Escorting the Actress by Leigh James


My stomach growled, and I looked at my phone. It was only five, too early to just get room service and go to bed. "Can we just go get a quick dinner then call it a night? This has been the longest day ever. I'm beat." I scrubbed my hands over my face.

"Of course," Lowell said.

We didn't ask each other about our simultaneous parental phone calls. I guessed hers had probably gone as poorly as mine—she looked as tired as I felt.

Evan picked us up and took us to the North End, the Italian section of Boston. It was a relief to be there, out and largely anonymous on the East Coast, without worrying about fifty photographers waiting to ambush us.

The North End was perfectly charming with narrow streets, cobblestoned sidewalks, and cafes with their windows open wide. After several failed attempts to pull away, Lowell held my hand without objection. We wandered around the neighborhood, enjoying the delicious smells and reading the different menus. My fatigue eventually evaporated, and I relaxed, relishing the time with Lowell.

We finally decided on a tiny restaurant on the corner. They served us red wine in small plastic cups. The day melted away as we shared stuffed clams and fresh, hot bread.

After our entrees arrived, Lowell twirled her black pasta and moaned with pleasure when she had a bite. "Why do carbs have to be so good?" She eyed her plate, which was filled with homemade pasta and smothered in puttanesca sauce.

"Because God wants you to eat," I said right before I stuffed a large chunk of lobster meat into my mouth. God was on my mind at the moment. I'd ordered the Lobster Fra Diavolo, and it was so good, I was pretty sure that I'd died and gone to heaven.

Lowell stole a piece of lobster from my plate. I shot her a look, and she raised her eyebrow, daring me to object.

"You said God wants me to eat. I'm just following orders."

"Don't be fresh," I warned. "I might have to spank you when we get home."

Lo spluttered and coughed while I laughed. She took a sip of wine and collected herself. She cleared her throat and tried to look all-business. "So… what did your dad want this time? What on Earth does he want to talk to both of us about?"

I didn't want to tell her everything that Pierce had said. If she knew, she'd pack me up and deliver me to my father in a suit, ready to go to work first thing in the morning. Not because she wanted to get rid of me—at least I hoped she didn't. She'd do it because she was a good person and would put my needs before hers.

I wasn't going back to my father's company. Not yet. But I did have to find a way to protect Lowell from whatever my father had planned. Or find a way for him to understand that hurting her was completely off-limits.

"He probably wants to make us an offer. Or deliver a threat."

Lowell shrugged. "He can't make my situation much worse."

I watched her for a beat. "Of course he can. He can out me as an escort who is tangentially related to you."

She held my gaze. "He won't do that. You already said he won't do that to you."

I snorted. "You mean he won't do that to himself."

"Kyle." She put her hand on top of mine. "Your dad loves you. I remember how difficult he can be—I watched what he did to my mom. And I know he cut you off. But I think he did it because he was trying to protect you."

I pulled my hand away. "You don't have to make me feel any worse about it. I know what a fuckup I was. Am."

"You're not a fuckup. Look at me."

I raised my eyes back to hers.

"And give me back your hand, dammit," she commanded.

I did as I was told, happy and angry at the same time. She was about to deliver a lethal blow. I knew it.

"You made mistakes. You're paying for them." She cracked a smile. "Your father wants something better for you. That's what I want too."

"I'm not gonna leave you and get you fired. Lucas would have a fit if we parted ways right now, and so would Shirley and Gigi. You know that's true." I watched her face. "It'd be the end of everything we've been trying to do. I don't want it to end that way—do you?"

She shook her head. "No, of course not. But I don't really see what other options we have. I want what's best for you."

"You can't make me leave you," I said.

She smiled, but it was a sad smile that made my insides ache. "No. I guess I can't, huh?"

After we were backat the hotel, I clicked on ESPN and watched from the couch. Lowell paced, probably worrying about my father or the sleeping arrangements. Or both.

"Lowell, stop pacing."

"Huh?" She looked at me and wrung her hands.

I patted the couch next to me. "Come here and tell me what's the matter."

She sat stiffly next to me. "I don't want you to say no to your father. And I don't want to get in any more trouble with Lucas and Shirley. And there's only one bed here." She miserably jutted her chin toward the over-the-top bedroom.

Oh, what I would do to you in that four-poster bed. My cock twitched. Stop it, I ordered. She was upset. I didn't want to scare her away—or worse, take advantage of her vulnerability.

"You can have the bed. I'll take the couch," I said.

She still looked miserable.

"About the rest of it—we'll just have to get my dad to understand that what we're doing has an expiration date." I swallowed hard at the thought. "Once he understands that I will eventually come to work for him, that should reduce his drama."

"But is he gonna let you stay with me for that long? Until the Hearts Wide Open premiere? Because I think that's the thing Shirley's the most concerned with."

I shrugged. "If he wants to get what he wants, he'll have to agree." I said it with confidence, but I knew my father—when he wanted something, he wanted it now. Not a few weeks from now. "Whatever happens, we'll deal with it."

She nodded, but she looked troubled. "Let's talk about it more in the morning. I'm gonna go to bed." She gently kissed my cheek, making desire tear through me. She stood. "Good night, Kyle."

"Good night, Lowell."

If she was feeling what I was—the unmistakable, almost painful longing—I couldn't believe she would walk away. But she did.

She looked at me one last time at the bedroom door, a mixture of desire and regret on her face. "You can have the bedroom tomorrow night, okay?"

"Okay." I nodded. But only if you're in it.