Daddy’s Angel by K.A Knight


Four Months Later…

Ilove living with Lexi. It’s normal and natural, and we fit so well together. We spend nearly every day together when we’re not at work. I’ve never been so happy, and neither has she.

We have been talking about adopting a dog, but I’m trying to dissuade her without telling her we need to wait until we move. I don’t want to put a puppy or an older rescue dog through that until we’re settled at the new house, which is almost finished.

I went today after work, claiming a meeting ran over. It’s perfect. The interior designer is putting the final touches on the side, while the gardeners sort the back and the pool is being finished.

It’s everything I imagined and more, and the huge painting I had commissioned sits center stage as you walk through the front door—an angel, my angel. Her back is to the room, her wings are on full display, and her curves are unashamedly out, hiding with just some lace across her ass. There is a handprint on her leg, mine, and a microphone in her hand. It’s incredible and just what I wanted.

Throughout the huge house there are other angel related things, including some neon lights above the bed and huge, custom golden wings in her dressing room. I hope she loves it, but that’s not the only surprise.

Tomorrow is a huge night, so after inspecting the house, I put in the calls to check on everything for that. When it’s all confirmed, I head home. I hate lying to her and keeping things from her, so thankfully, I only have one more day to go.

When I get back, I find her outside. Her face is red from the wine in the glass before her, and her delicious body is encased in a loose-fitting dress. Her hair is loose and wavy, her feet bare. Across from her are Allegra and Blair, her two closest friends from the club. I’ve met them more and more often, and they are lovely. I’m so glad she has friends like them, even if they aren’t the normal friendship group. Allegra is older than my Lexi, whereas Blair is younger, almost high school age. Either way, they make her happy.

“Girls’ night?” I ask, as I lean down and give her a quick kiss.

She nods, tilting her head back to smile at me. “Hey, baby, you’re late.”

“Sorry, the meeting ran over. Don’t let me disturb you. Want me to cook you girls something?” I inquire, looking up at them. “Hey, ladies.”

They cheers me with their glasses.

“Tyler.” Allegra nods almost coolly, her eyes narrowing. Uh-oh, the frosty voice, that means I’m in trouble. I swear if I didn’t know her, I might even be scared of this woman. There is just something about the determination in her eyes, like the night she threatened to tear me limb from limb and beat me with them if I ever broke Lexi’s heart again, that I find disconcerting.

Blair just laughs, eyes glazed and face red, making me arch my eyebrow. How long have they been drinking?

“Now, Tyler, what are you hiding from our girl? You’re not cheating, are you? Do we need to cut off your dick?” Allegra snarls.

Snorting, I look down at my angel. “Cheat on this magnificent creature? You think I’m a fucking idiot? No, but she will have to wait to see, until tomorrow at least,” I promise, and kiss her again. “I’ll go make some chicken or something,” I offer. “Leave you to your girls’ night, Angel.”

“Love you,” she slurs.

Chuckling, I kiss her again, unable to help it. She is so adorable. “I love you too, Angel, always,” I promise.

I turn to head back inside. “I want pizza, hottie!” she yells after me.

I hear them agreeing that pizza sounds good, so with a smile on my face, I shake my head as I go inside to make pizza. What my girl wants, my girl gets.

As I’m making them, I look back outside. The setting sun blazes across the garden, lighting up my girl in all her glory. She glows with happiness, laughing at something they said. Like she feels me, she turns, and her laughter tapers off as she smiles at me, one filled with such happiness, it’s impossible to not feel the same.

I still miss Justin, it still hurts, but Lexi is helping me heal one day at a time. I was a fool for pushing her away and letting her go, but I don’t plan to do that ever again. Not only does she hold me together when I’m weak, but she holds my hand when I’m strong. She’s so perfect. The light to my dark.

My angel to my sinner.

I’ve never felt love like this or even knew it was possible. Every time I look at her, it seems to grow. I wake up with my heart already full and a smile on my lips. I go through my day with a skip in my step, knowing I’m going home to her always.

I don’t know what the rest of our lives will bring, but I know with her at my side, I can handle anything.
