Dark Harmony by Laura Thalassa

Chapter 5

I can freaking glamour fairies.

Before I drank lilac wine, that wasn’t the case. I should’ve realized the elixir reconfigured this aspect of my magic as well as the others.

My eyes move to my mate. To my shock and horror (and maybe a smidge of delight)—he’s also frozen.

“Des!” I call, my voice melodic with my power. “Come here.”

The Bargainer vanishes, reappearing at my side an instant later, an eyebrow arched. Other than that, he’s placid—all except for his eyes. His silver eyes sparkle in a way that is wickedly excited.

“I release you from my glamour,” I say.

I’ve clearly gotten rusty on this whole glamour thing, because it’s not just Des who follows my command. A few sleeping soldiers, including the one who just handed over his blade, now jump back into action.

Honestly, Callie, newbie mistake right there.

Des is on the soldiers in an instant, cutting them down with his sword before they get a chance to strike.

Once they’ve been dealt with, the Night King rolls his shoulders, as if to shake off my magic. “So, that’s how it feels to be glamoured by a siren,” he says, the corner of his mouth curving up just the slightest, “like I’ve been caught by my balls.” He comes in close, his smirk growing. “The whole thing was horribly invasive. I rather enjoyed it.”

The conversation is so vastly inappropriate and out of place that I let out a laugh, the sound melodic.

His eyes move over my glowing features. “Beautiful creature,” he murmurs. “You were irresistible before.” He reaches out with a hand, grazing my jaw with his knuckles. “I don’t quite know what to do with myself now.”

Des leans in and kisses me, his lips lingering.

The sound of heavy footfalls breaks the spell.

I draw away from the Bargainer, turning towards the portal. More sleeping soldiers are marching through.

“Soldiers, stop!” I say, my magic thick in my voice.

The sleeping soldiers halt in place, their bodies filling up the doorway.

“You’ve done it, cherub,” Des says, surveying the prone fairies. “You’ve become someone to fear.”