Dare to Love by Lylah James



Iwoke up in Maddox’s arm, my body sore and my brain… fuzzy. Warmth spread through my body, all the way to my toes, and against my will, there was a stupid smile plastered on my face.

Warm and safe.

Happy and…


No. My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach, a sudden hard dive that had me snapping out of my daydream.It wasn’t love. It couldn’t be. At least not from Maddox.

“Good morning.” I had been so lost in my own thoughts, overthinking once again. But his voice, a deep timbre, brought me back to him.

The same low rasp as he spoke his final words to me last night, before falling asleep… after some vigorous… fucking.

Or… love-making, I guessed. I couldn’t quite decide what it was we did last night. Maddox had been rough, taking me long and hard… then he had been gentle, taking his sweet time. Touching me with utmost care, like I was something fragile – breakable. He confused me.

“Best birthday ever,” Maddox had rasped in my ear, before his breathing evened out. It was his answer to me wishing him happy birthday as the clock struck midnight, while he was buried deep inside me.

His twenty-first birthday.

Our fourth birthday together. Except, we celebrated this one quite a bit differently than the first three.

I turned over onto to my side to face him. His eyes were still closed, but there was a flicker of a smile on his lips.

Folding my arms over his wide chest, I rested my chin on my hands. “Good morning,” I whispered, before placing a chaste kiss on the corner of his mouth. I didn’t know why I did it, but it was instinct. Almost like a habit I had picked up in the last twenty-four hours. I couldn’t keep my hands or lips off him. “And Happy Birthday.”

“When I open my eyes, I better find you naked.”

It was impossible not to smile at his teasing. Maddox just seemed so… happy. “Open your eyes and find out yourself.”

He hummed in response, and I felt his hand inching up my thigh, a soft caress. He cupped my bare ass and gave it a firm squeeze. Maddox popped an eye open, his lips lazily quirking up to the side with a smirk. “Soft and naked, I approve,” he said, his sleepy voice gruff to my ears.

“You’re insatiable,” I teased.

His fingers trailed up my hips, and his arm circled around my waist, before he flipped us over. Maddox hovered over me, grinning. “That’s four years of sexual frustration, Lila. Trust me, I’m not nearly done with you. In fact, I’m just getting started.”

I hiked my legs around his hips, pulling him closer. His morning hard-on pressed against my core, and I could feel the stickiness where his cum had dried on me from last night.

“Seven days of carnal desires, huh? I was expecting some romance, but I guess I’ll take what I can get.” I only meant it as a joke, but gone was the teasing look on Maddox’s face.

His expression turned serious, like he was really considering my words. Damn it, stupid me and my loose tongue. If this was a seven-day affair, I couldn’t let this get any more serious than it already was.

His blue eyes flashed with something… I just couldn’t place the emotion, before it was gone. His hand came up, and he cupped my face, his thumb ghosting over my cheek. “I’ve never had to woo a woman before. But I’m going to try. For you. I’m not much of a romantic guy, but I’ll try. For you.”

I let out a small laugh, but inside of me? I was a complete mess. Stomach fluttering, chest cramping, heart tightening… Holy shit. Did Maddox Coulter just say he was going to woo me?

Girlish delight filled me, but I quickly shoved it away. “Sheesh. I was only joking, no need to get all serious, Coulter.”

His thumb feathered over my lips, a tender touch.

Stop. You’re making this harder.

“I am serious. I’ll give you romance, flowers and all, with a side of dick to go with it.”

A snort escaped me, quite unladylike, and I smacked his chest. “I knew it! You can’t do romantic to save your life.”

Maddox’s eyes darkened. “Was that a challenge?”

I chewed on my lip to keep from giggling. Me – giggling. Shit, the Maddox’s charm was getting to me. “Maaaybe.”

A deep rumble came from his chest. “Try me,” he growled, before his lips crushed against mine, in one long, deep… searing kiss.

He claimed my lips.

He stole my breath.

One… simple… kiss.

Maddox captured my heart.

I expected him to want more, but he ended the kiss, pulling away slightly. “Get up. I’m about to give you my birthday present.”

Dazed, I blinked at him. “Huh? That’s not how it’s supposed to work. It’s your birthday, and I give you a present. Not the other way around.”

Maddox grinned. “We’re going on a date,” he said more softly.

“A date?” I repeated.

He rolled off me, and I watched, as he ran his fingers through his blond hair. “Woo you,” he mouthed.

Holy shit, Maddox was serious.

A date… I was going on a date with my best friend.

Wait… my lover?


Nervousness zinged through my veins, and my stomach twisted. This wasn’t going to end well. No, all of this had just gotten way more complicated.

My breath halted when Maddox curled a finger around a lock of my hair and tugged, pulling my attention back to him. “You’re overthinking, Lila. I can practically hear your thoughts.”


“No,” he cut me off. “If I have to throw you over my shoulder and carry you around on our date, I will. Don’t tempt me, Sweet Cheeks.”

Maddox didn’t make empty promises.

In fact, he always carried out his threats, one way or another.

I got off the bed and quickly grabbed for his shirt, pulling it over my head. “A casual date? How am I supposed to dress? Where are we going?”

He turned over onto his side and propped up on one elbow. The muscles of his bicep bulged, and the blanket slid down to his hips, barely covering his crotch. His bare torso and v-line were on display. That simple move shouldn’t have looked this sexy, but Maddox made it downright sinful.

His ocean blue eyes flickered to my bare thighs, before he looked up. “You look good in my shirt,” he said, his voice laced with something akin to… affection? Adoration? Something more

“And you ask way too many questions, woman.”


Maddox shook his head. “Get in the shower, Lila. Or we’ll never leave this hotel room.”

Huffing back a response, I stomped to the bathroom. I locked the door, just in case he got any ideas. I needed some time alone to think, to prepare myself and my… heart for what Maddox had planned. Because, regardless of what I said or did… or how hard I tried to push Maddox away and to keep my heart in a cage, he made me weak.

I found my disheveled reflection in the mirror and groaned. The end result of a sex marathon.

Rubbing a hand over my face, I leaned against the sink. Everything was happening too fast. Two days ago… the mere idea of sleeping with Maddox was forbidden, almost taboo.

Now, I was so tightly entangled with him, there was no way out.

I didn’t even know how to step back, how to go back to how we were before. My throat tightened with a choked sound.

Before Maddox, I didn’t know how to fill in the missing piece. I didn’t even know I was missing a piece of my puzzle until he sauntered into my life, with a dirty smirk. I didn’t know I was incomplete until he made me whole.

Before Maddox… I didn’t really know me.

I covered my chest with my hand, and my scars tingled as a reminder. After the death of my parents, I went on with the motion of life. I woke up, went to school, reminded myself to breathe, smiled because I was expected to, slept while praying the nightmares stayed away. And repeat.

I breathed.

I lived.

But I wasn’t… alive.

Not until him.

My fingers grasped my necklace, feeling the weight of it, chasing the same soothing feeling it always brought me. The pendant, our dreamcatcher, felt heavier than it was before.

How could I risk losing him – losing us?

A soft knock snapped me out of my thoughts, and I swiveled around, glowering at the door. “What?”

“I can hear you overthinking, Lila.”

“Shut up,” I muttered to the door.

The door chuckled, well, Maddox chuckled. “Don’t make me come inside. You know damn well a locked door will not keep me away if I want to get in. Better remember that next time.”

“Is the word ‘privacy’ not in your vocabulary?” I shot back.

Maddox was silent for a short second before he replied, “No. Now, hurry. Our date awaits, milady.”

“I’m not a lady or a princess.” And yes, I was smiling because, damn him, I was falling for it again. His charm. His stupid attempts to woo me.

Even with a door separating us, I could imagine Maddox standing outside the door, smiling. “No, you’re not, little dragon.”

Little dragon.

My cheeks heated up. Damn it, was I… blushing?

Oh no, I was in big trouble.

Thirty minutes later,I walked out of the bathroom to find our master suite empty. Maddox was nowhere to be seen, but he did leave me a present. On the bed, there was a white dress.

With a single… dead rose.

A dead rose? What the hell?

And then I remembered why.

Maddox and his stupid pranks. The last time he offered me roses – dead roses – he was on his knees, making a grand proposal to my ass.

This was his messed-up way of being romantic, but still staying true to us.

Next to the dress, there was a blue Post-It Note. A handwritten note, with Maddox’s not so elegant penmanship.

You look beautiful in white. Wear the dress.

Ah, this was Maddox. He didn’t even bother to ask me to wear the dress or say ‘please.’ He ordered me to wear it.

And where the hell did he even get this dress? It was pretty and elegant. A simple white, spaghetti strap silk dress.

I grabbed the dress and walked over to the mirror, before slipping it over my head. It came down to my calves, a few inches above my ankles. The dress was backless, with crisscross straps to a tie a knot.

“I’m beginning to think I made the wrong choice.”

I gasped at the voice and swiveled around to face the intruder. “Maddox! You scared me!”

He stood at the entrance of the room and closed the door behind him. My gaze traveled the length of his body, slowly taking him in. Yes, I was taking my time to appreciate the view.

There was nothing wrong with eyeing your best friend, right? The same best friend I slept with last night…

Instead of his usual attire of jeans and a shirt, he was wearing black pants, a white buttoned-up shirt and a black tie. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, his thick forearms coiled with muscles. My stomach fluttered at the sight of him…all casual elegance and so sinfully looking.

Maddox sauntered over to me, his eyes dark and intense. “Now that you’re in the dress, I don’t want to leave the room,” he said hoarsely.

“Why?” My voice dropped to a whisper. “Do you like it?”

He stood in front of me, a mere inch away. So close, I could feel the warmth of him. He smelled clean…his aftershave and favorite cologne mixed with his manly scent. I’d recognize his scent anywhere, even in a crowded room.

Maddox took another step, until our bodies were flushed against each other. His breath skated over my cheeks. I could smell the mint on his breath, and I’d bet he had gum hidden somewhere in his mouth. “I like it too much.”

I swallowed, my mouth was suddenly dry, and my tongue didn’t seem to work. “Um… can… you help me?”

There was a single heartbeat, a short second, a throbbing moment, before his hand came around my hips. Maddox turned me around, so I was facing the mirror. With my back against his front, we stared at each other.

There was a look in his eyes, the intensity of his blue gaze unnerved me. Eye contact was a dangerous, dangerous thing. It spoke a thousand unsaid words; words we were too scared to speak.

His fingers skimmed over my bare back, and I fought back a shiver. My toes curled around the soft carpet, and my eyes fluttered shut as his head lowered to my neck. His lips whispered over my skin, and his teeth grazed my shoulders sharply, before laving his tongue over the bite.

I felt him inhale, breathing me in.

I exhaled a shuddering breath in response.

My heart catapulted in my chest when his lips ghosted behind my ear, a tender kiss. I didn’t want him to stop touching me. There was magic in his touch, I was dizzy and drunk on Maddox.

His fingers worked the thin straps, and he tied a single knot, before his hands landed on my hips again. “Black is your color, but white makes you look like an angel who has descended on earth. Although, instead of bringing peace, you’re wreaking havoc on my heart.”

Thud. Thud. Thud.

My heart was falling… breaking… a loud shatter that echoed in my ears. I wasn’t going to survive the next five days with Maddox.

His grip tightened on my hips. “Leave your hair down.”

I licked my lips and eyed him through the mirror. “You’re really demanding today.” Like always.

Maddox half-shrugged before he flashed me a dimpled smirk. “You like it.”

“Say please.”


“First step of wooing me: stop being such an arrogant asshole. Say please.”

His thumb brushed against my hips, moving back and forth. It was a teasing touch through the thin fabric of my dress.

“Please.” My womb tingled at the low rasp, his voice thicker than usual.

Holy. Shit!

Maddox Coulter just said please.

“Shall we, little dragon?”

I nodded, simply speechless. He really was serious about wooing me. Maddox didn’t have a single romantic bone in him, but he was trying.

I wasn’t strong enough to escape his attempts.

I just knew…

By the end of our Paris affair, I was going to lose my heart to Maddox – the heartbreaker.

* * *

Hours later,my feet were sore from walking around the streets of Paris, and my stomach rumbled with hunger. I was just thankful Maddox had suggested I put on my flats, instead of heels, when we left the hotel this morning.

Now, the day was slowly coming to an end.

And what a beautiful day it had been.

A date, a… real… date with Maddox Coulter.

We spent the morning at the Modern Art Museum. True, it was boring for Maddox, but he did it for me. He knew how much I loved museums and viewing collections of art over hundreds of years. Paris was rich with culture, and I’d never grow tired of exploring the heart of France.

For lunch, we settled for a small picnic at Champs De Mars, a 60-acre garden that used to grow vegetables and grapevines in the sixteenth century until it was repurposed for military training by Napoleon’s nearby academy. Today, we could just enjoy the view of the garden while having lunch.

We later explored the Trocadero gardens and had our dessert there, from ice cream vendors. Maddox had his favorite mango flavor, and I chose chocolate mint.

Everything had been so… perfect. As childish as it sounded, I didn’t want the day to ever end.

It would have been the same scene if we had explored Paris as friends. A normal outing between two best friends. We would have gone to the same places, ate the same food…

But this was… different.

Maddox held my hand. In fact, he barely let me go. He secretly whispered dirty words in my ear, while we explored the museum. We shared kisses while we ate our ice cream, our lips quivering and numb.

He was completely in tune with me, always reaching out for me, watching me closely, touching me.

His romantic side was finally showing, and I got to be the first woman to see it.

It was special, I told myself.

But it was also a short affair, I reminded myself.

“So, where to now?”

Maddox grabbed my hand, tugging me to him. He folded his arm around my shoulder, anchoring me to his side. He lowered his head, so he could whisper in my ear, “Your last surprise.”

“It’s really not fair. It’s your birthday, and you won’t let me do something for you,” I mumbled, even though my heart was doing somersaults in my chest.

Maddox placed a quick kiss on the corner of my lips. “You already are.”


“You’re spending the day with me. That’s enough.”

“A date,” I said cheekily.

“A date,” he affirmed, with a warm, dimpled smile. It transformed his face. Maddox looked happy, and he suddenly appeared younger than before, more his age. All casual, carefree and young.

He was always busy with school and football, always worrying, always tense. It was a burden he carried as he tried to make his father happy, even though if you asked him – he’d lie and say he didn’t give a single fuck what his father thought of him.

He was a good liar, like that, hiding his pain behind the mask he wore, showing the world he was the Maddox Coulter: cocky, arrogant, rich–Berkshire’s star quarterback and now Harvard’s.

To the world, he had everything. Parents. Money. A scholarship. His football career. Girls at his disposal.

He was a king, and he wore his crown, filled with thorns, with an unmatched arrogance and a dirty smirk to go with it.

But deep inside, all Maddox ever wanted was acceptance and love.

So he worked endlessly for it… and always ended disappointed.

But right now? The usual tensed line on his forehead was smoothed out, his blue eyes practically alive, and his smile was…real.

Oh damn it. There goes my heart again.

Once we were back at the hotel, we waited for the elevator. “So, what’s the surprise?” I asked again, growing a tad impatient. He was dragging the suspense out far too long now.

“It’s waiting for us on the rooftop.” Maddox winked, as he took a step back, as if to walk away.

Confused, I grabbed his hand and tugged him to me. “Are you telling me you’re about to climb up the stairs to the rooftop?”

He eyed the elevator, and I could practically feel him sweating at the mere thought of entering the tight enclosure. “Maddox, you can’t climb fifteen flights of stairs. That’s crazy! We don’t have to go to the rooftop. Let’s go back to our room.”

“No,” he snapped, before shaking his head. “Sorry. It’s just… I had them prepare this especially for us.”


He gritted his teeth, his jaw growing hard, so much so that I wondered if it’d crack under the pressure. “Take the elevator, Lila. And I’ll be there in a few minutes. The stairs are not a big problem.”


“Lila, no.”

“You’re serious?”

His expression turned stern. “Yes. Don’t argue with me on this, little dragon. You won’t win this one.”

The elevator pinged, and the doors slid open. Maddox was already backpedaling from me. “To the rooftop, Lila. I’ll see you there.”

I got into the elevator and watched him leave, as the door slid closed once again. I punched in the button for the last floor, which would take me to the rooftop. I didn’t even know we were allowed up there.

The hotel was fifteen floors, and it took me a few minutes to get where I needed to be. When I got to the top, there was a hotel employee at the door. He smiled kindly, before he let me out, sliding the glass doors open for me. I stepped onto the rooftop, which, in fact, was a wide-span terrace.

Holy shit.

I slowly took a few steps forward, taking everything in. The terrace had been transformed into a romantic arrangement. The set-up was right out of a movie or a romance novel. Oh yeah, I was definitely being wooed. Rose petals and scented candles on the ground, creating a pathway for me. There was a table set for two, but it was the view that had me in complete awe.

Oh my God!

I must have stood there, in complete shock for a whole minute.

“Surprise,” he exhaled in my ear.

I didn’t even flinch or gasp. I felt him before he spoke. Maddox’s hands curled around my hips, as I leaned against the metal railings of the rooftop. His breathing was coming out harsher, his chest heaving against my back, and I could feel his heart thudding. He climbed up fifteen flights of stairs for this… for us.

He pressed his warm lips on my bare shoulder, a soft kiss. “Sunset, the Eiffel Tower and dinner.”

My breath hitched. “What did you do?” I whispered, still in shock.

“Wooing you,” he easily responded. “I promised you romance.”

So he did.

And Maddox delivered.

Flowers… romance… sunset… Paris…

What else could I ask for?

Falling in love with my best friend was never meant to happen, but being romanced by my best friend? I guessed, there was no going back after this.

The city of love lived up to its name. Not even Maddox and I could fight it.

We had been told this hotel had the best view of the city and right here...on the rooftop? The view was absolutely magical as the sun began to set behind the Eiffel Tower, and we could see the whole French Capital.

As the sky turned yellow and orange, the sun lowering itself over the horizon, I could only stare and marvel in its beauty.

“Shall we? Dinner awaits.”

Maddox gripped my hand in his, and he tugged me to the table. He pushed my chair in and took a seat across from me. Dinner was served by the same waiter I met at the door.

“Real roses, huh?” I nodded toward the vase on the table. That was a great addition, if not a total surprise. I’d expected dead roses again.

His lips curled up, a teasing smile. “I thought I’d change it up a bit.”

I looked around the terrace, admiring the view. “How did you plan this?”

“I have my ways.” I couldn’t imagine Maddox going to the concierge and asking them to prepare this. It didn’t really suit him and his cocky ways, but I guessed…

He really did surprise me today.

Maddox poured us both a glass of wine. I took a slow sip, nodding in satisfaction, when the red wine hit all my taste buds.

“Since you wouldn’t let me get you a birthday present, we’ll have to go tomorrow,” I started, cutting up my steak into tiny pieces.

Maddox shoved his fork into his mouth, his eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean?” he asked around a mouthful.

“I thought we could get a tattoo.”

His eyes lit up instantly, and I continued, “Last year, you wanted to get matching tattoos, but I wasn’t ready. I thought this year… we could. Your birthday present.”

Matching tattoos… something that was us.

“Lila,” he said my name in a low growl.

“Yes?” My stomach did another flip, and I loathed how much Maddox could affect me.

That was a lie. I didn’t hate the feeling. In fact, I was starting to love it. Too much.

“If you weren’t eating and across the table from me, I’d have turned you over and fucked you into next week.”

My hand flew to my mouth, as I coughed back the steak that was now stuck in my throat. I clumsily reached for my glass and took a huge gulp. He grinned, before taking a sip of his own wine.

I didn’t realize he’d be that happy about the matching tattoos.

“You have to stop doing that,” I mumbled, after my coughing fit.

“What? Making you blush? It looks cute on you, Sweet Cheeks,” he said, ever so arrogantly.

Damn it, damn him.

The rest of the dinner went by, with Maddox dropping casual dirty remarks and me rolling my eyes. He was absolutely impossible.

But I had four years to get used to all his antics.

Once the table was cleared and while we waited for dessert, I pushed my chair out and walked over to the railing. The sky was dark now, and the Eiffel Tower was lit up for the night.

It was… breathtaking.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed Maddox rising from his seat and striding toward me with purpose. He exuded confidence and arrogance, the way he prowled over to me. His body moved behind me, his wide chest pressing into my back. I could feel the strength of his body against mine.

A shudder rippled through me, as his finger skimmed over my bare back, gently tugging at the lace knot there, but not hard enough to have it come undone. His teasing touch lingered, my skin rising with goosebumps.

His hand slid up, oh so slowly. He brushed my hair aside, and his lips feathered against my nape. My heart thudded.

I suddenly felt really, really warm. All over. Inside, outside… my fingertips… my core.

Oh God. His touch was sweet, sweet torture. A slice of heaven, with a touch of hell.

Maddox kissed his way to the curve of my shoulders. “I knew I had no right to touch you, to want you, to crave you like air, but I did. I knew it was wrong, but I didn’t want to stop. So, I took. And now, I’m obsessed.”

A shiver ran down my spine, and I almost whimpered in need. My body shuddered as his words hit me like a violent tide, sweeping me away. His chest rumbled with a low guttural sound. “I’m a mad fucking man for you, Lila Garcia.”

My sex clenched in response. “It’s not fair,” I whispered. “I can’t push you away if you keep saying things like this, whispering these words… You’re making this so much harder, Maddox.”

His teeth nipped the side of my neck. His hand curled around my throat, and he turned my head to the side, his lips brushing against mine.

Kiss me.

That was the only thought I had before his mouth was on mine. He didn’t pause, didn’t wait for me to think, didn’t wait for me to catch my breath…

Soft but demanding.

Gentle but passionate.

Sweet but all-consuming.

Fire licked through my veins, and my body went soft in his arms. For a short second, my world felt off balance, before it finally felt… right. Every part of me came alive, as the drums crashed and banged in my chest. My soul cried in triumph, as I finally allowed myself to… feel.

Maybe this was the moment I fell for him. Recklessly. Irrevocably. Wholly.

Maybe this was the moment I realized I never wanted to let go.

We kissed, like two drowning lovers lost at sea, our lips seeking each other amidst the crashing waves. Lips. Tongue. Teeth. We kissed like it was the end, and our lips would never meet again. The rhythm of our hearts matched our crazed desperation. Maddox tasted of all things holy and sinful in this world; he tasted like every forbidden thought I had at night coming true.

He tasted like red wine, and I was a little heady, a little drunk on him.

Our lips parted from each other, as we caught our breath, chests heaving.

“Bend over. Pull your dress up,” Maddox rasped in my ear.

I swallowed, my heart racing, and my stomach clenching with anticipation. His fingers unwrapped around my throat, but I could still feel their searing touch on my flesh, as if he had marked me. His hands lowered to my waist, and his fingers gripped my hips. Maddox brushed his nose along the length of my nape.

I exhaled a shuddering breath. “People are going to see.”

The buildings were so close to each other, anyone could see us if they were looking out of their windows. And what if… the waiter walked in on us?

His chest rumbled with a growly sound. “Let them. I want the world to see me owning this sweet pussy. Bend over, Lila. Now. Show me how wet you are for me, and I’ll give you what you need.”

My eyes widened at the command in his voice, and my body bent to his will, before I could really process what was happening.

“I’m waiting.” His voice had hardened, a slight gruff in his tone. “Your dress, Lila,” Maddox reminded me, when I stayed bent over the railing.

My trembling hands clenched the fabric of my silk dress, and I slowly slid it up. I couldn’t see his face, but his eyes were practically burning holes into my back.

Warm. Intense. Hard.

I pulled my dress up over my ass, and it bunched around my hips, as I stayed bent over. The thong I wore barely covered my flesh. My ass cheeks were on display, my bare legs shaking, as I tried to keep myself still for him.

This was highly inappropriate.

But maybe it was why… the fact that it was inappropriate…had me wanting more. I grew damp between my thighs, my wetness coating my underwear. My body was tight with anticipation.

“Maddox,” I breathed, waiting for him to say something… to touch me.

But he stayed eerily quiet. I could hear his breathing, could feel him behind me, but he didn’t make a move to touch me.

His legs brushed against mine, and I let an involuntary shudder. The fabric of his pants seemed to feel rougher against my skin, even though I knew that wasn’t the case. I just felt more… in tune with Maddox. My body was hyperaware of every touch, every breath… every movement.

When he finally touched me…I almost moaned in relief.

The tips of his fingers brushed across my back, and his hands slid down to my ass. He cupped it almost possessively, before moving closer. His body molded over me, bringing his chest firmly against my back. Maddox kicked my legs open, forcing them further apart.

The slight coldness of the railing seeped through my dress, as I kept my chest pressed against it. My nipples pebbled, and my lips parted, a silent gasp escaping.

He rubbed his palms over my ass, caressing the soft globes. His voice lowered to a throaty timbre. “What am I going to do with you.”

I licked my lips. “Was that a question?”

“No, a statement.” Two fingers slid inside my thong and between the crease of my ass, rubbing the soft spot there. Right…there. Holy shit! I clenched and bit on my lip, hard. “I’m going to do a lot of things to you, Lila.”

I gasped with mock indignation. “You won’t…”


It was a light tap compared to the spanking he had given me during our sex marathon. After manhandling me the night before, this was almost gentle. This one was just enough to sting before feeling more pleasurable.

He popped his hand over my ass again, and I bit my lips, holding in the moan that threatened to escape. My hips lifted on their own accord, as he rubbed the spot immediately, making me feel hot and aroused.

Smack. Smack.

He spanked me harder. Two quick swats that slowly burned my flesh, and this time, I couldn’t help but moan out loud. The heat between my legs intensified, and I throbbed.

It was painful: sweet torture.

Oh, sweet heavens!

“Maddox.” My voice came out soft and breathy. I could only imagine how it looked if someone caught us. Me, bent over with my dress around my hips, Maddox spanking me, as my wetness dripped down the inside of my thighs. The image was so… dirty… so… lewd, I couldn’t help but feel even hotter.

I arched into his body, as he peppered my ass, alternating between light and hard swats. He caressed my arched bottom, teasing both of us.

I felt him kneel behind me, his face leveled with my ass now. He slid my thong down my legs, and the soft fabric gathered around my ankles. I tried to close my legs, suddenly feeling overwhelmed by all of this.

“Show me your pussy, Baby.”

The pressure in my chest built up. My thighs clenched together at his words, but his hand landed on my ass so hard that I flinched, crying out, and my legs instantly fell open. “Show me, Lila. Show me how much you want me.”

Maddox nudged my legs open wider with his knees. His palms rubbed the globes of my ass, as my hand sneaked between my legs. A slight moan whispered across my lips, as I touched myself. I bent forward more, pressing my upper body against the railing and arching my hips up. Maddox’s fingers dug into my flesh, and he pulled my ass cheeks apart, just as I spread myself open, showing him my entrance.

He swore under his breath, and I closed my eyes, feeling my body flush under his intense, penetrating gaze. “You are so fucking beautiful, Lila.”

Of course, he’d say that. I was at his mercy, wide open for him to do as he pleased.

Maddox let out a low grunt. I felt his breath on my ass cheeks, before he gently bit down. I let out a small screech, my whole body clenching tightly, as he speared my heated core with two fingers at the same time. I bucked against him, crying out and feeling myself grow more damp.

I pulsed, throbbing with an intensity I couldn’t really describe.

Maddox continued to thrust his fingers in and out of me, and I shamelessly started to move with him, grinding against him.

“Maddox…Maddox!” His name was a gasping prayer on my lips. My legs started to shake, my knees growing weak, as he relentlessly continued to tease me. “Oh…Please! Please. Please.”

He slowly pulled away. The feeling of emptiness made me cry out, and I blindly reached for him. “I got you,” he muttered in my ear.

Don’t stop now.

I wanted everything he was giving me and more. “Don’t move.”

His body warmth left me for a mere second. I heard the sound of his belt unbuckling, his zipper being pulled down… and then he was on me again.

Crowding into my space, pressing against me, filling my senses with his touch… his scent… his… everything.

His hard length jerked between us, and the tip of his cock pressed against my core. He guided his length toward my center, slowly rubbing the head around my clit.

My fingers dug harder into the metal railing, as Maddox thrust inside slowly...so slowly, punishing both of us. I felt him, inches by inches, until he was deep inside of me. Jesus Christ! Over the last two days, I’ve had Maddox inside of me multiple times, in multiple positions, but every time felt like the first.

His breathing was ragged, his chest heaving with each breath. My eyes widened, as he rolled his hips slightly, making me feel him. All of him. There was no space between us. And I couldn’t breathe.

I was stretched fully, but the discomfort was barely there. He slowly pulled out and pushed back in a second later, with the same slow and torturous movement.

My gaze found the lit-up Eiffel Tower in the night, as Maddox took me from behind.

Oh God, this was his surprise.

Romance and dick on the side, he promised.

Yeah, he delivered.

Maddox grunted my name, the sound so primal, my womb clenched in response. His slow pace picked up, his thrusting became jerkier. Harder. Deeper. His fingers wrapped around my hair, curling his fist around it, until his knuckles dug into my scalp.

“Look to your left, eyes up,” Maddox growled, his voice hoarse, ragged.

I did.

My lips parted with a silent gasp as Maddox thrust back inside of me, his cock hitting me so deep, my toes nearly left the ground. “Do you see him?”

I whimpered in response.

Someone – from the silhouette, I’d guess it was a man – was watching us from the building beside us. All the buildings were so close together, and the man was only a floor higher than us, so there was no denying it – he could see everything.

A strangled sound escaped me. I would have thought maybe he didn’t see us. After all, it was dark outside, or maybe he had been preoccupied. Except, from the silhouette, it was obvious, as the man pulled his dick out from his pants and started jerking off.

While…watching… us.

“Lila,” Maddox growled my name. He pulled out, almost completely. His hard length pressed against my folds, and I clenched, feeling empty. “Bad, bad girl. Are you giving him a good show?”

With one hard thrust, he rammed back inside, and my lips parted with a silent scream. Maddox!

Maddox didn’t pause. We both made a strangled sound, a groan… a whimper.

This was quick, hot and filthy.

My gaze didn’t sway from the man. Maddox slammed into me again, as I watched the complete stranger make himself come at the sight of us fucking.

My moans grew louder; Maddox’s grunts sounded harsher in my ears. “Lila. Lila. Fuck, Lila.”

The tension in my core tightened, my womb shuddered, and my pussy convulsed around Maddox’s hard length. I tried to swallow my scream, but when he pounded inside me, hitting that sweet, sensitive spot… I let go.

My eyes closed, as I came so hard my knees weakened, and my legs almost gave out. He found his release too, his body clenching as he spasmed against me.

“So. Fucking. Beautiful,” Maddox groaned.

The stranger found his release, as well, before he tucked his dick back inside his pants, gave us a tiny wave and walked away from his window.

Jesus, God! Holy shit!

Maddox curled his arm around my waist, keeping me upright, as I wobbled against the railing of the rooftop.

What… did… we… just do?

I blinked away the fuzziness, but my brain didn’t seem to work. My heart was rocking so hard against my rib cage, I thought it’d leave a nasty bruise. My body felt like a limp mess… I was just so…

I couldn’t think. Couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t…

Maddox slowly pulled out of me, and I flinched at the sudden empty feeling. His lips pressed against my shoulder before he spun me around and pulled me into his arms. His suit was in disarray while my dress was rumpled. My hair was probably a mess too, adding to my disheveled appearance.

“Pretty romantic, don’t you think?” Maddox rasped in my ear, as his cum dripped down my thighs.

“That’s a whole new meaning to romance, Coulter,” I said breathlessly.

Maddox chuckled, before claiming my lips in a long kiss. “I aim to please, Garcia.”

Oh yeah, I was very pleased.

Maddox Coulter could do dirty romance very well.