Escorting the Billionaire by Leigh James


I’d lied to Jenny: I’d told her I’d be brave and that I’d be smart. But lying naked and waiting for James was not brave, and it was not smart. It was, however, all I had. It was my last-ditch effort to make him just a John and to save him from me.

It hadn’t worked. He had shown me who he was. And he had told me that he loved me.

When he said it, it was the best thing that had ever happened to me and the worst thing that had ever happened to me. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. So I cried. A lot.

And then he’d held me, and I’d tried to tell him that it wasn’t going to work out, but he’d just kept holding me.

After a while, we just snuggled together on the bed and fell asleep. Neither one of us had slept much the night before. I nestled into his arms, feeling protected and for once in my life, absolutely happy.

I woke up a little while later in my normal state: absolutely petrified about the future.

“Hey.” James opened one eye and looked at me, a smile spreading over his face. “Hey—I love you.”

I couldn’t help it. It was contagious; a huge smile broke out over my face, too. “Hey. I love you, too.” We grinned at each other, and I kissed him then, hungrily. But as soon as I thought of the word “hunger” my stomach started howling loudly.

“We need to eat,” he said, still grinning at me. “Does my girlfriend want to have an early dinner by the pool?”

Even though I would berate myself for it later, I couldn’t wipe the stupid smile off my face. James’s happiness was infectious; his easy joy at our newly declared feelings was palpable. “I would love to,” I said.

“Okay,” he said.

“Okay,” I said.

Our truce must have been patently obvious, because Cole smiled at us in approval when we finally made it out of our villa. We went to the restaurant by the enormous infinity pool; he and Jenny were sitting at the bar.

“I see some people who look like they had sex and made up,” Cole called, grinning at us.

“We didn’t have sex,” James said. I could see how Cole thought so: James’s skin was flushed and glowing, a happy smile on his face.

“You didn’t?” Cole asked. He looked impressed. “You might as well put a ring on it, bro. You’re done for.”

“Cole, leave them alone,” Jenny said, and she punched him playfully. “You two go have lunch and then come swimming with us.” She stood up and winked at me. I noticed she was wearing a crop top and a minuscule, black bikini bottom. Her curvy, luscious body was on full display. Cole was staring at her ass, a worshipful look on his face.

“I’m glad you two look happy again,” she said. They turned and headed toward the pool, holding hands; I noticed that Jenny was indeed wearing a thong bikini like she’d threatened. Cole put his hand firmly on her ass, and she turned and winked at me again before putting her aviator sunglasses on.

I had to hand it to Jenny: she was certainly batting Cole Bryson around like a cat toy. And he appeared to like it. A lot.

“Don’t you dare look at her in that bikini,” I said to James accusingly.

“I would never,” he said, laughing. “But I might have to buy you one of those.”

We heldhands all through our meal. I was so relieved to be with him again, to feel our connection back. Even though it had only been one night, it had been the longest one of my life. I didn’t let myself think about all the bad things that were on the flip side of my feelings for him. I couldn’t bear to spoil the moment.

Everything was perfect if I could let myself ignore almost everything but James. I’d never seen him so happy before, so relaxed. For once, I wasn’t going to be the one to take that away from him.

We ordered margaritas, fish tacos, and a curried vegetable rice. We ate every morsel. “I think I’m going to sink when I get into the pool,” James said, pushing his empty plate away.

“It was worth it, though,” I said. “Yum.” He grabbed my hand and beamed at me. Heat shot through me at his touch, the way I felt under his gaze. But just when I thought nothing could burst my bubble, Celia Preston’s slim figure cast a wide shadow over our table.

“Mother,” James said by way of a greeting. “How inconvenient of you to show up and ruin a perfectly decent meal.”

“You two look much happier,” she said, ignoring his comment. She eyed our entwined hands and empty margarita glasses.

“We are, Mother,” James said. He looked up at her, his face clear and calm. “I’ve actually never been this happy.”

If his directness shocked her at all, she didn’t let it show—not even the slightest ripple moved across her face. Of course, that could have been the result of all the filler she’d shot into it before the wedding. I’d never know for sure.

“How lovely for you,” she said. She gave me a filthy look.

I had a bad feeling I was going to hear about this from her later.

When you vacationed with billionaires, no one worried about how high the bar tab was getting. The older guests, including Mr. and Mrs. Preston, sat under umbrellas, playing cards and sipping an endless supply of white wine. Mrs. Preston intermittently cast disapproving scowls my way, which I pretended I couldn’t see in the glare of the tropical sun.

The rest of us drank rum punches, which seemed to be constantly served by the white-linen-clad waitstaff. By the time the sun started to set, there were a lot of extremely drunk, extremely rich people around the infinity pool. I almost wished there were a lifeguard on duty.

Not that I needed a lifeguard; I was hanging on to James as if he were my own personal flotation device. He had me pinned up against the wall of the pool, his arms wrapped around me, the crystal water splashing over his enormous, gorgeous chest.

It was actually his erection that had me pinned against the wall.

“You know we can’t actually have sex right here,” I reminded him as he leaned in to kiss me again.

“What?” he asked, smiling at me. “Oh, that.” He pressed his hard length in between my legs, and I moaned—and then I thought better of it and swatted him.

“Stop,” I said.

“I actually can’t stop,” he said, grinning. “You’re so fucking hot in that bikini.”

I laughed. “I appreciate that and all, but you need to calm down. So we can at least walk back to our room without people staring at your crotch.”

“Then let’s just stay here,” he said, poking me again with it.

“I need to help you with that thing,” I said, laughing. “It seems like it’s gonna burst.”

“Now, that’s an offer I can’t refuse,” he said. He pulled away from me and went to my side. “I’ll just need a minute to calm down. Then I’m throwing you over my shoulder and carrying you home.”

I linked my hand through his. “Works for me.”

We watched Cole and Jenny engage in a vicious battle with Todd and Evie for the biggest splash contest. In between jumps, they were doing tequila shots.

“Jenny seems like she’s warming up to Evie,” I said.

“Four shots of tequila will do that to you,” James said.

Cole jumped up and did a massive cannonball, leaving an atomic blast of water in his wake. Jenny was clapping and jumping up and down on the side of the pool. When Cole came up from under water, she reached down to give him a high five. Instead, he pulled her into the pool, giving her a huge kiss.

“I think Cole’s in love with her,” James said out of the blue. “I don’t know if he knows what that means, though.”

“He’s never been in a relationship?” I asked.

“Not one that lasted more than two weeks.”

We watched them for another minute, their arms wrapped around each other, both of them carefree and happy. James turned back to me. “I want you to come to California with me when we get back.”

“James, I can’t—my brother, my mom, all the other stuff we haven’t even talked through—”

“I don’t care,” he said, cutting me off. “We’ll bring your brother with us. The rest of it will sort itself out.”

“I don’t know what to say.”

“Then don’t say anything,” James said, shrugging. “Or just say yes.”

He didn’t carryme back to the room like he threatened to, but we did practically run there.

I let myself enjoy the moment. Maybe the hot sun was getting to me, or maybe I’d had too many rum punches. But I didn’t let myself think about all the bad things in our way. I only thought of him.

“Oh my God, I need you,” he said. He kissed me as soon as we made it through the door, his hands skimming my body, my bathing suit still damp against me.

Then he stopped. He ran his hands through my hair and looked down at me, his steel-blue eyes burning. “Please don’t ever pull away from me again like you did last night. My fucking heart can’t take it, Audrey. I mean it.”

I bit my lip. “I know you don’t understand, but I did that to protect you.”

He took my face in his hands. “You’re not protecting me by running away from me. I need you to stand by my side.” His eyes searched mine. “Do you understand?”

“Yes, but—” I started.

“No buts,” he said, dropping his hands from me and taking a step back. “I’m telling you what I need. I love you. I need to know that you love me, too, and that you’re going to stay with me.”

“I can’t promise you that,” I said, feeling my buzz wear off instantly. My doubts returned, numerous and ugly. “I don’t know if I can. What if I think that I’m not the right thing for you? I love you—I want you to have everything in life that you’re supposed to have. And that’s probably not me.”

“Do you think I give a fuck,” he spit out, “what my parents think? When I first realized that I had feelings for you, I was afraid. But not of them—I was afraid for you. I didn’t want to ask you to be with me, because I knew they wouldn’t treat you fairly.

“But now that I know you love me and we’re together, I don’t care—I’ll let you make a choice about whether or not you want to subject yourself to their dislike, sure. Because that’s fair, and that’s your choice to make. But if you think I’m going to let you choose what’s best for me, you’re fucking crazy. Because I already know what that is. It’s you. I choose you.” He crossed his arms across his powerful, naked chest. “So there.”

“What your mother said to me about the future makes sense, James,” I said, holding my ground. “Your kids are going to have more money than you even have. Scary money. And I’m a fucking whore, James. People will find out about me. You can’t let your kids have a whore for a mother.” All of a sudden, the truth of what I was saying hit me, and hot tears spilled down my cheeks.

“Stop.” He came back to me then, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me to his chest. “If we were lucky enough to have kids, and they were lucky enough to have you as a mom…they wouldn’t care, Audrey. We’d teach them about the real world. In the real world, you have to make choices. Hard choices sometimes. But you do it to protect the people you love the most.”

He held me fiercely, and I clung to him. “Because that’s what a real family does. They would be lucky to have you, Audrey. And so would I.”