Angry God by L.J. Shen

This series has been such a ride. I wasn’t sure if I should write the Sinners’ kids’ stories, but once I sat down and did it, I couldn’t imagine NOT telling Daria, Knight, Luna and Vaughn’s stories. I’m so glad I did. Some of the books in this series became the ones I’m most proud of.

And I couldn’t write them without the help of the following wizards:

My amazing editors, Paige Maroney Smith, and Jessica Royer Ocken for being so unbelievably talented and dedicated. Especially when I’m being super obsessive about each word. Thank you for putting up with me!

A huge shout out to Letitia Hasser who made this cover happen and to Stacey Blake of Champagne Formatting for making the interior absolutely perfect.

Big thanks to my agent, Kimberly Brower at Brower Literary.

A huge, HUGE thank you to my wonderful street team, my momager Tijuana Turner, who basically runs my entire life, and my beta readers, Amy Halter, Lana Kart, Vanessa Villegas and Sarah Grim Sentz.

Special thanks to the people who put up with me on a regular basis, Charleigh Rose, Helena Hunting, Parker S. Huntington and Ava Harrison.

Also, to the Sassy Sparrows, my reading group, and to my readers, who make me strive to become a better, more daring writer and artist. Thank you for pushing me in the right direction. Always.

On a personal note, I would be so grateful if you could leave a brief, honest review for the book when you are done reading.

All my love,

L.J. Shen