The Hunter by L.J. Shen

This has been such a special book for me to write. Hunter Fitzpatrick was supposed to be nothing but a side character in All Saints High. I never planned for him to have his own book, let alone to write an entire series about his family. But he just possessed me with his charm, and I found myself unable to resist his story.

I have so many people to be thankful for, people who helped make this book what it is today.

First of all, to Tijuana Turner, my momager, favorite person, and the first pair of eyes on any of my books. Thank you so much for all the love you’ve given Hunter and Sailor. To my beta readers, Sarah Grim Sentz, Lana Kart, Vanessa Villegas, Amy Halter, and Ava Harrison. Thank you so much.

To Charleigh Rose, Helena Hunting, and Parker S. Huntington for being the best humans in the world. Literally. The best. Your friendship means so much to me!

To my editors, Jessica Royer Ocken and Paige Maroney Smith. I am so very grateful to be working with you!

To my amazing (and patient) designer, Letitia Hasser, for not giving up on life whilst working with me on covers.

To my street team—my SUPERHEROES!—I couldn’t do this without you. That much I know. Lin, Ratula, Vane, Marta, Yamina, Rebecca, Jacquie, Avivit, Sarah (Kellogg and Grim!), Amy, Nadine, Ariadna, Nina, Isa, Chele’, Betty, Sher, Lisa, Leeann, Brittany, Sophie, Stacey, Amanda, Summer, Sheena, Samantha, Tanaka, Vickie, Keri, Zafi, and Jodie. You ladies are the best!

To Candi Kane for being the queen of everything PR and to Kimberly Brower, my awesome agent.

To the Sassy Sparrows, my reader group, that I love so much. And to you, for taking a chance on this book. I am honored that you chose to spend time reading my work, and I would be very grateful if you could take a few moments to leave an honest review.


L.J. Shen