Escorting the Billionaire by Leigh James


I lookedout the window as the sun came up. The roads outside were empty, just like my apartment.

I’d just had the best night of my life, and true to form, I’d managed to ruin everything.

Audrey was gone. She’d gotten up as soon as I’d said those horrible words. She left in her sweatpants and a tank top, leaving the wardrobe that Elena had packed for her behind. I’d followed her out of the bedroom and silently watched as she’d thrown on a pair of aviator sunglasses and grabbed her pocketbook.

“Do you want to take the car?” I asked just as she was almost out the door.

She turned, pushing her sunglasses down on her nose to look at me. “James.” She looked as if my name tasted like poison in her mouth. “Go fuck yourself.”

Then she slammed the door behind her.

I didn’t blame her. And even though I had forced her to leave, I hated that she was gone.

I hated myself even more.

I got dressed for the gym. I was going to punish myself, starting right now.