Broken Knight by L.J. Shen

I have so many people to thank for making Broken Knight happen. It was definitely one of the most challenging books for me to write, and at one point, I began to wonder if I could write it at all. I had to take long breaks, in which some of my closest friends held my hand and made sure that I saw it through. Here they are.

First of all, I’d like to thank my beta readers, Tijuana Turner, Sarah Grim Sentz, Amy Halter, Lana Kart, Helena Hunting, and Ava Harrison for their insane attention to detail. Lord, did you make this book so much better than it initially was. I owe you so much.

A huge thank you goes to my editors. Firstly, Angela Marshall Smith (you know what you did, LOL), Jessica Royer Ocken (#OCD4Life) and Paige Maroney Smith. Thank you for constantly pushing me forward and helping me improve my craft.

Thank you, Letitia Hasser, for the amazing cover (in our opinion, anyway, right?) and Stacey Blake Ryan for the gorgeous formatting. Huge, huge thank you to Social Butterfly PR, and especially Jenn, Sarah, and Brooke for their love and attention to details. It’s so much fun working with you, and I love you so dearly.

To Kimberly Brower, my rock star agent, who is always one step ahead in the game. Thank you for your immense support in my career. It means the world to me.

There are some people who enter your life and change it for the best. Here are some of those people for me: Charleigh Rose, Vanessa Villegas (who loved Knight before she even knew him), Marta Bor, Betty Lankovits, Lin Tahel Cohen, Avivit Egev, Keri Roth, Ratula Roy, Sher Mason, Lisa Morgan, Kristina Lindsey, Chele Walker, Nina Delfs, Yamina Kirky, Nadine, Amanda Soderlund, Ariadna Bastulo, Brittany Danielle Christina, Vanessa Serrano, Vickie Leaf, Sheena Taylor, Sophie Broughton, Leeann Van Rensburg, Tanaka Kangara, Hayfaah Sumtally, Isa Lopez, Jodie Wilkins, Aurora Hale, Erica Panfile, Stacey Edmonds, Lulu Dumonceaux, Julia Lis, Autumn Hale, Jacquie, and Sarah Kellogg Plocher.

Special thanks to the Sassy Sparrows group for their support and their love for this series, and to the amazing bloggers who signed up for this book and decided to support it. Last but not least, I would like to thank you, the readers, for the amazing journey. For reading, and talking about my books, and making my dream come true.

It would be an honor for me if you could take a few seconds to leave a brief review of this book if you have the time.

Thank you x million.

L.J. Shen xoxo