Pretty Painful by K.A Knight


Nyre has fucked her good. She is limp on the floor, panting while I am still buried deep in her, with her cream dripping down her shaking thighs just begging me to lick it clean. He might have got to have his fun, but now it’s my turn and I plan to mark her just like he did. Pulling from her ass enough to let my come trickle down her cheeks to her wet pussy, I push all the way back in. My cock still hard for her, it has been since the moment she was thrown in here. Rubbing my fingers in my come, I thrust them into her waiting pussy. She cries out, pressing back into me as I lay over her back.

“I’m going to fill you with my come, can you feel me fucking your sweet little pussy with it, little one?” I ask, licking her shoulder where Nyre bit her as she mewls like a kitten and presses back into my cock and fingers.

“Mishal,” she cries. I don’t know how she knew it was me without looking, but I grin, loving that she did.

“That big old dragon marked you, little one, and I am going to as well. You will carry them both because you own us both,” I whisper against her skin.

I know her nipples are rubbing along the floor with every thrust of my fingers and cock and when I pull one out, I thrust the other back in, wringing another orgasm from her. “I can’t, I can’t!” she yells.

“You can and you will,” I demand and she screams, tightening around my cock and fingers. As soon as she comes, I bite down on her shoulder, sending her screaming again as I mark her, tasting her blood in my mouth and finishing our mating.

We both collapse to the floor, spent, and I make sure to move to the side slightly so I’m not crushing her with my weight.

“I love your weight, it makes me feel safe,” she says softly, her voice lazy and slow.

Little one, can you hear me?

“Yes?” she answers out loud, confused.

I’m not speaking, I point out with a laugh, and she turns to look at me with a shocked expression.

I can hear your thoughts,she projects into my head, louder than she needs to, but she will get the hang of it.

Sorry. She winces, her voice quieter this time.

You’re my mate, we have an unbreakable bond. I am betting you could even call to Nyre like this.


Try it, I encourage.

She closes her eyes and I rub her lips, watching her lashes fan on her cheeks and her eyes scrunch up in concentration. It’s adorable, especially when she wrinkles her nose.


Mi cielo?

The usual grumpy dragon sounds beyond overjoyed, even somewhat soft.

Her eyes pop open as a grin splits her face. “I can hear him!” she whoops.

“Can you hear everything I think?” she questions, blushing suddenly.

“Why, trying to keep secrets from me, little one?” I tease.

She grins, still embarrassed. “Just didn’t want you to listen to my dirty thoughts about you all the time.”

“Oh really? Do tell me about them. In fact, feel free to share them with me and I will be honoured to make them a reality,” I say softly, weaving our hands together as she lays hers over my heart.

“Like you need any more ideas,” she grumbles, making me laugh. “Mishal, what does mi cielo mean?”

Grinning, I drop a kiss on her lips. “It is a way of showing love from a dragon, it means my sky. Dragons value sky and freedom more than anything, so calling you that means you are his reason to live,” I explain. Nyre huffs at my fumbled expression but curls back up inside.

I gather her to my chest and she sighs in contentment. “The events that brought me here might have been horrible and life-altering, but maybe, just maybe, it happened for a reason,” she murmurs.

“You were always meant for me, little one. Whether it had been now or later, I would have found you. A dragon always finds his mate and when he does, he keeps her forever,” I vow.

I just need to figure out how to do that. It feels like I have been waiting my whole life for this woman, even if I didn’t know it. Maybe there is a reason I was brought here, that I was in this place and time when she needed me the most. Fate is a fickle bitch, she never gives you what you ask for in the way you ask, but she does give it to you eventually. We are never tested beyond what we can’t endure, and I would endure a thousand years locked in a cell being tortured to meet this woman in my arms.

Shaking my head, I send a fuck you and a thank you to the fates, knowing they will be watching. I just wish my little one didn’t have to sacrifice to find me, but I will make sure the rest of her life is the best it can be to make up for what she lost to gain me.