose, Ava Harrison, Parker S. Huntington, Tijuana Turner, and Vanessa Villegas. Thank you for being my support system. Always.