Do You Dare? by Lylah James



I walked into my grandparents’ grocery store early Sunday morning. We weren’t opened yet, but they had been here for an hour, getting everything ready for a busy day. I usually came in to help them during the rush hour, but otherwise, they had part-timers helping them daily.

I walked further inside toward the back storage. “Gran?”

“In here, sweetie,” she called out.

Smiling, I stepped into the storage room. “Do you need my hel–”

My smile slid from my face as I came to halt at the door, facing the one person I never wanted to see here.

What the hell?

“You,” I said, my voice filled with accusation.

Maddox grinned, still holding one huge box in his arms. “Good morning, Lila.”

My mouth fell open, dumbstruck. No way, no fucking way. “What are you doing here?”

Grandma patted his arm as if she had known him for the longest time. I wasn’t sure I liked the way she was smiling up at him. “I hired him yesterday. He came looking for a part-time job, and since we’re hiring, he got the job. He said he’s from Berkshire. You won’t be bored at work anymore since you two are friends.”

“Friends?” My jaw went slack, and I couldn’t formulate a better sentence. Friends?What? How? Who? What? When?

“Yes. I told Mrs. Wilson how close we are. I didn’t know this store was owned by your grandparents. What a surprise,” Maddox explained, with a shit-eating grin.

Bullshit. The look on his face told me the truth. Maddox knew exactly what he was doing, and he was here on purpose. His mission was to make my life miserable, in every way. I wanted to knock the smile off his face. So he was stalking me now. Great.

“Yes, what a surprise,” I muttered, plastering a fake pleased look on my face. Gran appeared too happy for me to break the news to her.

This is my enemy, and he’s an asshole. Don’t fall for his easy smile and charming looks. This was what I wanted to say, but I bit my tongue and held back any snarky remarks. I’d deal with Maddox on my own.

“I just need help to organize the inventory. Sven will be here soon,” Gran announced, patting me on the back as she walked out of the storage room, leaving Maddox and I alone.

Once she was out of hearing range, I stalked forward. My whole body strummed with anger. I wouldn’t say I was a violent person, but I was feeling quite violent at the moment. “What the hell are you doing here?”

He turned his back to me, lifting another box over his shoulder. He carried it into the walk-in freezer and deposited it on the self. Maddox walked out and went for another box, but I sidestepped into his path.

Leaning back against the wall, he crossed his ankles and his arms over his chest. Today, he was wearing a black shirt and black jeans, ripped around his knees, with brown leather boots like he wore the night at the Haunted House. It was strange seeing him in anything other than the Berkshire uniform.

He looked… normal. Instead of the Berkshire star quarterback I despised.

“I asked you a question. What are you doing here?”

Maddox cocked his head to the side, giving me an amused look. “To work, Garcia. Simple as that.”

Impatiently, I tapped my foot on the ground, not falling for his stupid games. To work? Yeah, right.

“You don’t need to work. Don’t your parents give you an allowance? Your credit card is probably unlimited.”

For a brief second, I noticed the way his eyes darkened as if he was disappointed in me. But it was gone too quickly, leaving me wondering if what I saw was real or just my imagination. He tsked, shaking his head.

“See, that’s your problem. You assume too many things.”

I wasn’t assuming anything. He wasn’t just rich; Maddox was filthy rich. He didn’t need a part-time job, especially not at my Grandparents’ grocery store. He didn’t ever need to work.

In fact, he didn’t even need to be here, in this neighborhood. He didn’t belong.

But no, he had to be here. The only two days I had without Maddox being a jerk every minute – my only two peaceful days, he had to come and ruin.

“How did you get my grandma to agree to this?”

“That was really simple. I smiled.”

A frustrated sound came from my throat, and I rubbed a hand over my face. “Maddox,” I grumbled under my breath.

He pushed away from the wall and walked past me to lift another brown box. His shirt stretched over his shoulders as he placed it on the top shelf and diligently arranged all the boxes in expiration date order. “She thinks I’m charming and sweet. Trust me, this is the first time someone has called me sweet. Shocking, right?”

I didn’t think that was the correct description for Maddox. He was anything but sweet.

“You need to leave. Now.”

He shook his head, his messy hair slowly coming undone from his man bun.“Can’t. I like it here, and I like your Gran. Your grandfather, though, he’s tough. No worries, I’ll figure something out.”

I grabbed the box he was holding and slammed it back on the ground. The storage room was starting to feel hot or maybe my blood was just boiling.

“Damn, Sweet Cheeks. It’s too early for you to be this angry. Are you always this grumpy?” Maddox mocked with a rough laugh.

Yes, since you came into my life.

I stepped closer, lifting my chin up to meet his eyes. “Listen, Maddox,” I said, stabbing a finger into his chest. “This is not a joke. You have a problem with me, then it’s only me. I don’t know what you want but don’t bring my grandparents into this fight between us.”

Maddox leaned forward, into my face. The laughter was gone, and his face was a blank canvas, devoid of any emotions. The change in him was so sudden, confusion clouded my mind. “Why do you always think the worst of me?”

I could’ve been fooled, but I knew better.

It was my turn to laugh; as fake as it was, I really was amused by his question. “Probably because you’ve only ever shown me the worst of you. If there was any good in you, I would have seen it already. Too bad you’re only focus on being a douchebag.”

Maddox opened his mouth, probably to rebuke me, but I was already turning away, ignoring anything else he had to say. I lifted the box next to my feet and started organizing the messy shelves. Inventory days were always crazy and busy.

Maddox and I worked quietly. He didn’t try to speak to me again, and I wasn’t interested in holding a conversation either. The silence was tense and heavy, like an impending thunderstorm looming over our heads, dark and cloudy. An hour later, the storage room was somewhat organized, and all the boxes, old and new, had been put away on their designated shelves.

Lifting one last box, my arms trembled under the weight, but I still pushed it above my head, reaching for the rack. Except, the box was too heavy, the shelf was too high, and I was too short to reach it even with me balancing on my toes.

Damn it.

I cursed under my breath when the box started to wobble in my hands and a surprised shriek came from me when I could feel it tilting back over my head. The box was going to fall, and I didn’t have the strength to keep hold of it.

But before it could slip through my fingers, another pair of hands grabbed the box.

“I got it.” His whisper crept along my neck. “You can let go.”

I did, and he pushed the box onto the shelf with ease. Maddox was too close, and I didn’t like it. Maddox obviously didn’t understand the meaning of personal space. His mere presence annoyed me, and having him this close, had me on edge. I wasn’t sure why, but everything about Maddox just made me feel… irritated.

I was still thankful he saved the box, though, so I uttered a quick thank you as my arms fell down to my sides.

His breath was hot on my skin as he pressed closer, barely touching me. I slid away from under his arms before turning to face him. His gaze moved up and down my body, and the burning intensity of his eyes urged me to cross my arms over my chest.

“You’re tiny,” he grunted.

I hissed under my breath. He insulted my boobs the first time we met and now he had to make me feel small. “I’m not. I’m five foot two.”

He let out a scoff. “And I’m six foot three. A whole head taller than you. You’re literally bite-sized.”

“You’re just a giant, not average.”

His crooked smile should have warned me of what was coming. “You’re right. I’m far from average, Sweet Cheeks.”

Yep, I walked right into that one.

“Wanna see for yourself?” he asked with no shame.

“Keep your dick in your pants and keep your hands to yourself,” I warned. Stalking past him, I took the broom and started sweeping the storage room. I expected him to leave now that we were done putting away all the inventory but that wasn’t the case.

He leaned against the wall opposite to me, making himself comfortable. Maddox took a small box of cigarettes from his pocket.

My voice was sharp when I spoke, “You’re not allowed to smoke in here.”

Maddox made a derisive sound in the back of his throat as he flipped the tiny box over his fingers and around in his hand. “I won’t disrespect your grandparents like that. I’m just checking how many I have left.”

I could almost hear his unsaid words. Stop assuming the worst of me, Lila.

Ignoring the silent jab, I continued with my sweeping. Even with me not looking at him, I could feel his stare burning into the back of my head. He was staring hard.

Maddox stalked me with his eyes, and I didn’t like how he could make me feel… small.

“So, are we not going to talk about the elephant in the room?

“What elephant?” I grumbled, distracted.

“The hard-on you gave me two days ago.”

Oh. I had been trying to forget all about that night, but he had to bring it up. Of course, since I left him dumbfounded. Not a lot of people has the chance to push back on Maddox. I gave him a taste of his own medicine, and he obviously didn’t like it.

I stopped sweeping and held the broom up, leaning my arm on it. “Oh that. Did the cold shower help?”

“It didn’t. I had to use my hand.” If I didn’t know better, I’d say there was a note of petulance in his voice.

“I didn’t need to know that.”

He shrugged, quite nonchalantly. “You asked, I answered. Can I borrow your hand next time though?”

Oh, for fuck’s sake. “That’s going to be a no, Coulter.”

His lips twitched, and I almost rolled my eyes. “You’re boring, Garcia,” he taunted once again.

“I’d rather be boring than be your next hookup.”

Anything was better than being his next meal. To put it simply, Maddox was a lion – it was quite easy to see the resemblance. When given meat, lions pounce without a second thought. They devour their meal, messy and savagely. Once they’re done, they spit out the bones, belly full, and walk away.

That was Maddox.

He devoured anyone in his path, without care of the consequences, and he’d spit out the bones once he had his fun. Guys like Maddox would play with you, tear you apart, layer by layer, piece by piece and then lay you down – fragmented and empty because they took everything from you.

Maddox pushed away from the wall and took a step toward me. “You hate me that much?”

He actually looked curious, as if he wanted to pick apart my brain to see inside, to delve into my thoughts. He wanted to see beyond my wall. Too bad, he was the wrong person to break through it.

“It’s not about hate. I’m simply not excited about your existence.”

It wasn’t about hate. That was too black and white. No.

Boys like Maddox have already stolen enough from me…

My heart thudded in my chest, and I looked away. Boys like him… they ruined me.

Placing the broom back in its corner, I walked toward the door without sparing him a glance. “You should ask Gran what else she wants you to do. I’m going to take a ten minute break.”

Maddox blocked my way out. “Let me change your mind. Spend one afternoon with me.”

His words speared me with shock, making me stumble back a step. What?

Why would he…

Maddox truly didn’t understand the word ‘boundary.’ How did we go from enemies to him asking me to spend an afternoon with him?

Well played, Coulter.

He looked at me expectantly, as if he really wanted me to consider his offer.

I scoffed back a laugh that bubbled in my chest and threatened to escape through my throat. Was I a joke to him? Wait… I knew that answer.

“And what? You’ll have me putty in your hands?” I asked with a quirked eyebrow.

He grinned, losing the expectant look on his face. He was back to being a jerk. “In my arms and on my dick, yeah.”

I leaned forward, pushing my body against his. He never hid the fact that he appreciated the way I looked. My body tempted him; I was aware of that. So, two can play this game. “Is this your way of asking me out on a date?” I whispered, my voice sultry but dripping with sarcasm. If he was smart enough, he’d catch that.

Maddox stared down at him, his lips crooked on the side. “I don’t date. Ever. My favorite pastime is having girls on their back or on their knees for me.”

“You. Are. Disgusting,” I growled.

He shrugged.

Pushing away from him, I tilted my chin up, both to look at him and in defiance. He wasn’t winning me over. “Tell me something, do your fangirls know how you think of them?”

“Most of them know and don’t care. They’re using me the same way I’m using them. Sex, fun and popularity. Three things they want and three things I can give them. They’re happy with the arrangement. Those who aren’t, I show them the door. Simple.”

“So, girls get hot and bothered because you’re a jerk.”

“That’s the appeal, Sweet Cheeks.”

I opened my mouth but then snapped it shut when I couldn’t find the appropriate words. I was speechless.

“Lila!” Grandpa’s voice broke through our silent battle, and I flinched away. “Can you come and help me with this?”

“Coming!” I called out.

I tried to push pass Maddox, but he didn’t budge. On the contrary, he moved forward, forcing me to take a step back and away from the door.

“So, what do you say?” he grumbled.

A frustrated sound spilled from my throat. “What?”

He kept moving forward, and I walked back a step, two… and three. “One afternoon. Give me an hour of your time, and I’ll change your mind.”

“Not interested, Coulter. You’re not even worthy of one hour of my time,” I bit out, glaring up at him through my lashes.

He slid closer against me, and I stumbled back into the wall. Shit. “So, you’re saying, if I kiss you right now, really kiss you… the way you should be kissed and then I slide my hands into your panties, I won’t find you wet for me?”

Cocky much? I bristled at his words, and my fists clenched at my sides. He brought his face closer to me, staring into my eyes as his hands landed on either side of my head.

“Lila!” Grandpa called out again, louder this time. He sounded closer than before. If I didn’t leave right now, he was going to come and find me in the storage, room and he was going to see Maddox and I… Oh God.

“Kiss me and I’ll make sure you never kiss another girl again,” I warned.

“Challenge accepted.”

Maddox leaned down as if to kiss me, his lips a mere inch from mine. I turned my head to the side, and I could feel his minty breath feathering against my cheek.

“Move,” I growled.

“Lila,” he breathed, closer to my ear. His voice sounded deeper, edgier… like he really imagined kissing me.

I kept my head turned, refusing to give him access to my mouth. My eyes landed on his forearm as he kept me caged against the wall. I could feel the bulge between his legs pressing against my hips, and I bristled with anger and displeasure instead of being turned on.

I didn’t know why, but I expected something better from him. When he asked to spend one afternoon with me, looking adamant… for a brief moment, I almost believed he was serious about changing my mind.

The muscles in his forearm, where he had rolled up his sleeves, tightened, and I struck out, without thinking much about it. I bared my teeth and clamped down on his arm, biting.

Maddox let out a hiss of surprise, and I lifted my gaze to his. He had pulled away, only slightly to stare down at me. I grabbed his outstretched arm and bit down harder when he didn’t make a move to pull away. He froze for a second but then stayed still. I continued to put pressure, where my teeth were clamped down on his flesh.

He didn’t even flinch. No, he did the opposite.

Slowly, his lips quirked up into a tiny smile. His eyes glimmered with amusement, and he cocked his head to the side, waiting… and the bastard appeared not to be bothered by my action.

With an angry huff, I released his arm and pushed away from him. Mr-Pain-In-My-Ass looked down at the bite mark and then grinned a slow, lazy grin. "I always knew you liked it rough... but I would have never guessed you were into biting."

Holding back a frustrated growl, I pushed him hard enough to have him stumble back a step. I shoved my middle finger into his stupid, smirking face before stomping away.

His amused chuckles followed me even as I left him behind in the storage room.

Don’t kill him. That’s murder. Do. Not. Kill. Him.