Escorting the Billionaire by Leigh James


Fucking women,I thought as I marched down to my bedroom and slammed the door.

You never knew what they wanted. First, it was sex, then it was money. Right now it was sex for money. Or something.

I couldn’t figure this Audrey out, and I didn’t want to.

My cock was hard and throbbing; it didn’t want to figure her out, either, but it wanted to get in there and pound her, hard. I didn’t blame it.

I went into the bathroom and locked the door. Go back in there and get it over with, I thought. I wanted to. I wanted to fuck her, to watch that long brown hair spill down her back. Grab her breasts and suck on them, greedily claiming her body as mine.

So. Fucking. Inconvenient.

I unzipped my pants and grabbed myself, a little roughly, imagining her writhing beneath me, arching her back, and calling my name.

It only took a couple more images like that to make me come, hot, stupid liquid spurting out of me. It was easy.

Too easy.

I groaned, spent but still unsatisfied, and leaned against the counter. Clearly, I wanted to fuck her. She was beautiful, sexy, and she actually seemed smart. I was surprised by that and angry at myself for being surprised—I prided myself on not underestimating people. Underestimating people was how you got stabbed in the back, or got an ice pick to the back of the head, Trotsky-style.

So you should just do it,I thought, cleaning up the mess I’d made. But that was just it. I didn’t want to clean up another mess. When I’d gone to Elena, I’d said no sex because I just wanted this to be a business transaction. I wanted it to be another item on a list that I could control and check off.

Attend Todd’s wedding.Check.

Appear to be successful personally as well as professionally.Check.

Not have to deal with so many questions and nagging about having an heir that I want to kill everybody in my family.Check.

If Audrey hadn’t been nice, and smart and funny, I’d be back there banging her right now, as soon as she’d asked. I was very particular, but I was not a man that said no to sex with a beautiful woman easily. I was not that controlled, even though I desperately wished I was. It would make the messiness of life a lot easier.

But she was nice. And smart and funny. I didn’t need this to be any more complicated than it already was. I didn’t need to like her. In fact, liking her would work against me in the long run.

So no sex was going to stay no sex, but for a different reason than I’d planned.

I grabbed my phone, thinking about calling Elena. I could return Audrey and ask for a different girl, I reasoned, someone more like that Jenny. Someone more obvious. She wouldn’t work as well with my family, but I wouldn’t need to pay any attention to her, either. She would literally be a no-brainer, ha ha.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on my door.

“What,” I said as Audrey came through the threshold. She looked twitchy and troubled.

“I’m sorry about before,” she said nervously. “It’s the escort in me. I guess I thought you didn’t mean it. What you told Elena.”

I raised my eyebrows at her.

“About the no sex thing,” she said, explaining. “So I figured I’d be the one to break the ice.”

“I appreciate that, Audrey,” I said and smiled at her. “You thinking of me.”

She sighed and rolled her eyes. “You don’t have to be sarcastic. I just wanted to say that I’m sorry. I crossed a line. Now that I know how you really feel, it won’t happen again.”

She looked at the phone in my hand. “Please don’t fire me,” she said, and I could hear real worry in her voice.

“I wouldn’t do that,” I said. I dropped the phone onto my bed, secretly guilty as charged. Once again, I’d underestimated her. I didn’t know why she needed the job so badly, and it was a failure on my part not to have considered it. “I told Elena I didn’t want to sleep with who I hired. That’s mainly because I’m trying to keep my distance from these two weeks. I don’t want it to get complicated—I want to be on auto-pilot,” I said. I figured I could be honest with her, at least partially. What did I have to lose?

She looked at me with those big beautiful brown eyes. “I won’t try to seduce you again, I promise. But if you decide you want to fuck me, just speak up. We can do it on auto-pilot.” She smiled warmly at me.

She was nicer than I was used to, and certainly nicer than I deserved.

“I’ll keep that in mind. We need to get ready for the dinner,” I said, adjusting my cuff links. “I’m going to change into a darker suit. Elena said she’d been shopping for you. I’d recommend a dress, something relatively conservative, if you have it.”

“Okay,” she said. “James, can I ask for a favor?”

“Sure,” I said, a feeling of relief flooding me. This, at least, was familiar territory for me—someone asking me for something.

“Can we eat something and have a drink before we go? I don’t want your family thinking I eat like a hippo, and I’m…”

“Nervous?” I asked, and smiled at her in spite of myself. “You should be. My family sucks.”

“Starving,” she said, embarrassed. “I’m starving.”

“Of course,” I said. The unusual sensation of sympathy flooded me. “I’m hungry, too.”

I led her into the kitchen and opened the enormous refrigerator. I’d never been grocery shopping in Boston. I had no idea where the housekeeper bought the food I’d had Nita request. Someplace organic and expensive, I was sure. I pulled out olives, cheese, grapes, and a bottle of wine. Dre opened up a cabinet, pulled out a platter, and got a knife, wine opener, and cloth napkins.

“You seem right at home,” I said to her.

“You can tell the hired help organized the kitchen,” she said. “Everything makes sense. Do you come here a lot? It seems a little…sterile.”

“It is,” I assured her. “I don’t spend a lot of time here. I prefer Los Angeles. I’ve always hated the winters up here.” I poured two glasses of Chardonnay and handed one to her.

“Plus, your sucky family doesn’t live in L.A. That makes it better, too.”

“Cheers to that,” I said, clinking her glass.

She grabbed an olive, and I tried not to watch as she put it into her mouth. I also tried not to look at her skin, which was smooth, perfect porcelain.

“So…what do you want me to do at this thing tonight?” she asked.

“For tonight, just smile and look pretty. Feel free to drink as much as everyone else, as long as you can handle your liquor.”

“I’m an escort. I can drink with the best of them,” she said.

“Then you should fit right in.”