Daddy’s Angel by K.A Knight


Ilick my lips as Tyler pulls his chair next to mine and goes back to sipping his wine. The conversation flows, we laugh and joke. We never had an issue with getting along, and unlike some first dates, there are no awkward silences.

I know him, I know everything about this man. He makes me feel beautiful, smart, and important. He listens when I speak, and when he looks at me and pulls a face, I giggle, knowing it’s about the couple to the right who are arguing.

Do we even have inside jokes now?

Fuck, this is easy. How is it so easy to be with him? There’s an intimacy between us that usually takes years to build. It’s like we have been together forever. Each time he looks at me, my heart skips a beat. When he leans over and brushes a kiss on my shoulder, I shiver in need. When his arm drops along the back of my chair as he looks over the menu, I curl into it.

The waiter returns, pours us some wine, and takes our order before leaving us to it again. We talk and flirt, watching others in the restaurant and making up stories of who they are and what they are doing here. I’ve never had such fun on a date before, but underneath it all is desire.

I burn for him, for the man next to me, touching me so innocently. But each brush sends a shock down to my greedy pussy that remembers just how good he is at making me come. My panties are soaked, and he smirks like he knows what he’s doing. The bastard probably does. And when he ‘accidentally’ brushes across my hard nipples to grab the bottle of wine, I know he’s doing it on purpose.

After he refills our glasses, the starters arrive, and we eat in companionable silence. The food is incredible, the best I’ve ever had, and after this, I can’t wait to see what we’re having for mains. But I’m hungry for a different reason altogether, and it seems Tyler is too.

His hand slips up my thigh, and my eyes widen as I look around at the fancy restaurant we’re in. He sits back, sipping his wine, and doesn’t even look at me. He appears calm and collected, not like his fingers are dancing across the thong I put on. I can’t help but spread my legs wider, inviting him to touch me.

He slips his fingers past the barrier and drags them along my pussy, feeling how wet I am. My cheeks heat, even as I become wetter, loving the naughty taboo feeling of this. There are so many eyes, all it would take is for someone to look over and see him fingering me. He doesn’t care, though, he plays my body expertly, like a violin, slipping inside me like he never left.

But then when our food arrives, he doesn’t take his fingers out of me as he greets and thanks the waiter, who places our food down then leaves. Only then does Tyler look at me with a smirk and pull his fingers free. As I watch, he licks them before starting to eat. I sit there almost panting and shaking from the force of my need, my nipples pebbled painfully against the satin dress. He looks over and narrows his eyes.

“Eat, now, Angel,” he demands.

So I do, and the food is even better than the starters. After we have eaten, we sip our wine, and his hand slips back up my dress and into my panties, plunging into my pussy like he never stopped touching me. Only this time, he doesn’t tease, he fucks me with his fingers, flicking my clit until I’m gasping. I try to stay still, but I can’t help it, I rub into his hand, rocking my hips to fuck his fingers.

Fuck, this is so wrong, but it feels so good.

“Any dessert, sir?” the waiter asks when he comes over to check on us.

“No, thank you. I already have some.” Tyler grins, flicking his thumb against my clit, making me gasp. The waiter looks at me in confusion for the noise, but he nods and leaves to grab our bill.

“Tyler, I’m going to come if you don’t stop,” I moan, hiding my face in his neck. He chuckles and flicks my clit again. I bite my lip to stop the moan from escaping.

“That’s the plan, Angel, to feel you come on my fingers, right here under everyone’s noses. Then I’ll know my girl has satisfied both of her appetites while no one else is the wiser,” he murmurs, his fingers speeding up. I try to stay still, but I’m rocking into his touch, and with each flick and push and pull of his fingers, I care less about the people around us.

I ride his hand shamelessly until the orgasm bursts through me. I bite my tongue so hard to stop myself from screaming that I taste blood.

He groans into my ear, leaning against me. “Fuck, Angel, that was so hot.” He strokes me through it before pulling free and righting my underwear. He kisses my cheek as I pant and shake.

Lifting my head, I look at him, feeling satisfied and boneless, but I need to clean up. He wipes his fingers on the napkin and grabs my chin, kissing me softly in front of everyone. “That was just the starter. I’m going to eat your pussy for mains and fuck you for dessert.”

The waiter is at the table, and I know he heard him. His cheeks are flaming, but he says nothing. I can’t help but laugh at his embarrassment as I stand. “Excuse me, I’m going to the ladies’ room.”

Tyler nods and passes his card over as I walk to the bathroom. I clean up and sort my makeup and hair. My panties are still damp, but there isn’t much I can do about it, plus they will be off of me soon enough, replaced by Tyler’s mouth, and I can’t wait.

I head back, and he’s waiting for me at the table. When I get there, he takes my hand and leads me to the front door. We push through to go outside, and he kisses me again. “Wait here, I’ll get the car.” Nodding, I wrap my coat around me tighter to fight off the chill as he walks over to the valet, slipping the man some money as they talk.

There is an older couple waiting for their car as well. The woman is dressed in her finest long dress and fur coat. Her hair is in tight curls, which is dyed a horrible red colour, and her makeup is strongly applied. She drips with diamonds, showing off their wealth, but I smile at her politely as I catch her and her husband watching me. His eyes drop to my chest, and I narrow my own on him, watching his pot belly jiggle as he inhales. He has a bald spot on the top of his head and his hair is grey on the sides. His face is plump, and his body is encased in a tight suit.

“Disgusting, gold-digging whore,” I hear her whisper. Tyler is getting the car, so he doesn’t hear, but I do.

I grind my teeth as anger surges through my veins, and I look over at the snobby woman. “Sorry to disappoint, I just like big cocks and men who know how to use them.” I run my eyes across her and her husband. “Clearly something you know nothing about.”

Tyler returns then and takes my hand as I wink at the woman, ignoring his confused stare as he helps me into the car. But inside me, anger burns…and sadness. Is that what people think of me? It’s not the first time I’ve been called a whore, usually because of my profession, but I don’t want Tyler to think that of me.

Or for anyone to think badly of him either. He’s a good, honourable man. He doesn’t deserve that kind of treatment…just because of me. He’s well known in the community. I’m a white trash burlesque singer half his age. Could they ever really accept us?

Could this affect his life if he chooses me?

It shouldn’t be this hard. If you like someone, you date them. But I worry all the way home, worry that what small-minded people think will not only ruin his reputation, but his business. I’m not worth that. No one is.

When we pull up at my place, I get out before he can and head inside.

“Angel, wait!” he calls, but I can’t, I need to think.

He catches my arm and turns me, cupping my chin and tilting my head up to look into his eyes. I flinch, and he almost growls. “Something is wrong. Tell me what it is right now,” he demands.

I sigh. “It’s nothing, please let it go.”

“No, Angel, something has upset you.” He presses his body to mine, making me shiver. “Now tell me, or I’ll spank it out of you.”

I groan at the promise, but dart my eyes away as I decide what to say. He’s right, I have to tell him, but I don’t want him to feel like they do, or step back and pull away. Or to taint that favourite spot of his.

“The couple waiting outside?” He nods, so I carry on. “They called me a gold-digging whore,” I admit. I wait with my heart in my throat as he stares at me, his eyes flickering between mine as his face slowly turns into a snarl.

He steps back like I thought, and I panic as he turns and begins to walk away without a word, his face thunderous.

“Where are you going?” I call, my heels clicking on the concrete as I rush after him.

“I’m going to find them and fucking kill them for upsetting my girl,” he growls, looking back at me. “Go inside, now.”

“Wait, please, let it go, Tyler! Please!” I catch his arm, and he swings back around, dragging me to his chest as I meet his gaze.

“You know that’s not what I think, right, Angel?” he asks, concerned now as he stares into my eyes and sees the glimmer of hesitation there.


He sighs and shakes his head. “That’s why you were distant on the way home,” he murmurs, as if to himself.

“I just don’t want to ruin your life, Tyler. This could be a scandal. People know you, they will whisper. I’m used to it, but you aren’t. I don’t want to drag you into that kind of drama,” I insist, the words rushing out of me. His face closes down, his eyebrows arching.

“No one, not even you, gets to choose my life for me, Angel. I don’t give a fuck about what anyone thinks of me or you. We know the truth, so why does their opinion matter? We can’t let it affect our happiness or ruin our nights. Don’t let this make you doubt what we have, because this is the most real relationship I’ve ever had. I have never felt like this for someone before, Lexi. I don’t give a fuck about age, it’s just a number.”

But it’s not, I want to whisper, yet he’s right. I don’t care about any of that. I want Tyler, always have, always will. I’ve always thrown people’s expectations and judgement back in their faces, and I stand taller under it on stage, so why should this be any different?

I’m just tired, I guess, of having to fight to do what and who I want. To battle the stigma of my own choices. People can’t understand someone being so confident in their own body, so happy with dancing and being sexy in front of others. They can’t understand why I care for Tyler or want him. And what they can’t understand, they attack.

But fuck them.

They don’t matter, only he does.

“Come inside,” I whisper.

He sighs and kisses me. “You’re tired, and I can almost hear your mind whirling. Go and get some sleep, Angel. I’ll see you again when you’re ready. I don’t want to push you or fuck you tonight just because you want to throw it in their faces. Think about what I said, okay? Remember, our life is what we make it, and no one else is living it but us, so why do they get an opinion?” He kisses me, waits until I go inside, and then pulls away. It makes me sad, but he’s right. I wasn’t doing it for the right reasons, and he deserves better than that.

Did I hurt him?

Fuck, this is such a mess. Maybe if I sleep on it, I’ll be clear-headed in the morning. I head upstairs, but I freeze when I see the man waiting on my doorstep.


Did he see me? With his dad? Was he watching? Why is he here?

I shift as he turns to me, running his eyes down my body. “Fuck, you look good, Lexi.”

“Thanks. What are you doing here?” I query, not wanting to brush by him to open my door—he might think it’s an invitation. He steps closer, but I step back, unsure what to do or say.

“I miss you,” he admits, and scrubs at his head. “I was an idiot, I know that, and I betrayed your trust. I was a fucking idiot… I want you back. I want another chance. I’ll do whatever it takes. Lexi, will you date me again?”
