Escorting the Actress by Leigh James

Liberty Begins - Preface

I didn’t knowhow long I had been lying on the floor, looking up at the man who had ripped my family apart. In that moment, staring into each other’s eyes, I remembered everything, every lie he’d ever told me. His eyes told me he was afraid.

He should be. It was his turn.

“Liberty, you can do this,” a voice said, squeezing my shoulder. That voice filled my body with warmth, with hope. “You’re not alone.”

I thought about everything that had brought me here, to this dirty floor in this dirty building. I had finally found a home, far away from here. But I needed to let my enemy know that I hadn’t forgotten about him, about what he did. He didn’t deserve to sleep at night, to enjoy a hot meal, to watch baseball. He didn’t deserve normal.

He deserved justice.

“Let’s finish this. It’s okay,” that loving voice whispered in my ear, and I knew he was right.

I closed my eyes and fired.