Dark Harmony by Laura Thalassa

Author’s Note


The end of a series always brings with it contradictory emotions. This one, most especially. The Bargainer series spans nearly five years of my life—from its humble inception back in the spring of 2014, when Rhapsodic was originally slated to be Moonlight Rhapsody, a novella that was part of a paranormal romance anthology, to the trilogy it is today.

My dear readers, thank you all for coming on this journey with me. This book belongs to every one of you. You were the ones who originally encouraged me to keep with the story—even at the very beginning, when I’d only posted a few teasers and thought that maybe I’d let this story slip through the cracks and collect dust on my computer—and you were the ones in the end that helped me wrap Des and Callie’s story up.

To answer the question I get most often at the end of a series (will you ever write more books about Des and Callie?): I’m a big fan of never saying never, but as of right now, I have no plans on any future books in this series.

That being said, I have many other stories that are slated to take place in the supernatural world(s) that Des and Callie live in, so if you enjoy paranormal and fantasy reads (with romance! huzzah!), you’re in luck. I’ll be starting my next series in this world next year (2019), and I won’t reveal what it’s about yet, but I will say that if you like enemies-to-lovers romances, this next series might be up your alley!

Thank you all again for your readership. Truly, I can never say that enough. I am continuously humbled that my stories mean something to you all. In a world full of instant entertainment, you who find yourselves lost in a book are rare gems. Thank you for letting my words be a part of your world.


Hugs and happy reading,
